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Rumours Persist Top Reservation Director Making

CynicalResAgent said:
If you worked in Res you'd know that we all hit the bottle.....The prozac bottle! 😉
Well, if its that bad and is creating the need for medications, why on earth would you ever stay there? Seems pretty simple to me.
autofixer said:
Kelleher said yesterday in PHL (on WBTV News in CLT), that they were not looking at any new cities at this time.

In addition, there is no need to shop for gates in CLT. The city has a bunch of them on A and D, and anyone that wants to come in can use them on a per flight basis lease from the City.
will this be able to work for international flts and will travelling employees be able to use it when flying?
N628AU said:
Kelleher said yesterday in PHL (on WBTV News in CLT), that they were not looking at any new cities at this time.

In addition, there is no need to shop for gates in CLT. The city has a bunch of them on A and D, and anyone that wants to come in can use them on a per flight basis lease from the City.
Interesting. Someone whose handle is Mr. Airport wrote the following on another thread entitled Southwest Negotiating for gates in CLT...

"There is only one problem with this. CLT is short on gates. There are no spare gates. Everything is used during the day. US was told some time ago to use or loose the gates and there are. I fly through CLT all the time and NW,CO,AA,UA have to park A/C off the gate because there is just not enough gates. "

Does anyone know for sure, is there a shortage or a surplus of gates at CLT?
N628AU said:
In addition, there is no need to shop for gates in CLT. The city has a bunch of them on A and D, and anyone that wants to come in can use them on a per flight basis lease from the City.
Aren't all of the A gates taken?
ITRADE said:
Well, if its that bad and is creating the need for medications, why on earth would you ever stay there? Seems pretty simple to me.
ITRADE, Don't you have anything better to do than kick people around when they are going thru a VERY trying situation ???? It is very apparent you could care LESS what happens to people as long as your PRECIOUS stock price goes up !! PORTION DELETED. What is going on at U is out of employees and yes, even YOUR control.. How about letting people vent about THEIR job situation ?????
Those planes are parked as RON planes, they do not leave them on the gates as they have more RON aircraft then leased gates.

And US has 30+ gates and we still pull planes off the gates and park them at various points at the airport on the RON.
The company is going to install boarding pass readers in 22 airports.


700UW said:
You will no longer be able to check in at the gates when the plane is boarding as they only plan on having the agent stand at the door for boarding and not man the podium, what great customer service our airline will give our passengers.
Under most circumstances, checking in is a moot point for revenue folks, as you have to have a BP already to get thru security.

That said, it will cut into thing like upgrades, reroutes, gate checking, and hoards of other customer service things that really make or break one's experience with the airline.

The gate readers are a great idea, but the airlines I'm most familiar with that use them domesticallly (AA and UA) have at least 3 agents for every two adjacent narrowbody gates during boarding, and often 2/gate even _with_ the readers.
Reservation Agent said:
...Now rumours persist that a high company official with Res has been making trips to Manilla, Phillipines.... Probably trying to find anyone who can speak English...

...So, if Southwest kicks U out of Phila like they did Baltimore...
Just a few points regarding these comments.

It's easy to find people in Manila who speak English. Virtually everybody in Manila speaks English. The schools in Manila have been using the English language as their primary language for decades. Anyone younger than about 70 was taught in English. Not taught English...they were taught all subjects IN ENGLISH. The people of Manila also speak Tagalog, which is their native language. That makes almost every native of the city and surrounding areas bilingual.

USAirways was not chased out of BWI by SWA. US had consistently higher load factors out of BWI. The problem was the pending merger with UAL. Wolf realized that USAirways and United had a vitual lock on all three Washington metro airports, and the situation did not bode well for merger approval. UAL held on to IAD, but USAirways needed to release its grip on DCA or BWI to sweeten the pot for the regulators. Since DCA had better yields and many precious slots, it was decided that BWI would be downsized to token presence. Of course, we all know that the strategy didn't work. But USAirways was NOT chased from BWI. It was done for political expediency and nothing more.

It only seems logical that PITRES will be the next RES closure, yet at the same time two new supervisor appointments have been announced. This seems confusing; might this indicate PITRES is to be kept alive and well for at least a while longer? The Alabama Res Center is talked about as if it were a certainty, yet nothing absolute has been announced. Would be interested to hear points of view regarding the two new supervisor jobs; if the office were soon to close, why would there be hiring of supervisors? And one of the new supervisors is a former training instructor whose position was eliminated during one of the previous restructurings! I am confused.
At AA, if the flights aren't manned to minimum crew, 1 F/A comes out to operate the Gate reader. So that allows for 1 or 2 agents to work the flight at the podium. We also work the gate reader on int'l flights as well, allowing the agents to assist pax with their ?'s and needs. Hope that helps.
I would guess that the restaffing is partly due to a transfer of another supervisor from the International Department to the Philadelphia airport as a supervisor at the International gates...And, mabey partly to beef up the mgt staffing with probably supervisor vacations that are scheduled....

Seems pretty easy for management positions to be created while, no hiring of new Res agents has happened in years and sometimes 250 calls are on hold....

Wonder how many revenue/sales calls are lost to Delta, Southwest, American, Northwest, Airtran, United, Jetblue, Spirit, America West, etc... for people tired of waiting to buy a ticket?... lost

But, a passenger who wants to get a "free" ticket using his miles will hold on....lol

Its a shame too since U could hire new agents at the bottom of the scale, at around $9.00 bucks an hour...While Northwest Airlines advertises their starting pay scale at about $11.75 an hour.....Go figure....Have we lost our priorities?

(With this post, I am not saying I am an employee of USAIRWAYS)
I can't for the life of me, Expectorant, see why you're confused. The supervisors do not have the agents in a vice grip as they would like to. There were not enough sups to keep up with monitoring, numbers and attendance. They couldn't keep up their job of harassing agents and putting them on disiplinary levels. Agents are getting away with getting stuck in impossible traffic jams on the parkways(big surprise), taking breaks 1 minute too long, servicing passengers too long, working on computer glitches and problems with passenger records in between calls, etc. They were losing control and needed to add to the Gastapo to once again reign with terror. If Res agents are not like cowering caged beaten down animals they are not happy!

As far as closing PIT Res., what would they do with the non-stop 200+ calls on hold every day. Don't see how it could happen in the near future. The call volume is increasing daily.

Where the rumor of Alabama came from is anyone's guess. There is nothing to back that rumor. Wouldn't believe that one until it happens.

Nothing in this company surprises anyone any more.

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