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Twu Soliciting Scabs At Kc Base

TWU informer said:
Offended maybe.

But you did serve to insure he has the right to be Commie if that is his wish.

Freedom Rules.
TWU informer freedom does rule, but would you willfully lay your life down for a confessed "commie" which is anything but American? you see MCI transplant and his brothers fought to defeat and stop the spread of communism not to protect it as you imply! yes TWU informer never forget 58,000 American's died so that you may have your freedom, but they did'nt die defending communism.
Former ModerAAtor said:
Try taking off the "I hate the TWU" blinders for a moment...

Regardless of who they represent (mechanics, auto workers, miners, electricians, iron workers), unions have a responsibility to keep their members employed, especially when they've been RIF'd. It might not happen very often from your perspective, but sometimes that means finding them a similar job with another company, and in a worst case, with a non-union or an open shop. From a growth perspective, it wouldn't surprise me to see the latter as an opportunity for a future representation drive...

Again, if you look at it without initials in front of the name, it's a basic function that any union (craft/trade, professional, or otherwise) should be doing for their members.

Recruiting potential scabs is doing a dis-service to the industry and to unionism in general. There is no valid excuse for allowing a recruiter to come on union property to recruit scabs, none what so ever. Now the compAAny, you would expect that from them but the twu has now crossed sacred union ground. The twu wants a war, there going to get one now and it will be relentless until these b*astards are gone.

But FM, you are right about one thing, the sc*umbags at the twu are probally are looking to bust the union at NWA and then move in and represent the scabs so they can help lower the standard of living some more.
Former ModerAAtor said:
Try taking off the "I hate the TWU" blinders for a moment...

Regardless of who they represent (mechanics, auto workers, miners, electricians, iron workers), unions have a responsibility to keep their members employed, especially when they've been RIF'd. It might not happen very often from your perspective, but sometimes that means finding them a similar job with another company, and in a worst case, with a non-union or an open shop. From a growth perspective, it wouldn't surprise me to see the latter as an opportunity for a future representation drive...

Again, if you look at it without initials in front of the name, it's a basic function that any union (craft/trade, professional, or otherwise) should be doing for their members.

Of course it wouldnt suprise you because basically you are a scab at heart.
Bob Owens said:
Of course it wouldnt suprise you because basically you are a scab at heart.

Gee, Bob, you really think you know me, don't you?

I quit my first airline job because Frank Lorenzo took over my company. Before coming to the airlines, I was in a union shop as a stage (theater) electrician.

So, you and I may have a lot more in common than you think when it comes to trade/craft unionism.

As for the Order of Lenin avitar..., it was posted as a statement on how the moderators at USAviation selectively perform their job and protect certain favored sons over in another forum. They went so far as to remove my avatar and edit m signatures on several occasions, and ironically, the Order of Lenin was the only avitar they didn't find offensive.

To make amends, I've modified it to show NHBB's hero, complete with a burning cigarette in hand.... except it doesn't show up on the avitar. But we all kynow it's there.


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Bob Owens said:
Well AMFA had only resurfaced as a Union representing members 6 years ago. In that time they raised the standard by $10/hr.

Eliminating Jobs? Well the TWU has been the leaders at eliminating A&P jobs for over twenty years and you know it. USAIR and UAL only recently, and with bankruptcy , was able to take R&D away from A&Ps, something the TWU gave away over 20 years ago. Those airlines have yet to accept SRPs or OSMS, another TWU scheme to eliminate A&P jobs and replace them with dues paying members at a lower rate of pay.

$1 million? Do you have anything to back that up? What about the $3.1 million that the TWU gets from the company every year?
USAir and UAL do not need OSMs and SRPs. In fact, they no longer need A and P mechanics to do heavy checks because they outsource all their heavy maintanence (except US still does heavy checks on the airbuses I believe). Is it better to have some A and P mechanics (who make about $30 and hour) with some SRPs and OSMs (who top out at $20+ hour) in TUL, AFW, and MCI? Or is it better to send 747s, 777, and DC-10s to Korea, China, Singapore, and El Salvador where foreigners work on them in sweat shops and get paid third world wages?
aafsc said:
USAir and UAL do not need OSMs and SRPs. In fact, they no longer need A and P mechanics to do heavy checks because they outsource all their heavy maintanence (except US still does heavy checks on the airbuses I believe). Is it better to have some A and P mechanics (who make about $30 and hour) with some SRPs and OSMs (who top out at $20+ hour) in TUL, AFW, and MCI? Or is it better to send 747s, 777, and DC-10s to Korea, China, Singapore, and El Salvador where foreigners work on them in sweat shops and get paid third world wages?

You make it sound like there are only two options, besides most of the third party work that was sent out by those outfits is still done in the USA.

The fact is that AA, thanks to the TWU, enjoys near third party rates without the turnover those places have. So what ever little difference there is in labor costs is more than made up by proficiency and productivity.

The fact is that we have had SRPs/OSMs for 10 years. So AA had a ten year advantage as far as cheap labor. As A&Ps retired or left they were replaced by SRPs in the shops. UAL and USAIR did not have that luxury so in order to try and achieve the type of savings that AA had, for 10 years already, they had to take drastic action and send it out. Lets not forget that despite the fact that AA had this low cost labor AA still spends more than any other carrier on outsourcing.

Care to comment on Junior Fleet Service clerks or Part Timers? You think you guys are done giving? Dont forget that the TWU also represents Triangle and some of the other lowest paying outfits on the airport where they make half of what you make, if that. So when the TWU tells you to take another paycut or else your jobs will go to the foreigners, working for sweat shop wages right here in the USA, represented by the same TWU what will you do then?
Former ModerAAtor,May 11 2005, 09:02 PM]
Gee, Bob, you really think you know me, don't you?

No, just what you write here.

I quit my first airline job because Frank Lorenzo took over my company. Before coming to the airlines, I was in a union shop as a stage (theater) electrician.

So you were in a union at one time. So was just about every Supervisor and Manager in aicraft maintenance.
So, you and I may have a lot more in common than you think when it comes to trade/craft unionism.

As for the Order of Lenin avitar..., it was posted as a statement on how the moderators at USAviation selectively perform their job and protect certain favored sons over in another forum. They went so far as to remove my avatar and edit m signatures on several occasions, and ironically, the Order of Lenin was the only avitar they didn't find offensive.

Dont remember asking or commenting on that. Who cares?
Bob Owens said:
As for the Order of Lenin avitar...

Dont remember asking or commenting on that. Who cares?

As if the world revolves around Bob Owens?....

There were several other people who took issue with it, Bob. Sorry I didn't ask you about it first. Really.
Former ModerAAtor,May 12 2005, 01:28 AM]
As if the world revolves around Bob Owens?....

Well the post started off like this:

Former ModerAAtor,May 11 2005, 09:02 PM]
Gee, Bob, you really think you know me, don't you?

There were several other people who took issue with it, Bob. Sorry I didn't ask you about it first. Really.

Thats quite alright, like I said, "who cares"?
American sets up a job fair for laid off workers and because their was a turnout Amfa is complaining! I believe the last fair Amfa conducted they had a lot of service jobs available flipping hamburgers!!!!

Isn't Sanderson working at Tramco or Timco working on work Amfa allowed to be farmed out?
Checking it Out said:
American sets up a job fair for laid off workers and because their was a turnout Amfa is complaining! I believe the last fair Amfa conducted they had a lot of service jobs available flipping hamburgers!!!!

Isn't Sanderson working at Tramco or Timco working on work Amfa allowed to be farmed out?

You allowed a scab recruiter in the building, you are the equivalent of a scab. This was done with the full knowledge of the job this scab recruiter was offering.
How dare you insult Dennis Sanderson,CIO! Mr. Sanderson was walking the picket lines at Eastern,while you were VOTING YES to more concessions in 1989. You are indeed a SCUM SUCKING WEASEL, Mr. Gorramans! People like you are gonna burn in hell for your EVIL LIES and B.S.! You already know what being on fire feels like, and you want to burn for eternity?!
Isn't Sanderson working at Tramco or Timco working on work Amfa allowed to be farmed out?

Chief Inaccuracy Officer
The retired Dennis Sanderson?
The Tramco which was bought out by BF Goodrich?
What is AA's farm out limit?
Bob Owens said:
You make it sound like there are only two options, besides most of the third party work that was sent out by those outfits is still done in the USA.
The fact is that AA, thanks to the TWU, enjoys near third party rates without the turnover those places have. So what ever little difference there is in labor costs is more than made up by proficiency and productivity.

The fact is that we have had SRPs/OSMs for 10 years. So AA had a ten year advantage as far as cheap labor. As A&Ps retired or left they were replaced by SRPs in the shops. UAL and USAIR did not have that luxury so in order to try and achieve the type of savings that AA had, for 10 years already, they had to take drastic action and send it out. Lets not forget that despite the fact that AA had this low cost labor AA still spends more than any other carrier on outsourcing.

Care to comment on Junior Fleet Service clerks or Part Timers? You think you guys are done giving? Dont forget that the TWU also represents Triangle and some of the other lowest paying outfits on the airport where they make half of what you make, if that. So when the TWU tells you to take another paycut or else your jobs will go to the foreigners, working for sweat shop wages right here in the USA, represented by the same TWU what will you do then?

Like you, I'm not a big TWU-AFL-CIO fan. I am in total agreement with you with regards to A and P compensation with premiums for those who live in high cost areas. I feel that the union should remedy this situation. While you can live like a king on $30/hr in TUL, AFW, and MCI; In places like NYC and California $30/hr is below average. As you said some of the heavy overhaul work is done here in the USA at places like TIMCO. I know a laid off NW AMT who went to work at TIMCO after his layoff and he did not stay there very long. He said it was horrible and the pay there is less than the airlines are paying. As I have posted before, I think AMFA will be a big disappointment at UA and NW. Although they got the $35/hr at NW, they have laid off a lot of AMTs. That is what Lorenzo did when he came to EAL. When he got his meat hooks into EAL, EAL had about 40,000 employees and 300 planes. At the time of the strike, he had hacked it down to about 20,000 employees and 150 planes. At strike time just about everybody in the unions walked. Within about a month he had parts of EAL flying again by hiring scabs. My point: When you reduce the number of people, they are easier to replace. So at NW and UA, with fewer than half of the AMTs left, they will be easier to replace. If you want to dump the TWU and get all the AMTs under one organization, why don't you bring back ALMA and push for it at the other airlines?

As far as Junior fleetservice goes AA did away with this classification because it was a dismal failure. The pay was so low that the turnover rate was very high. AA had to raise the wages to "normal" fleetservice levels to keep people. As for part time, a minority want part time just for the benefits. Just remember the people who were hired in on the B-scale were not on the property to vote for it. It was voted in by the "A" scalers who later complained about it. In effect the "B" scalers took the paycuts for the "A" scalers. Maybe instead of voting it in the 1980s, they should have struck AA instead of capitulating to Crandall.

In my opinion, AA will come back and demand paycuts that will equal what UA people will make. As we speak, Tilton is cutting their throats with pensions gone today and wages reduced tommorrow. I think that they will end up at USAir levels. In the case of ramp $17/hr with no pension. I have written this job off and am ready to go someplace else when the time comes. I have already given up my career at EAL for "the good of the industry wages". Obviously, people at UA and US are not willing to do the same, which is their choice. So when AA comes around again I won't be advocating "burn the house down". Hopefully, they will offer a good severance and I will retire very very early.

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