Well Dea,
I see we have another page from the Republicrat playbook. Demonize your opposition at all cost. Kerry tried to do this and somebody not named Kerry will be President next year.
He is among the top 20 best paid HR folks because he is extremely good at what he does. That's the way it works in a non-union world.
I'm not going to debate the fine points of morality and ethics in business, because in many ways I find them to mutualy exclusive.
The man was hired to do a specifc task. Judging from the posts here and level of personal hatred directed at him, it would seem to me that he is acomplishing his objectives. But didn't alot of union leaders also call Michelle Bryan, "MicHELL",
If you have no valid argument then your only hope is to Demonize your opponent. John Kerry is now the resident expert in the old quote "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything"