You know, up until last year the airline industry was enjoying record profits. They were making billions -- including US. And all that time, U had ridiculously high costs compared to their competitors, excluding low cost competitors, and they did NOTHING about it!
And where did these hundreds of millions in profits U made come from?? I'll tell you where -- it came from your customers. And now that reality has sunk in, they want to extract the ounce of flesh from their bread and butter loyal customers? I don't think so. That's not the way it works. U chose to be in this business and U is as responsible as any other airline for the shape it has taken. Passengers didn't invent FF programs, the airlines did. Passengers didn't invent the archaic pricing and price-gouging system, the airlines did. Passengers didn't invent the perks afforded to the very best customers, the airlines did. And passengers didn't invent the low cost competition, the airlines did.
But just like any other business, it's sink or swim. If you do not wish to be competitive with what your competition is willing to do in order to earn customer loyalty, than screw you! You've been gouging and taking advantage of business travelers for years, and getting away with it because the majors have been in lockstep. Cleverly devised rules were carefully crafted to force the most important customers to pay exhorbitant fares, which in turn, have paid YOUR SALARY.
Service has been diminishing for years, yet the prices haven't. Most of the majors don't even want to feed you unless it's a transcon any more. And when they do, you're lucky to get a "bistro bag". But they still want that two grand if you happen to be a last minute walk-up.
Who cares about doctors and lawyers--it's irrelevant. How about talking about the supermarkets? They operate on the thinnest of margins, like 1 or 2 percent. Yet they bend over backwards to keep their customers happy. If I were treated by airlines like I'm treated by Safeway, I'd be a very happy camper. How long do you think I'll continue to shop at Safeway when they start charging more and giving me less, and making the shopping experience nothing but a big hassle? What if they say, "sorry, no more Club Card discounts"? Well, I can go over to Albertson's and they'll give me the discounts in order to get my business. It's called captitalism 101. If you can't take the heat, get off the tarmac because they'll be someone else there to replace you faster than the blink of an eye. That's the reality, and if you don't understand that than you are dispensible both as an individual and as a company.
Customer service is what drives successful businesses. PERIOD. Fail to learn that at your own peril.