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Rumours Persist Top Reservation Director Making

Everything you say here makes perfect sense, I agree; however, in an effort to cut costs, given the high seniority of the average sales rep at PIT, I can truly see an end to the operation there fairly soon, once the web site becomes capable of handling more inquiries/bookings. When the web site can do more, then I would think the plan would be to charge customers extra for everything that RES does for them that the web site can do .. similar to how we used to NOT charge for paper tkts if requested, and now FX fees, etc. Finding a way to significantly cut talk time for dividend mile award calls will effectively control the call volume problem that RES daily experiences. Once that's done, I feel PITRES will be history. I feel most agents there would not want to relocate to INT or to the Alabama center (assuming it ever exists); at that time new hire classes at the bottom of the wage scale would commence almost without end until the staffing is where they want it. Who knows, though, as nothing seems to make sense anymore anyway; call volume was through the roof in January 2003 when MCO RES was shut down. I never could figure that one out. RES is the department that generates the money; therefore, the money a RES Agent brings in practically pays his or her own salary and benefits; the remaining revenue is gravy. At least that's what we've always been told.

Every office and department in PIT has heard these "rumors" of their building, department or job being transfered to Alabama. Everyone blows every little thing WAY out of proportion.
dl uses gate readers and standby and upgrades are no problems..
What gate readers do is actually the "oning" process ..so no need for podium agents to run to collect tickets to process them to see how many people are on the plane to see who can be cleared on the standby list.

In fact with card readers clearing standby should be much easier.....
This is a "service industry"....

When you eliminate SERVICE from what you offer the public...they go elsewhere....

If a customer feels he is getting worse service from USAIRWAYS.... from what he has had in the past...He will not be back...he has too many options for his buck...There is no shortage of airlines these days....and the passengers seem to be more conscious of saving a buck, AND getting good service...

Looks like more opportunities for Southwest and their staffing to gain even more USAIRWAYS pax....

If we have 1 "stressed" agent to handle a B757 full of about 200 pax at the gate, going to Las Vegas or Las Angeles with pax in wheel chairs, unacompanied minors, crying babies in strollers, panicky passenger missing bags, flts delayed , flights cancelled, screaming passengers, etc....In the recent years, we have seen an increase of a thing called , "Airport Rage"....

In case you don't know what that is...it's when a passenger is livid, boiling...ready to explode and bashes and agent in the face, with his fist.....
As a customer, I would perceive having automated readers at the gate as BETTER customer service.
You are forgetting one small element.......

It seems there are ALOT of PROBLEMS with the USAIRWAYS web site...And I don't think, they'll ever correct them....

And, especially with everything USAIRWAYS is trying to do with the Star Alliance, upgrades, miles tickets, complicated fare structure, ticket changes,etc...

A large number of USAIRWAYS calls into the Res center IS from people trying to book online....getting screen freezes...sees a fare and its gone...can't get seats they like...wants to use vouchers, coupons, old tickets, etc...

It's funny, I think the lousy website is job security for us....

And I don't think the company will spend the money to make it a good one, user friendly, simple to use....Southwest can because they don't have 1,000 fishing lines in the water to catch 1 fish....lol..
If ya know what I mean... :up:

( By posting here, I am not saying I work for USAIRWAYS...)
Yes...You may say that now until you have a problem...then we'll see how happy you are then pal????...Haaaa!... Bet your the biggest complainer, if things don't go smooth.....

You are probably the guy that calls into reservations...has no record locator...has no flight numbers...Wants to be found by just a name...And knows your leaving either Thurs or Friday...It could be in the morning..or it could be at nite....It could be from Miami or it could have been from West Palm Beach or Ft Lauderdale...and it could be to either Boston, Manchester or Providence....

"I am not sure, my secretary booked it for me"....

LOL..... Gotch ya!

(I'm not saying I work for USAIRWAYS...)
Got this from the Hub today........

The danger of believing and repeating unverified
information was never more apparent than in an
Internet discussion that started this week. In this
particular case, it centered on the recent appointment
of a General Sales Agent (GSA) for US Airways in the
Philippines. (US Airways uses GSAs around the world in
locations where the airline does not fly to handle
sales inquiries and promotions of domestic U.S.
travel.) That news led to a message board posting that
a high-ranking company official had gone to Manilla to
investigate opening a call center there. This
implication is an unfounded rumor. Chris Chiames,
senior vice president of Corporate Affairs, said,
Making unsubstantiated claims and leaping to
conclusions seems to be a favorite sport on Internet
chat boards. While we can't respond to every such
statement that appears, this example is typical of how
destructive such speculation can be for our employees.
I would encourage anyone who visits these sites to
read these postings from anonymous sources with
I've used them as a Delta customer and JAL customer for years. They are convenient and they are staffed. You must not have much experience with this type of equipment.
700UW said:
Was talking to some gate agents in Charlotte this morning once the gate readers are installed they plan on laying off 69 agents.

You will no longer be able to check in at the gates when the plane is boarding as they only plan on having the agent stand at the door for boarding and not man the podium, what great customer service our airline will give our passengers.
They tried this in Boston it was a complete failure......

Psgrs have business partners they want to upgrade seat changes and a host of other things needed for someone to do at the podium.....all I can say is when somebody needs something stop boarding and help them........ 😉
I believe the discussion on this" independent"..."non USAIRWAYS" owned message board, started with that it was a "rumour"... Not a confirmed piece of information....

But, thank you Mr Chaimes for confirming that the rumour was true....

It is funny how "speculation" can put put someone on such a defensive position, especially if there was really not something possibly" brewing" in the pot...Why bother?..... (I still believe we will hear more on this later, besides the GSA meeting...)

Because by the company announcing that this was speculation, there was in fact NO DENIAL ! that the company would ever use "outsourcing" in reservations...and rather it brought much more attention, doubt and concern to the idea, than a few people who visit this web site...Do you think the company would sign an agreement to CWA to that? To never look at outsourcing as an option?.....LOL...

We have heard other denials in the past like..."We have no intension of filing for bankruptcy".....and ........ " I will not resign".....Mr Seigel....

The fact is.... The company HAS and IS using "outsourcing"...

The USAIRWAYS web site is "contracted" out to a "travel agency"...not using USAIRWAYS staffing...I believe it is located in Pensacola, FL...

The company is using "outsourcing" to.... use NON USAIRWAYS mechanics do "Major Maintenance on aircraft in Alabama, instead of skilled "In House" USAIRWAYS mechanics, who have years of service working in their craft, on those precision aircraft....I believe the courts will decide if the company has broken its contract agreements with the airline's mechanics......

Isn't the use of "Independent Express" operators flying the USAIRWAYS Express logo, like Mesa Airlines considered "Outsourcing"...It sure the heck is...When you are laying off "your own"....pilots & flight attendants....Sort of like the person who
is a software engineer and is being laid off to be replaced by a foreign worker from India here in the USA, and they are asked to train the person who's replacing them...

And another thought....How can an airline with credit ratings lowered so much, get loans for "Brand New Embralier jets", having defaulted on other jet leases?...

Just some of my thoughts.... :huh:

( I am not saying that I work for USAIRWAYS by posting here...)
700UW said:
Was talking to some gate agents in Charlotte this morning once the gate readers are installed they plan on laying off 69 agents.

You will no longer be able to check in at the gates when the plane is boarding as they only plan on having the agent stand at the door for boarding and not man the podium, what great customer service our airline will give our passengers.
AMR has been doing it for quite some time and they have no problem. i like it, its fast and efficient. :up:
You still didn't answer the question...

The question isn't who else has it...

The question is...if it REPLACES agents rather than assists them...It can't do much more than just count tickets...

How can the machine help people with the "other" customer service issues handled at the podium like:assist pax with disabilitys, help with unacompanied minors, rebook pax with cancelled & delayed flights.....("I'm sorry sir, you'll have to go back to the ticket counter wait in line with 30 other people...get rebooked and wait in line & again thru security..Sorry about your meeting".).........Also, help give flight information, pax with strollers, have their next flight arrive 20 minutes early, upgrades, standbys, overbooking issues, etc....lol

It must be a wonderful robot to do those things as well...especially with the airline's pledge to it's "Customer Commitments"....

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