joe mechanic said:
anyone can hold a sign and does that quantify him as a leader of men?
please tell me what did "WE" win??
are "WE" going to "SHOW THEM" at USAIRWAYS with "OUR" jobs?
i feel USA320PILOT says volumes in his insightful posts,you all should heed his advice.
at the end of the day,what do you tell the children???
"daddy's making some benign statement and we have no food".
I love it when all these newbie posters appear when things get sticky and everyone is united and ready to let the chips fall where they may. For the crap one must endure to be an airline employee working for less money and benefits no longer makes any sense. At what price peace of mind, and that is only one issue.
Every one of the management hacks brings up Eastern. Let’s look at TWA instead where the employees gave and gave and gave only to lose in the end when their seniority was lost to the acquiring airline. So tell me oh you men of wisdom, just what did they gain besides putting off the inevitable? I’ll tell you what they gain, they became a little older and still looking for employment elsewhere. Concessions never worked anywhere else so please explain why it will be any different this time?
Like the cancer patient trying every conceivable cure only making his death painful instead of peaceful is how I read posters like the captain and the newbies.
You people wouldn’t be on here begging us if you really thought that we on these boards are only a handful of blowhards. You and I know better, we represent the vast majority of men and women who refuse to bend over for people with a less than creditable track record of keeping promises and signed contracts honored.
At this point we are fighting not for ourselves but the middle class. Any more concessions will only reinforce corporate America’s use of the bloody ax. This will set us back generations, and for what? To maintain a less than desirable job after giving up years and years of wages and benefits fought for. There would be no sense working in an union environment if we let corporate America take us to the lowest common dominator, which is just what they want.
Face it all you people who believe the IAM holds U’s fate. U sealed its own fate when they stole our work, breaking contracts, using punitive policies, making executives millionaires, and giving bonuses to inept managers while holding out their greedy slimly hands to labor saying give give and give some more.
Anyone who believes more give backs will work needs to be evaluated for possible psychosis.