On 3/10/2003 11:00:40 AM PITbull wrote:
On 3/10/2003 9:53:03 AM ClueByFour wrote:
On 3/9/2003 11:51:34 PM PITbull wrote:
As you know me well enough by many previous posts that I would respond as I did above to Bear. Bankruptcy for U was ALWAYS the "plan", and the other real "bail out" for U was Labor to the rescue. For as much bad press that unions have gotten over the years, when times are tough, its always labor that "saves the bloody day".
Fine. You ducked the question.
What other options did/does US have but to reduce it's labor costs dramatically? And how would they go about it?
You seem to think there is another way to keep the company around as a going concern, and that concessions were just a "plan" on the part of management.
I want to know, _exactly_ what the other alternatives were.
I fully expect that you won't answer that question directly; in fact, I expect a rant about a conspiracy "plan" or management compensation or some other tale of woe.
It would be refreshing if you had a different answer, tho.
You make me laugh. Always taking the negative position or trying to "bait" someone.
I don't evade any questions, you just don't like the answers or you just call it ranting.
OK. We will leave the "conspiracy theory out of it since you already know about that.
My Point: Can you argue that this company is still NOT marketing this airline, and really never did? There was waste before BK and this company still has not addressed the waste issues; and I'm NOT talking about too many creamers stupid stuff either. I've written to this management on specific issues for cost savings. Know what they wrote back and said. "Good idea", will look into this, and thanks". None have been addressed from months and months ago. I even presented a marketing "pamphlet" to the company as a gross sampling. Nope, not that idea even remotely.
Now the company is expecting "concessions" from the passengers. Their present focus has been to nickel and dime the passengers with buying food on the planes and charging for valet boxes for those folks who want to check it. GREAT IDEAS? Why would passengers want to fly U?
The BK filing literally cleared the way for U to rid themselves of real estate debt, unsecured debt, and lease agreements that they did not want to pay. BK allowed them to "walk away" from these contracts that were, at one time, negotiated in good faith with the vendors and lessors.OK. Company could not sustain themselves anymore as our previous leadership did not have a "plan B" after the merger collapsed. I am not saying that Labor should not give concessions when their company is in trouble, I just do not agree with permanent concessions, mass furloughs, while senior management ranks get to increase. I don't agree with receiving major bonuses in 2005 of double or triple or quadtrople base salaries that is in our senior execs present contracts. No concession there, just for 2004. I would find management more "credible" and so would many others, if they would have made those sacrifices along with their "rank and file" employees. But, this is America. Everytime Labor wants a piece of the pie, Mangement calls that socialistic thinking. That is what sickens me.
I believe this company should have started from the top and work their way down in furloughing folks. I believe there should have been VPs that oversaw multiple departments, not just one. And put some out on the street. Company's argument is good senior management is very hard to find (yea, all 34), and that they have the best. They also stated in defending themselves that they could get better paying jobs in the open market than what they are receiving here at U. In their arrogance, they made these statements, while in the same breath they said that the "rank and file" would find it very difficult to obtain work anywhere at their present wages. So, immediately after each concession, folks within the management ranks got promoted and the VPs specifically ALL of them got to remain. I think that their bonuses should have been cut to smaller amounts starting in 2005, until all of labor was snapped back in wages, as we do not get bonuses. I believe this management should be doing everything they can to rebuild the "morale" of their rank and file, and stop with being so "punitive" with every LITTLE issue. Show some good faith and appreciation, and this company will continue and thrive in the future. This mangement has not changed their way of managing their employees, therefore, this company will have a very difficult time sustaining themselves going into the the future. The other point, is that they need to have a very dynamic marketing department that thinks of new ways to bring passengers to fly us. If you observe ORD, LGA, PHL and many other airports, the lines at the ticket counters are horrible. There is NOT enough staffing to accomodate the passengers to check them in, timely, and stress free. We have more security issues now, and we need more employees to make the flying experience for passengers more pleasant, and with much ease. I have passengers tell me that they would pay MORE of a price for a ticket if it was not so stressful flying U. Passengers are saying that the experience with us is not with ease. They experience much angst with checking their luggage, checking in for the flight, long lines at the ticket counter...and I am not talking about security at all. Just the experience with U and having a reduced work force from reservations, to ticketing, to checking luggage, boarding and In-flight, etc.
I never said that Labor should not take concessions, I believe and still do, that it should not be the entire "restructuring plan". There are other elements that make a company sustain itself in a competitive market and this company still has no CLUE on where to go from here as evidenced by the same marketing department with the same antiquated ideas. Thus far, I have seen nothing "new" with this new mangement team of educated Harvard and Brown, Yale grads. That is my disappointment. Again, this company's only endeavor was to cut only the wages and benefits of the "rank and file". So severely, that they need not do anything else.
Talk about a slanted plan and "non balanced"...
How'se that for a rant!