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US Airways Commits Suicide !!!

On 8/28/2002 2:54:56 PM

SW can be a partner , They probably don't have a computer sytem technically able to track the back to backs they promote, and whoopee, what a route system to spend the credits on....take the family on a fun filled trip to Elpaso or Boise. [:knockout:]

To all appearances US is the airline without the capability to track and report on such "abuses".

I could write that query for you in about 5 minutes... [😛]

As for the route system -- you live in a glass house. I wouldn't be throwing stones. (And another thing -- I'd kind of like to take a vacation in Boise...)[:bigsmile:]

You can co ahead and pass around the "southwest is the anti-christ" kool-aid. Or you can try to understand the real reasons why they succeed.
SW can be a partner , They probably don't have a computer sytem technically able to track the back to backs they promote, and whoopee, what a route system to spend the credits on....take the family on a fun filled trip to Elpaso or Boise.

You're right. Can't go to Europe or the Carribean on Southwest. And with this great new program, you'll most likely have plenty of seats for the DM miles grandma's and grandpa's to take the free trip. Because you just told your road warriors that they better hope their company heeds the warning and pay full fare for flexible travel, or else YOU won't be gaining any "elite" status on those low fares. Because the LAST thing a lot of folks who travel every week want to do is get on a plane for vacation. What they DO want are the perks that come with "elite" status. U just told them to go to hell. Brilliant move.

You just told your "elite" business travellers company that as far as you are concerned, they better pay full fare if they want any kind of flexiblity. And that company is looking for ways to reduce travel expenses. Yep, Southwest doesn't go to Europe. At the rate U is going, they won't have many folks redeeming miles to take them there either.

As far as the SWA computer system goes...It's advanced enough to bring in over $2 BILLION dollars in revenues.
I think it would be sooooo much easier if we did away with the roundtrip fares anyway and just had ONE WAY FARES period. No more trying to figure out what part of the roundtrip was used and what wasnt. You didnt use the flight down, you have that much left to use minus the change fee (although this is a moot point now I guess). Wouldnt take near as long to try to do reissue or figure value left in ticket. It would also do away with the back to back and throwaway problem since there would be nothing left the throw away. You use it for the flight or change it before the flight or you just lost it. Period end of story. Why does management continue to make things so complicated and hard to use. Keep it simple. One way fares only!
Pardon my bluntness, but the airline industry had no problem ACTING LIKE A CHARITY last October...

"Oh boo hoo! We need a taxpayer bailout! It doesn't matter that our business model is broken and we've chasing away all the business travellers with a combination of high fares and internet deals! We told you that you could get good deals by booking online, but we didn't expect you to ACTUALLY buy those fares."

Hey guess what? I'm currently a CO Plat Elite member. I'm not real happy with CO. Too hard to actually use the miles I've earned. I thought the UA/US combo might better serve my needs, and was looking to make a change. Not only did I donate the orphan US miles in my account to Make-A-Wish, I faxed Customer Service and asked them to close my account. I'll only fly US when its the absolute cheapest now. I too expect the others to follow, and if so, I'll never buy a full Y again. It'll be easy to back to back when you don't have to worry abou tthe miles!

Oh yeah, I also faxed a letter to my congressman, 2 senators, and the DOT, requesting that they not give US/UA further monopolistic powers. How much extra revenue did Siegle expect from the code-share?

But airlines aren't a charity? How arrogant is that!
Now let me get this straight. I read these threads pretty regularly, and here's what I think I see. First the company fights with the help. Then the help fights with each other. Now the company and the help want to fight with the customers. You people are out of your minds.
Some of you people need to get a clue and realize what damage this little stunt is doing.

Over on Flyertalk, there is a thread that is nearing 200 posts in length.

98% of posts agree that this is idea is foolhearty and is destined to kill the airline. Why? Because a great majority of the posters have pledged to ditch US Airways. Not only that, but folks have advised the board that entire corporations, law firms, and corporate travel agents are planning upon no longer booking US Airways because of this.

So, either get a clue and help fix this or enjoy your unemployment benefits much sooner than any judge could dictate.
SW can be a partner , They probably don't have a computer sytem technically able to track the back to backs they promote, and whoopee, what a route system to spend the credits on....take the family on a fun filled trip to Elpaso or Boise. [:knockout:]
On 8/28/2002 3:15:22 PM

So, either get a clue and help fix this or enjoy your unemployment benefits much sooner than any judge could dictate.

I've already emailed Dave asking him whats going on and explaining what I've been hearing. Has anyone here taken the time to do that or is it all just about complaining the loudest? Who else has emailed Dave and told him how you feel? For the most part, just posting on here and not doing anything about it yourself is like preaching to the choir. Anyone wants his email, just PM me and I'll get it to you.

I also smell another round of bonuses for those great leaders we have! Is this going to be added to that infamous list of pluses in our past?
On 8/28/2002 4:18:29 PM
I've already emailed Dave asking him whats going on and explaining what I've been hearing. Has anyone here taken the time to do that or is it all just about complaining the loudest? Who else has emailed Dave and told him how you feel? For the most part, just posting on here and not doing anything about it yourself is like preaching to the choir. Anyone wants his email, just PM me and I'll get it to you.

I sent him my thoughts yesterday. I haven't heard back. I was considering a follow-up. I have heard back from Consumer Affairs, Mike Isom & Ben Baldanza. Form letters but Mr. Baldanza (or his stand-in) at least attached a note that showed that it really was read. So did Consumer Affairs.

Does Dave have an e-mail any different from the obvious address?
On 8/28/2002 8:02:02 AM

Hey Reality Check, it might be good idea to reflect on your screen name. If taking a connection from NYC to Florida when there are dozens of nonstops (often cheaper), and getting up at 3AM and driving 50 miles to FLL because you guys dumped almost all northbound morning service from one of your largest stations (PBI) constitutes "fair weather", then I guess I'm guilty as charged. It's not about putting my butt in a First Class seat so tight the overhead lights don't even line up. It's about fairness. Don't change the rules in the middle of the night, and don't tell me (and many others) we're the problem, when you can't demonstrate the ability to run your own business, and that one goes back way beyond 9/11. And please, let's not turn this one into some back and forth invective. Any intelligent customer knows the employees didn't do this. We also know you do a good job. But if you start drinking the Kool Aid with those people in Crystal City, you just contribute to the distortion. You want us out of the compartment, just pull the inventory. But don't vilify us for doing what your own rules permit. I'm putting over 100,000 miles a year on this carrier. At the same time I'm one of very few who carry the Amex Centurion card. For the uninitiated, those of us who are able to get those are given automatic Gold status on US (along with Gold on CO and Gold Medallion on DL). No need to ever even fly any of you. In spite of that, I give you all my business. And you think YOU need a reality check!

Hmm I am close to 200 pounds/34 waist and I can get almost 2 people in my first class seat ..tight seats?/how big is your butt?[😉]
I have never asked anyone to forfeit a nonstop versus a connecting carrier if its the same money. That feeling is no different today than it was 2 years ago.

Every major airline is cutting back, in all aspects including the freq trvlr program. I may not applaud the suddeness, but I do the motive, behind it. You want more flexibility and benefits, you pay more. You want less, you pay less. Economics 101.The leisure customer is still out there by the millions and apparently US is going after that market as a moneymaker with either cxld no show tickets and also change fees. For those who say you can sell concert tickets or broadway shows instead of losing out, that is almost impossible for last minute cancels,VALUE LOST... and advance selling above the original value is scalping and in many cases illegal. Since there is no way to police that, this is probably a main reason tickets are non txfrble.
Every major airline is cutting back, in all aspects including the freq trvlr program. I may not applaud the suddeness, but I do the motive, behind it. You want more flexibility and benefits, you pay more. You want less, you pay less. Economics 101.The leisure customer is still out there by the millions and apparently US is going after that market as a moneymaker with either cxld no show tickets and also change fees. For those who say you can sell concert tickets or broadway shows instead of losing out, that is almost possible for last minute cancels,VALUE LOST... and advance selling above the original value is scalping and in many cases illegal. Since there is no way to police that, this is probably a main reason tickets are non txfrble.

If you thought you had it bad against Southwest before, this new policy does nothing to help. You used to charge a hundred bucks to change a ticket, fine, your customers could live with that. But now, you won't let them stand by for an earlier flight (a common complaint about Southwest, and one of the reasons given for folks buying a ticket on U) AND if a customer is in a meeting and can't call U, his company is out the money. Period, end of sentence. Because when I travelled a bunch, my company did their damndest to get a lower fare. I suspect they aren't alone, especially these days. You bet they want flexiblity...but are they willing to pay the $$ for it? Loads over the summer and forward into September would indicate that no, they aren't. So they'll go with someone who is flexible.

And it ain't illegal for me to take tickets to my Broadway show and sell them for face value. I'm not out any money and the show is still a sellout. Trying to compare airline rates with anything else will always be apples and oranges. The nearest thing would be those "fast talkers" at the end of most car ads on the radio...you know, all the verbage to tell you why you WON'T get that price.
On 8/28/2002 10:17:01 AM

On 8/28/2002 8:55:40 AM



I don't see what the basis for believing that anyone wants a low level of service is.

Everyone obviously likes low fares. Who can argue with paying less? But where does that become equated with liking low service?


Like? The marketing geniuses at SW have their passengers LOVING low levels of service. How often do we read about passengers actually bragging about not getting or needing a meal or seat assignment on a SW flight?
Its all image!! SW has a great Rep and can get away with murder. Who else could get away with a $75.00 fee to Standby on an earlier flight? Or not providing accomodations for bumped passengers? U's image (along with all the other large airlines) is sagging and its going to be tough to implement any sort of changes. Everyone is demanding they change their "Broken" system and become more SW like but when they take some baby steps in that direction it causes a riot! Whats gonna happen if they stop assigning seats? I thought these new policies were for the cheapest "leasure" fares anyway? Realisticly how many people will not be able to call and cancel reservations in advance? This is the age of the Cellphone! For U's sake I hope their new fares are low because thats the only thing that will bail them out of this mess!
In almost if not every market I have ever chkd comparable to SW, US has offered the exact same to the penny (other than seg taxes)fare...same nbr of days advance and on a roundtrip, not one way basis.Sw can get you to the same places nonstop or with up to 3 or 4 stops..SW doesnt have advance seating, SW doesnt have a comparable ft program, SW doesnt have aiprort clubs all over the country, do they? Stop comapring majors to SW,Jet Blue, National,unless you want the exact same frills, which is none. No interline bags... no rule 240 backups for cxlations. Same with the other weeny start ups.Every major airline has their own pluses and minuses but the price competition I see daily is to the penny in most markets. There is no one single airline that has every perk just right, is there?There never will be.
As soon as the other airlines see and react as they did with senior fares going bye bye, (they all werent concerned with alienating that poplulation when they followed suit)..than everyone will be on a more level playing field.

Reality Check - part of this "bold new initiative" is PREVENTING people from earning those DM miles that will get them access to those airport clubs or those FF upgrades when the fare is matching a WN fare. Nevermind that if they miss the flight for whatever reason, the money's gone. I don't worry about "Rule 240" on SWA. I had a flight cancelled and was on the next flight out - 1 hour later.

You're hoping all the other airlines follow suit...but what was it Gordon Bethune said about cutting out the ingredients on a pizza? Cut too much and nobody will want to buy it. When the "no frills" carriers offer the one "frill" that really matters to business - flexibility - then there will be a lot of "full service" airliners flying around 3/4 empty rather than half empty.

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