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Us Airways Flight Attendants Get New Leadership


What a great post and I agree 100%. usfliboi is a sad person and I feel sorry for him.
usfliboi said:
If Mss Exodus tries some terriorist activity, she will be taken out real quick.

You are DELETED BY MODERATOR tacky. I suggest you choose better words, or better yet, come up with a point that's not babbling garbage.

In with anger, out with love. (or is it the opposite?)

Jerry is not extremely good at what he does. If he were, contracts would be in place, labor would not be so angry they are ready to strike and all employees would be pulling together to get this airline back in the running.

Your favorite airline is discarding customer service and replacing it with "user processing". Which could be OK when things go perfectly. But you fly enough to know that's often not the case. Weather happens, mechanicals happen and other things as well.

I believe you once stated being called a "passenger" was dehumanizing, and I finally agreed with that. I believe that being a "processor" is just as dehumanizing. When a person is hired to do customer service, it's because they want to give customer service. That's becoming increasingly hard to do. Therein lies most of our frustration. WE want to deliver good service. We are dealing with people who sometimes have unique situations that require a little more time and knowledge than "users".

It's my opinion that when the airlines became overran with beancounters, we lost touch with the human element. Customers and employees both suffer with this philosophy in place. When dealing with real-live humans, flexiability is a must.

I believe there was a golden moment when US Airways had the opportunity to make positive changes that would have benefited the public it serves. That moment was squandered. It's doubtful we'll get it back. I am truly sorry about what is happening. It was preventable. A good HR person and a talented marketing person would have made all the difference in the world at that time.

By the way, you'd be surprised at my politics. I'm in no way a "Repubicrat".

All airlines are on the verge of becoming the Greyhound Bus lines of sky. The days of customer service, enjoyable travel, and that "something special" in the air is long gone. It's nothing more than a cattle call...board em up! Get em outta here.....
PineyBob said:
Well Dea,

I see we have another page from the Republicrat playbook. Demonize your opposition at all cost. Kerry tried to do this and somebody not named Kerry will be President next year.

He is among the top 20 best paid HR folks because he is extremely good at what he does. That's the way it works in a non-union world.

I'm not going to debate the fine points of morality and ethics in business, because in many ways I find them to mutualy exclusive.

The man was hired to do a specifc task. Judging from the posts here and level of personal hatred directed at him, it would seem to me that he is acomplishing his objectives. But didn't alot of union leaders also call Michelle Bryan, "MicHELL",

If you have no valid argument then your only hope is to Demonize your opponent. John Kerry is now the resident expert in the old quote "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything"

I take a different slant.

He is hightly compensated, and he is good at what he does. This, for the same reason Lucifer is the Earl of Hell - he's good at what he does, too. Now, whether you'd want to sup with either one is debatable. 😛

You confuse me on ethics, Bob. Bush, and I'm sure you'd agree he was business's candidate, just rode to office on a tsunami of 'ethics'. If they're good enough for the Prez, why aren't they good enough for Halliburton?

If you're point is ethics are used, both in business and in politics, in a cynical and hypocritical manner, is this not akin to Marx's "religion is the opiate of the masses"? Surely, in this laissez faire era, American capitalism has not succumbed to Hegelian synthesis? 😉

If your slant is, they're all full of BS, then I'd agree. But the cure for that is.......ethics.

I'm in love with you all over again. 😀


You might enjoy reading a less well-known book by John Steinbeck, titled "In Dubious Battle." I'd recommend it to anyone interested in Labor/Management/Political issues. A bit depressing, though like most Steinbeck. It was written way back then but is as relevant today.

PineyBob said:
I see we have another page from the Republicrat playbook. Demonize your opposition at all cost. Kerry tried to do this and somebody not named Kerry will be President next year.

He is among the top 20 best paid HR folks because he is extremely good at what he does. That's the way it works in a non-union world.


Bob, I've never met Jerry but from what I have read and heard about him, but if I did meet him I have always imagined it would go down like this....

Jerry jumped up on a hickory
desk and said,
"Girl let me tell you what:

I bet you didn't know it
but I'm a fiddle player too,
And if you care to take a dare
I'll make a bet with you
Now you play a pretty good fiddle girl
But give ole Jerry his due
I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul
'Cause I think I'm better than you."
Dea Certe said:

It's my opinion that when the airlines became overran with beancounters, we lost touch with the human element. Customers and employees both suffer with this philosophy in place. When dealing with real-live humans, flexiability is a must.

I believe there was a golden moment when US Airways had the opportunity to make positive changes that would have benefited the public it serves. That moment was squandered. It's doubtful we'll get it back. I am truly sorry about what is happening. It was preventable. A good HR person and a talented marketing person would have made all the difference in the world at that time.

Very well said and YES that moment has been squandered.

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