Your post and your writing must be taken more seriously by all Union Execs and their members. You are right on target. Keep up the good work.
Seigel and his staff maneuvered fear with an elaborate threat plan of no job and a major loss in benefit plan extremely well. He and his staff expounded upon the intricacies of intimidation tactics based on facts and figures only he and his staff are extremely familiar with. Remember, figures don’t lie but people do. Utterly important, the intimidation of FEAR is and still remains a well-used TOOL by corporate execs as a proven tool for success.
Unfortunately, Union’s NO longer compromise for the good of all; they compromise contracts on a singular basis. Failing to investigate thoroughly the side effects that will come back and haunt each of us at a later date and time is a major downfall.
What Union group conceded to Seigel’s first concession demands?
What psychological tactic was Seigel instituting?
Seigel is playing his troops like a Chess game. A chess player concentrating on his/her opponent’s every move. As he moves his pawn, rook, bishop, queen and king together and strategically, he observes and concentrates on the flaws his opponents make as they give up one group at a time, not maneuvering together. Thus, he realizes they can never become victorious.
As Unions and its members continue to neglect awareness, fail to identify quickly Seigel and his Union busting staff’s weaknesses, they will continue to fall one CWA, one FA, one IAM, and one ALPA at a time. Failing to emulate equality for all.
Taking control harmoniously plays a vital concept in identifying your opponent’s weaknesses. It allows your opponent to attack you much easier when you use one group at a time. As these groups are removed one-by-one the opponent becomes a dominating factor leaving each Union group flawless and gullible for attack.
The ultimate fear in today society is money. Without money one cannot survive. What we lack in understanding is the actual slavery those of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s endured before Unions were formed. Until that occurs again, Unions will continue to be filibustered by Corporate Execs.
How many people have actually sat down with their contracts and figured out what they have given up and what the total package deal was and would have been?
How many people have actually sat down and figured out with all the new concessions, the medical benefit costs they are paying for, the benefits they lost, and then deducted that from their hourly salary to see how close they are to minimum wages?
As you climb the years of contract givebacks, you will be surprised at what your actual take home pay will be. Then add the cost of living adjustment for taxes, meals, clothing and cars and see how well you will survive.
That $150,000 giveback Seigel gave up is peanuts compared to what that worker has given up.