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Us Air- Are The Concessions Saving Them?

Nightwatch said:
Want to talk facts Ken? Fact is AMFA has not been a player in the union world until a few years ago. The TWU may have voted concessions to save jobs but already AMFA, in a short time, has devasted their ranks. I especially enjoy the letters on the-mechanic.com that state how members have lost houses, cars, and families due to AMFA's ineptness in bargaining on their behalf. Some kind of union that AMFA is.

You desire to place the TWU as #1 in concessions, go right ahead. But standby brother, AMFA is gaining on the outside ( or should I say on the outsource). Already AMFA has changed their stand on concessions, went from "NO CONCESSIONS" to "NO UNWARRANTED CONCESSIONS", and they really know how to write up some great LOA's.
nw, " Fact is AMFA has not been a player in the union world until a few years ago."

AMFA is a player because thousands of AMTs have woken up from the industrial union haze the twu/ibt & iam have induced upon our ranks. The twu INTERNATIONAL voted for concessions. If your cowardly brain would think back FOUR HUNDRED & SIXTY THREE DAYS ago it was found out that we were lied to by AA. It was your unelected leader of the atd that swallowed some massive management meat and accepted concessions WITH NO SNAP BACK CLAUSES after he promised to have a FULL REVOTE!

Did the twu save jobs? How many? 12000? The twu gave AA EVERYTHING they wanted. We gave up pay and benefits to keep jobs? Then why were people laid off? Besides being a coward you are unintelligent. Tell me, are the laid off AMTs that have been recalled coming back to full pay and benefits?

You enjoy the letters on another BB? How about our fellow AMTs that have lost their cars, houses& families? Is that enjoyable too? You are a perfect example of why our profession is being attacked by greedy, inept managements across the industry.

Continue to post from behind an alias. Continue to read letters of people who are on difficult times. Continue to enjoy the twu's time at AA. There will be an election and YOU and your useless union will lose.
Want to talk facts Ken? Fact is AMFA has not been a player in the union world until a few years ago.

Thats right but in that short time they have brought mechanics wages from $25 to over $35. As even you must admit, change takes time. AMFA and its members at NWA, because they were under a PEB had to make choices. They could not fix everything that the previos 40 years of IAM representation had wrought. So, they addressed the most pressing need at the time-MONEY.

The TWU may have voted concessions to save jobs but already AMFA, in a short time, has devasted their ranks.

Is this the only time the Industry has seen layoffs? If we took all these cuts to save jobs then explain how giving up a weeks vacation saved jobs. We have lost thousands of jobs, some through layoffs, others through attrition. If we were really giving these concessions to save jobs then why would we agree to concessions that allow the company to lay off even more people while maintaining the same available amount of man hours? As far as AMFA devastating their ranks the fact is that the layoffs at UAL took place under the IAMs watch and over at NWA they now have a cap whereas before they had no cap-in fact the AMFA has even gotten members back on the job with back pay. How many A&Ps have returned to work at TWU represented AA?

I especially enjoy the letters on the-mechanic.com that state how members have lost houses, cars, and families due to AMFA's ineptness in bargaining on their behalf. Some kind of union that AMFA is.

Not only do many of our laid off TWU brothers face the same dilemma, but many of our workiung brothers face this due to the massive concessions we took.

You desire to place the TWU as #1 in concessions, go right ahead.

The TWU placed themselves there. For at least the last twenty years.

But standby brother, AMFA is gaining on the outside ( or should I say on the outsource). Already AMFA has changed their stand on concessions, went from "NO CONCESSIONS" to "NO UNWARRANTED CONCESSIONS", and they really know how to write up some great LOA's.

Would you like to start a list comparing concessions? The fact is that if you took AMFA, the IAM and the IBT and added them all up they would not even come close to the TWU.
If American Airlines will lie to the NMB with 75% of there mechanics watching and hoping for a legitimate democratic process, what makes you think they are doing anything more than screwing the workers with this turnaround plan? Shared sacrifice my ass they don't know the meaning. Neither do the twscrew officers. The Board has determined that the single craft or class of Airline Mechanics, Ground Service, Plant Maintenance, and Fleet Service Personnel is no longer a proper craft or class at either American or TWA-LLC. The proper crafts or classes are Mechanics and Related Employees, and Fleet Service Employees. 29 NMB 240, 251 aning. Neither do the twscrew officers. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!!!!!
twuer said:
Sounds to me like amfa is getting ready for another RAID!!! When times get tough and morale is low...........here comes amfa. Making promises they can't keep!

Looks like amfa could take them down the same road that Eastern took!! Look at NWA and UAL!!! Amfa sure has done wonders there huh??!!

Strange, I received a letter from the IAM (Roach) and a prepaid post card.
Don't they know we are in BK? Doesn’t that seem a predatory practice?

Anyway, it was good for a laugh!!! :lol:

It's incredible that even after we booted their ass out for being such liars and deceivers that they continue to spill their deceptions even after we 'kicked their dust from our feet'.

Regardless, (BTW Roach 'irregardless' is not a word), the IAM at USAir will cave soon and offer some new deal to make it sound like it is not a regressive action but resulting in the same contract ‘benefit’ wise but (unfortunately) not ‘pay wise’. Then they will post their bravado in all the newspapers as a success in beating back further concessions from the company. What a crock of horseshit!!!

The IAM and the AFL-CIO were the ones who made the mistakes at NWA, mistakes we're still paying for after they've taken their money and ran. Our only mistake was waiting to throw them out and AMFA's only mistake was not trying harder to convince us we needed to. We'll never go back.