WHEREAS, beating a dead horse will make it get up and take us to the Promised Land, and
WHEREAS, said dead horse has legs but no functioning brain, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to beat said horse until it returns from the dead.
It is now RESOLVED.
Horses rise from the dead.
Beating a dead horse will achieve this result.
Lawyers get obscenely wealthy from beating dead horses.
People ardently believing in the resurrection of dead horses will blindly pay for said resurrection.
And then will rail eternally at the failure of rich lawyers to achieve the resurrection.
Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah.
Amen, and so forth.
Commendable thought..but, given that such is a resolution: No good hereabouts What's clearly needed is a purely subjective opinion of a single individual to solve everything Hey!..Come to think on it; I've got an individual and highly subjective opinion = Screw the St Nic "Award", whatever it takes to do so.