SpinDoc said:
Why do air travelers feel the need to bring everything
they own on a 7 day trip to MCO? Nobody has been
able to answer that question on this thread.
No, nobody's felt the
need to answer, since, frankly, it's none of your business why they feel that need. The airline has a
Contract of Carriage which states the terms of the agreement between the customer and the airline. If the airline can't choose equipment wisely, such that luggage rarely rides with the passengers, that is
not the customer's problem.
Nonetheless, I'll give some answers.
They don't travel often, so they don't know all of the ins and outs of packing light. As a road warrior, I learned how to get a week out of a rollaboard, but that's in part because I purchased goods specifically for that purpose (few people have travel hairdryers, for example) and in part because I traveled often enough that I learned how to do it well. This time of year is when the infrequent travelers fly around, so there's more luggage to lug.
They're going for more than a week. I know when I travel to Europe, I tend to go for closer to two weeks. Since I don't know the laundry situation in many of the places I travel to, I try to bring enough clothing. I also like to ensure that I have the right stuff to dress at different levels (beach to formal restaurant). Since my shoes are mighty large, I find myself with a good amount of luggage for such trips.
They're taking things that are intended to be one-way. For example, people often bring gifts or return from trips with various things they buy while there. I had trouble the last time I came back from France because I bought several bottles of wine. Maxed out my luggage allotment on that trip.
Do you need more answers?
Air travelers need to learn how to pack light. Period.
Occasional users do
not need to redesign their lives for your comfort. Not everyone is blessed with enough cash to fly 100,000 miles a year.