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Usairways Giving Away 100,000 Items?

skyflyr69 said:
and non-whiny employees! just look at the amount of postings at U. unbelievable.
if you folks would put half the amount of effort you put into this board U would be a much better airline. :lol:
I would suggest that
whiney management = whiney employees (must be the corporate culture)

and if the whiney management would listen to some of the things the whiney agents/employees are saying and CHANGE some things, some of us wouldnt whine so much. But since they dont and I have to listen to the whiney passengers ask me why our crap website wouldnt take their booking so they had to drag their whiney *ss down to the airport to stand in line to buy a ticket and listen to all the whiney customers who had to come to another city becuase we canx their flight because we didnt have any whiney crews to fly the plane , etc etc etc.......

I hope you get the picture? :shock:

And if U management would put half the effort into running an operationally smooth airline as they do beating the employees morale into the ground, U would have a much better airline.
Reservation Agent said:
The 100,000 "free" items include: "Free" Golf Balls, "Free" Car Washes, "Free Krispy Kreme doughnuts, "Free" Ice Cream, "Free" Hotdogs, "Free" Key chains, etc...
Do you realize what the average cost of this from US Airways probably is?

I would guess the average cost of giving away each item is probably $1/each. Plus, the average cost of each product given away to be $1. Therefore, this promotional effort probably cost US Airways around $200K.

Do you know how much TV commercials cost? I would bet $200K would buy maybe 5 TV spots on DC's top rated news program. I think that for $200K, the "free givaway" is probably much more successful at brand awareness than a few more TV ads.
funguy2 said:
Do you realize what the average cost of this from US Airways probably is?
Maybe then this would be a good time to be a little more open with some numbers. I know US doesnt want to tell everyone what they're spending on everything, but at a time when they're asking employees to cut, save, shrink, etc, and then look like they're spending a ton of money on things, it makes certain people question whats going on and why they are supposedly spending money we dont have.
People know we need to spend money on advertising, I think some people are just questioning how much we're going to get back in the end from buying someone a dozen doughnuts. :unsure:
tadjr said:
Maybe then this would be a good time to be a little more open with some numbers. I know US doesnt want to tell everyone what they're spending on everything, but at a time when they're asking employees to cut, save, shrink, etc, and then look like they're spending a ton of money on things, it makes certain people question whats going on and why they are supposedly spending money we dont have.
People know we need to spend money on advertising, I think some people are just questioning how much we're going to get back in the end from buying someone a dozen doughnuts. :unsure:

I agree with you. It has always been very hard to guage what the net effect of advertising is.

However, with UAL's ted campaign, I am sure US Airways thought this would be a cheap, easy way to market directly to the consumers. But I would agree with you, that, unless this was targeted, could be a waste of time and money...

For example, in my opinion it would be better to give away donuts at a AAA office (i.e. people who travel) or a travel agency, or a corporate travel managers association-type meeting, than to Joe-Average on the Mall in DC.

Unfortunately for UAIR, its another example of follow the leader, instead of doing something original.
Res Agent..get a clue!!! God, the moronic posts are killing me!! Stick to be being a telephone operator for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I stated earlier, I think US's marketing promos were a GOOD thing and garnered a lot of good PR for the airline.

Now let me show you why Kieth Alexander is my favorite airline columnist. He writes the "Business Class" column for the Washington Post and is such a joy to read because he gets so much stuff wrong. Today's column is about airlines using these unconvetional marketing tactics. In addition to several other incorrect comments in his article, he says the following about Independence Air's promotions in the DC area:

"When Dulles-based Independence Air started its service this month, the carrier spent about $9 million of its $30 million advertising budget on 20 pickup trucks bearing the Independence Air logo. Employees traveled around handing out cookies, bumper stickers and T-shirts at lunchtime."

The bolding is mine, but if Indy Air spent over $9 million on 20 pick-up trucks I don't think they will be a threat to US Airways for very long. At $450,000 per truck that muct have been some promo! Maybe they drove around passing out Rolex watches? That would do it!

Of course, Kieth has his numbers messed up the same way he goofs in several other places in the column.

You might need to register but the whole article is here...


SalesGuyCCY said:
Res Agent..get a clue!!! God, the moronic posts are killing me!! Stick to be being a telephone operator for God's sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Instead of just bashing the poster, perhaps someone supposedly in Sales would like to address her concerns and those of I'm sure many fellow employees? How much is US spending vs how much is projected to gain from this? Why does Sales think this type of promo vs traditional advertising is so good?
I have a clue, but perhaps someone from SALES would like to give the original poster a clue and add to the discussion or do you have to run off and wash a car right now? :shock:
tad...you are right.

After reading about the big rah rahs....and "Go team" promotions...
my first thought was...well if the go team has so much time on their
hands..maybe they could come in and take a few calls.

When we have passengers with money to give us waiting 30 minutes
to get someone....it seems absurd.

Another case of pennywise ...pound foolish.

Normally I do not have a bad attitude..but with the constant beating down
of employees and customers alike...due to the "no service" aspect, even I
have a hard time getting enthused about these sales tactics.

Last week, I had irate after irate of people who cannot book themselves
correctly on the internet...wrong dates, times, wrong names. No one
ever prints out a receipt. This is what we are dealing with all day instead
of new revenue.

oh well....just wanted to add my opinion.
Well, I receive outstanding reviews for my work and do it well, and EFFICIENTLY. I only post on my own time, not company time. Also, I think you'd be working for me, not the other way around!

I just get tired of RES Agent always bashing the company without having any inside knowledge of what is really going on.
SalesGuyCCY said:
Well, I receive outstanding reviews for my work and do it well, and EFFICIENTLY. I only post on my own time, not company time. Also, I think you'd be working for me, not the other way around!

I just get tired of RES Agent always bashing the company without having any inside knowledge of what is really going on.
SalesGuy: Just what IS really going on??? I think we ALL would like to know.

I think it's just great that you get Atta Boys. Must be nice. Labor just gets constantly kicked in the butt.
SalesGuyCCY said:
Well, I receive outstanding reviews for my work and do it well, and EFFICIENTLY. I only post on my own time, not company time. Also, I think you'd be working for me, not the other way around!

I just get tired of RES Agent always bashing the company without having any inside knowledge of what is really going on.
Ooooh... gee, everyday 1500 plus flights land safely thanks to the pilots and mechanics that keep the birds flying, flight attendants keep the passengers comfortable, agents make sure the flights go out on time, and, yet, they don't get a pat on the back like you CCYSALESGUY all they hear is that they are grossly senior and overpaid. Yes, the world is completely f&*$ed.
SalesGuyCCY said:
Well, I receive outstanding reviews for my work and do it well, and EFFICIENTLY. I only post on my own time, not company time. Also, I think you'd be working for me, not the other way around!

I just get tired of RES Agent always bashing the company without having any inside knowledge of what is really going on.
Hmm, your own time?

1:28PM on a regular work day seems like it is on CCY's time, and we all know who you really are!

And I would bet ANY rank and file knows more about what is going on then the so-called management sitting in a cubicle or office at CCY.
SalesGuyCCY said:
I just get tired of RES Agent always bashing the company without having any inside knowledge of what is really going on.
Please enlighten us all then on what Sales is really doing. I appreciate something being done, but feel free to elaborate to those in the dark instead of once again just talking down to them. If no one (especially those who SELL on the phone) understands exactly what is going on, how can you expect them to embrace the concept and work with it?

Eagerly awaiting your enlightening reply. 😀

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