Hmm I am close to 200 pounds/34 waist and I can get almost 2 people in my first class seat ..tight seats?/how big is your butt?[😉]
I have never asked anyone to forfeit a nonstop versus a connecting carrier if its the same money. That feeling is no different today than it was 2 years ago.
Every major airline is cutting back, in all aspects including the freq trvlr program. I may not applaud the suddeness, but I do the motive, behind it. You want more flexibility and benefits, you pay more. You want less, you pay less. Economics 101.The leisure customer is still out there by the millions and apparently US is going after that market as a moneymaker with either cxld no show tickets and also change fees. For those who say you can sell concert tickets or broadway shows instead of losing out, that is almost impossible for last minute cancels,VALUE LOST... and advance selling above the original value is scalping and in many cases illegal. Since there is no way to police that, this is probably a main reason tickets are non txfrble.
I think the reality here is that psychology 101 is as important to consumer choice as economics 101 is to running a business. SWA has always understood this. First off, if Im 10 minutes late for a Yankees game, I see 8.5 innings (well, maybe not after tomorrow but thats a different story). It clearly isnt that way with a flight. Secondly, WHY DO I FLY US Air? Only because Im Chairmans preferred and like the benefits. In New York, unless I am flying to Pittsburgh or Charlotte, there is no other reason to do so IMO. Why do I fly full fare on the shuttle? To get miles towards Chairmans, if Im not getting it anyways because of this I take the train. Bottom line is my 100+ segments a year on US goes to anyone that doesnt make this change. I do 100k on UA too, if they dont change, I go there. If they all do it my flights go to Airtran, AA, SWA, whoever gives me a better coach experience on a nonstop. A DASH8 wont make it. Im off US Air Jan1. This isnt a small increase in fares to get the benefits, I checked a common flight I take and it was 8 times as much. I got an A+ in Econ 101 but even a D student can figure this out.