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New Fleet Service Update

Tim Nelson

Jan 5, 2003
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Your 'I'll Ask Management regime' hasn't put out any new updates but there has been 'chatter'. So 'this update's for you'.

Some brothers and sisters have notified me that IAM loyalist are saying that the arbitrator would probably only 'split the difference' and make a ruling that would be 'in between' even if the ruling was in favor of a change of control.

Rubbish! To be sure, if the change of control grievance went to arbitration then the arbitrator would have to rule in favor or not, and the rest is spelled out in the contract. The arbitrator couldn't say you would only get a raise to $19 and change, not if you deserve contractual guarantees that spell out 'big fat raises' for you of up to $24.

Anyways, such talk of arbitration is nonsense at this point since it is my understanding that the I'll Ask Management regime has intentions to get a 'quick fix' that possibly helps secure a 'seamless' financial transaction in the future, and more due$. My 'gut feeling' is that I'd look for a T/A sometime before August. Most likely the west and small stations will pass it [provided there is a vote], regardless of how CLT or PHL votes.

You are not a District Rep, your update is your own fiction.

Why waste the bandwidth?

You say you hold no IAM position, so Tim has the same status to speculate as you do.

I have my differences with Tim, but he's got the same right to speak out as you or I.

I just love how IAM tries to shout down debate. Not all that different from management or Republicans.
You are not a District Rep, your update is your own fiction.

Why waste the bandwidth?
:shock: Hey 700 are you a management spy..... anyone who speaks up about the union being a company lapdog, you attack.
Please Post On ALL Union Bulletin Boards
Your 'I'll Ask Management regime' hasn't put out any new updates but there has been 'chatter'. So 'this update's for you'.

Some brothers and sisters have notified me that IAM loyalist are saying that the arbitrator would probably only 'split the difference' and make a ruling that would be 'in between' even if the ruling was in favor of a change of control.

Rubbish! To be sure, if the change of control grievance went to arbitration then the arbitrator would have to rule in favor or not, and the rest is spelled out in the contract. The arbitrator couldn't say you would only get a raise to $19 and change, not if you deserve contractual guarantees that spell out 'big fat raises' for you of up to $24.

Anyways, such talk of arbitration is nonsense at this point since it is my understanding that the I'll Ask Management regime has intentions to get a 'quick fix' that possibly helps secure a 'seamless' financial transaction in the future, and more due$. My 'gut feeling' is that I'd look for a T/A sometime before August. Most likely the west and small stations will pass it [provided there is a vote], regardless of how CLT or PHL votes.

Since we all have our opinions Im not a big fan of the IAM either but they are who they are. What we need to make sure of is is put as much pressure we can on the leadership of the IAM to make sure we get a fair deal that most of us can live with. I for one am tired of waiting on seeing my paycheck get a little bigger. I know my west counterparts are as well. We have all seen the headlines that the airline is expected to make money for the year so we know that we should expect our share. Not so much that we put us back where we were before as to hurt the bottom line of the company. After all shouldnt it be the goal of all groups to keep the company profitable by not asking for unrealistic pay and benifits. We should however expect to be included in the benifits of what we as employees have contributed to the profits of the company.
I too would love to see the return of what I made 4 or 5 years ago but the industry has change to much for that to be a reality. Profit margins are not what they use to be.
Some things will never come back.
You are not a District Rep, your update is your own fiction.

Why waste the bandwidth?
Why does everything always boil down to 'district rep' for you? 700, you need to get over the fact that you did about as much 'ball tugging' as one could do and still not get an IAM job. Move on already.

I had an IAM job, I chose to leave US and move onto greener pastures.
I had an IAM job, I chose to leave US and move onto greener pastures.
700, I'm not a therapist or anything like that so don't consider this professional counsel, but here's my advice to you.

Re-read what you just wrote, you said you chose to leave US and move onto greener pastures.

Now, either you are in denial or you are lying to yourself and believe your own. A careful check of the number of post on USAIRWAYS forum reveals 250,000 post. Then I look at your post under 700uw and they total about 13,000. Throw in another 13,000 under 'lavman' and another 10,000 under your other handle. My point is that you have posted like almost 20% of the postings here. Heck that's more than like a dozen airlines combined on this site!

Something is sorely wrong bud. Do yourself a favor and take my advice and 'let US AIRWAYS go'. You don't work at US AIRWAYS and your 'greener pastures' has some sorry employer getting robbed by you posing as his employee while in fact you are offering your opinion to pilots, flight attendants, fleet servicemen, based on some community college classes you took at the I'll Ask Management seminars.

OTOH, since you are avg probably close to 50 post a day on this site, I would retract my comments if you are employed by US AVIATION. But in any case, don't make such silly and bizarre comments that you left US AIRWAYS behind, because you haven't....not when you make like 50 post a day talking about all things under the sun at US AIRWAYS. Let it go Louie. Let it go!

700, I'm not a therapist or anything like that so don't consider this professional counsel, but here's my advice to you.

Re-read what you just wrote, you said you chose to leave US and move onto greener pastures.

Now, either you are in denial or you are lying to yourself and believe your own. A careful check of the number of post on USAIRWAYS forum reveals 250,000 post. Then I look at your post under 700uw and they total about 13,000. Throw in another 13,000 under 'lavman' and another 10,000 under your other handle. My point is that you have posted like almost 20% of the postings here. Heck that's more than like a dozen airlines combined on this site!

Something is sorely wrong bud. Do yourself a favor and take my advice and 'let US AIRWAYS go'. You don't work at US AIRWAYS and your 'greener pastures' has some sorry employer getting robbed by you posing as his employee while in fact you are offering your opinion to pilots, flight attendants, fleet servicemen, based on some community college classes you took at the I'll Ask Management seminars.

OTOH, since you are avg probably close to 50 post a day on this site, I would retract my comments if you are employed by US AVIATION. But in any case, don't make such silly and bizarre comments that you left US AIRWAYS behind, because you haven't....not when you make like 50 post a day talking about all things under the sun at US AIRWAYS. Let it go Louie. Let it go!

😛h34r: The key word to the job held with the IAM ......... could it be OVERTIME?...........