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Us Airways / Behind The Scenes: Machinists

USA320Pilot said:
find something else to do with your time, and help somebody else obtain a better job even though you do not care about US Airways.


That captain, is exactly what I am doing.
USA320Pilot said:
Can you tell me the employee benefit of a company liquidation?
I believe cav's answer to that would be
No longer having to work at US Airways, combined with the ability to collect unemployment insurance benefits.
i can understand if you do not care for yourself, but why hurt others if they want to work in this industry with an America West type of contract? Considering we have colleagues that are working at MDA, I am sure they would love to have a job at US Airways with America West type of pay and benefits, which would improve their quality of life.

This is easy to answer. They can apply at America West.
USA320Pilot said:
I can understand if you do not care for yourself, but why hurt others if they want to work in this industry with an America West type of contract? Considering we have colleagues that are working at MDA, I am sure they would love to have a job at US Airways with America West type of pay and benefits, which would improve their quality of life.

America West pay for pilots still generally reaches the 6 figure mark for a great many. According to some back of the napkin numbers, a first year FO at HP will bring in a minimum of $35k. The second year FO will bring down a minimum of $56k.

A "topped out" (I'm using 13.10/hr) agent at 40*52 (no time off) will bring home a whopping $27k.

Unlike the pilots, no other group at US really has an incentive to go nuts over the pay figures (and that's before benefits, quality of life, vacation, pension, etc are lopped off). Methinks we have a "side of the fence" disparity here.

For the mechanics, the company has offered to negotaite ways to cost effectively conduct maintenance in-house, but the IAM has refused to go to the bargaining table. Therefore, even with America West type of contracts, the mechanics can participate in the new business plan if they desire.

It really is getting old. Perhaps Lakefield should inquire as to whether Mesa is willing to fly Airbus narrowbodies at "cost competitive rates." Then, and only then, can an ALPA member (or anyone else) talk about what's cost efficient (nevermind the fact that nobody really knows which would be more efficient, although I suspect we'll be finding out shortly after the arbitrator rules).

I guess what I’m trying to say is, if there are no new labor accords and the company is unsuccessful with a S.1113/S.1114 motion(s); as well as with a formal restructuring, then the company will likely file for Chapter 7. If the company is going to liquidate either way, then why stand in the way of those who want to work here? Why not leave rmployement, find something else to do with your time, and help somebody else obtain a better job even though you do not care about US Airways.

Why have scope? Could it be to protect the profession?

Perhaps there are folks on the property who care about those that follow them.

Perhaps there exist people at US who instead of beating on their colleagues in online forums (out of their own self interest) choose to do something far more tangible in the form of taking a stand.
Let’s remember two things here: each union has its own choice of whether or not they want to avoid a S.1113 hearing and that this is “just a jobâ€￾. There is life after US Airways, whether the company survives or not.



I am confused. Why would A320 post something he does not really understand, or, is not mature enough to accept?
USA320Pilot said:

You could be right in that for your work group the cuts could be deeper than $13.10 in bankruptcy court.



P.S. By the way -- I believe the $13.10 per hour wage rate was an "opener". Nonetheless, I find it interesting that the CWA and the company are going back to the bargaining table this week.


What is it with you????????????????

No the cuts won’t go deeper than what was suggested by the company. Geez, I can’t believe your dribble……The reason for any union to be sitting at the table is to educate them selves on the company’s strategies for BK…It is important for any labor group to sit at the table when a company threatens to go into BK………

The courts won’t favor well for a union that doesn’t try to work things out I.E proposing there own plan..

I really don’t think the CWA is even considering this proposal ….


The company can move the facility, and the workers follow their work. The CBA remains in effect and the company and the union would have to go by it.
They would have to offer recall to the furloughed workers then free to hire off the street and the workers would have to join the union as a condition of employment.
PineyBob said:
Thanks 700UW,

But if not all or enough IAM members transfer then US is free to hire off the streets and those folks start at the bottom correct? I have been thinking alot about this lately. I don't think US meets the criteria to abbrogate contracts. So they have something else cooking and no. I have no more insight than you
They are NOT going to move anything!

This is only your over active imagination working overtime.
PineyBob said:
I hope you are correct. But unlike Wolf these folks usually have a "Plan B". I'm not a lawyer but I don't think US can abrogate ANY contracts. So if I am right where and what is "Plan B"
They will not move maintenance for sure, because they don't want maintenance work for sure.

Where will this lead you ask? I am not a seer but it sure looks like liquidation from my perch, unless some unknown hero combo white knight comes in at the very last second trying to make a big ego even bigger.

If UAIR moves anything be rest assured it will be OUR work to MAE without UAIR employees.

These robber-barrons think that they can do whatever they want simply thru their own twisted interpretation of our labor agreement. Farm it out and then deal with the litigation thereafter. That is the sort of injustice that has become an acceptable practice in corporate america today. Not to mention all the continued threats. Absolutely abominable behavior.

UAIR has made their intentions clear. That is why we MUST take a stand against this corporate philosophy. The way I see it is that the company is going to do whatever they want. This has been well demonstrated by the Airbus farmout contract violation. And it is only the beginning of bigger things to come. I understand the company intends on sending the A330's to MAE this fall. Talk about audacity. One arbitration is not yet concluded and UAIR continues on it's course of blatant disregard. I wonder what excuse they will give since we have performed ALL A330 heavy work in CLT BASE??? Facilities? Got em. Tooling? Got that too. Experience? You must be trained to work the A330 and most everyone is. 😛

Considering all this, can you honestly say that you are ok with more concessions??? No self respecting individual should have to think about it. UAIR has declared war upon it's employees......period. Furthermore, they are bringing this war to our homes and families!! This cannot be ignored any longer :angry: .

Ultimately people will do what they choose to do.......submit once more only to be further abused. I say bring on the JUDGE!!!! That way the battlefield is evened out somewhat. Let Lakefield explain the 2Q profit and what management will contribute to this restructuring and all the contract violations to date. That will be worth watching. Perhaps the judge will see thru this ruse???

Make no mistake about it people. We are screwed either way we go. That is the reality of it all. And I rather stand tall on my feet than be on my knees when the end comes........if it arrives at all. We should know that answer before long. So make the right call. And good luck folks.

You are closer to "Plan B" for all reservations and heavy maintenance facilities than post people know. The potential maintenance location would be very difficult to commute to and an undesirable location to live in.

It's up to the IAM and CWA on whether or not they want to negotiate or face the judge with their current facilities rejected in bankruptcy.

As I said before, there could be a lot of pain for those union's who do not participate in the new business plan, but that is their choice.


USA320Pilot said:

You are closer to "Plan B" for all reservations and heavy maintenance facilities than post people know. The potential maintenance location would be very difficult to commute to and an undesirable location to live in.

It's up to the IAM and CWA on whether or not they want to negotiate or face the judge with their current facilities rejected in bankruptcy.

As I said before, there could be a lot of pain for those union's who do not participate in the new business plan, but that is their choice.


They very well may move facilities there, but whether we participate has NO effect on that desicion. This company will do whatever it wants regardless. You may be able to scare some people with your continual ramblings but the majority of readers here are well aware that your trying to save yourself only. Its all about me, me, me. :down: Bring on the PAIN, my medicine cabinet is stocked up.

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