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Twu Solicits Help To Save All 3 Bases!

TonyB said:
For 17 years all I've heard from the company toy union is a bunch of lame excuses. Some of those come to mind like,...It's the best we're gonna get, Brother..., or ...W'ell get 'em next time, Brother..., what else? ...It's Tulsa's fault, they wanted it, Brother..., ...It's the line stations fault, Brother... and the timeless classic mother of all lame TWU excuses, ...they can do that, Brother...

Tony..............Theres no guarantee AMFA could or would have done better. I almost beleive after reading the messages hear from the AMFA supporters in what they know and beleive about AMFA and Delle............He really can walk on water, and no matter how bad a contract any union receives, AMFA can and will do better.
One thing, what your saying, and let me say, I understand what your saying and how your feeling, but really, how much of what you say you hate about the TWU, is in fact, caused by your local? How often do any of us ever hear the international respond to our feelings or cares over a new contract? Its always the local officers, E Board explaining and why we receive this contract, its not the TWU, and I say this because, No matter what Initials hang over your local today or tomorrow, your local will stilled be controlled by your local representatives, the same officers you have bad repor with today will still control your destiny tomorrow. The popular vote will always win elections
TonyB said:
If MCI is any thing like Tulsa then you may not give a rip about a line issue.
TWU SUCKS! :down:
Tony, personally I do not believe that this is true at all. I think this comes from the ones that believe the lines would like to see maintenance bases closed. I know that is just a bunch of crap that the Tulsa TWU good ole boys and their bosses have tried to get the membership to buy but, it doesn't mean we actually do buy it. We know that when the #### hits the fan and we need to strike that the line stations are the strong arm that we all need. Other than that we are all in this mess together!!! I also believe that once this union representation thing is behind us, we can pull it together (a line issue is a base issue and vise versa).

I am together with you on this part though.lol
TWU SUCKS! :down:
TonyB said:
MCI, I don't want to see any bases close and I know I speak for every one. Nor am I anti TWA. Even though I believe the whole buyout thing was a big mistake that issue is like beating a dead horse. I am not a selfish hard assed mo fo and I hate to see anyone lose their job.
My beef is that after all the humiliation we've suffered through thanks mostly to the TWU, they want us to roll over, crawl and beg. I have a big problem with that and maybe I've gone overboard with the name calling but I am out of patience. For 17 years all I've heard from the company toy union is a bunch of lame excuses. Some of those come to mind like,...It's the best we're gonna get, Brother..., or ...W'ell get 'em next time, Brother..., what else? ...It's Tulsa's fault, they wanted it, Brother..., ...It's the line stations fault, Brother... and the timeless classic mother of all lame TWU excuses, ...they can do that, Brother...
I would take a more militant approach. Simple as that. If people don't like it then too bad. Fortunately for the company I am but a voice in the wilderness. Are you aware that at the line stations they are now making fleet service clerks do arrival inspections? They have mechanics gate manning but we are not supposed to do a walk around but it's OK for clerks to do it. Is any one upset? AMFA or TWU supporters? Hardly. Every one just goes about like it's business as usual. If MCI is any thing like Tulsa then you may not give a rip about a line issue.
TWU SUCKS! :down:
:angry: Tony, Raptor, Buck---- You people must think we're fools!! We can see what's going on just the same as you! Tony! You use the word "humiliated" well you don't think we haven't been here before? Look again! This is at least the third time for us ex-TWAers! What AA is doing now is extortion, plain and simple! Arpy writes letters about "business ethics"! It seems to him that's a one way street! Where do you draw the line between "Good Business Practices" and something else? I'm sorry! but I'm sick and tired of being held up for ransom! "Gone too far in name calling!" Well, we all have! Just for the record I've already signed that card! But Tony your not helping your cause by this line of B.S.!!! If the TWU, or AMFA, or the devil himself can turn "PUBLIC OPINION" in favor of saving jobs!!!! I'M ALL FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!If you call that begging? So be it!!!!!!!!
"... the same officers you have bad repor with today will still control your destiny tomorrow. The popular vote will always win elections..."

Your use of the word "control" is apropriate(in the 514).

Yes, some of the officers in the 514 will get re-elected. BUT.
Local 12 AMFA will choose from Mech and related.
No selfrespecting former TWU officer, would seek office in an organization that they Blasted, and attempted to Defame. :blink:
For 17 years all I've heard from the company toy union is a bunch of lame excuses. Some of those come to mind like,...It's the best we're gonna get, Brother..., or ...W'ell get 'em next time, Brother..., what else? ...It's Tulsa's fault, they wanted it, Brother..., ...It's the line stations fault, Brother... and the timeless classic mother of all lame TWU excuses, ...they can do that, Brother...

Tony..............Theres no guarantee AMFA could or would have done better. I almost beleive after reading the messages hear from the AMFA supporters in what they know and beleive about AMFA and Delle............He really can walk on water, and no matter how bad a contract any union receives, AMFA can and will do better.
One thing, what your saying, and let me say, I understand what your saying and how your feeling, but really, how much of what you say you hate about the TWU, is in fact, caused by your local? How often do any of us ever hear the international respond to our feelings or cares over a new contract? Its always the local officers, E Board explaining and why we receive this contract, its not the TWU, and I say this because, No matter what Initials hang over your local today or tomorrow, your local will stilled be controlled by your local representatives, the same officers you have bad repor with today will still control your destiny tomorrow. The popular vote will always win elections
WRONG! The TWU is controlled by the ATD Director Jim Little and he is controlled by International Pres. Sonny the toll booth change-maker Hall.
The largest concession package in airline history was accepted "without further ratification" by Jim Little, after admitting that 3200 members did not get to vote. His arm was twisted by Sonny Hall acting on advice from International Lawyers who knew that bankrutpcy would cost the TWU members. Members = dues.
AMFA would not have accepted a contract without a valid ratification by the membership.
When Local 562 took the TWU International to court over the invalid vote, the judge confermed that in accordance with the TWU constitution, the membership has no right to vote on the contract. The TWU International Executive Board is the "supreme authority".
With AMFA's constitution, the membership is the supreme authority. That is why the Flight Attendants got to revote and we didn't. Their members have authority over elected officials. We, in the TWU, do not.
And that, is what this whole AMFA vs. TWU thing is all about.
RUM@AA said:
When Local 562 took the TWU International to court over the invalid vote, the judge confermed that in accordance with the TWU constitution, the membership has no right to vote on the contract. The TWU International Executive Board is the "supreme authority".
With AMFA's constitution, the membership is the supreme authority.

That is why the Flight Attendants got to revote and we didn't. Their members have authority over elected officials. We, in the TWU, do not.
And that, is what this whole AMFA vs. TWU thing is all about.
While much of your statement is correct on these two point you are wrong.

The judge conceded that the Constitution says that we have that right but allowed for the fact that under certain circumstances that a Union could decide, regardless of the Constitution, to impose terms upon its members. Her position probably relied upon the presumption that the Union leadership had the best interests of the members at heart and would, after the dust settles be held accountable by the members. In our case these presumptions are in fact not actual. The leadership obviously did not have our interests at heart nor can they be held accountable by us.

The flight attendants got their revote because it was voted down, not because of the revelation of executive bonuses.
I've been in New York, Tulsa, AFWand DFW and it's been the same crap. Only recently has the NY local had the right kind of ledership. What happens? They get thrown out by the International. The same happened at AFW with Dan Cunningham back in '93' or '94 . As far as my current local goes...Don Vidatich may have started with good intentions but has been blinded by the cigar smoke. Right now he's trying to set himself up in the latest smoke and mirrors sham, the TWU Maintenance Division.
You TWA boys have been abused so much that many think everyone is out get you. It may not be everyone but it's everyone that matters, ie. Arpey.
You been screwed by TWA in the past and now your getting screwed by AA. Guess what? We've been getting by AA for years. The same people that screwed you have screwed us. It may not be the same individuals but they come from the same clubs, Harvard, Yale, Wharton, etc. That is why we have unions to protect us. At least thats what we are led to believe. We are told that Samuel Gompers was the father of labor but in reality he was a sell out. The reason the AFL was formed was to rein in labor and control the so called radicals. Samuel Gompers did not like strikes or confrontation. He would rather work "hand in hand" with big business and politicians. He did this in the hope that by keeping the radicals in check, the politicians would be happy and big business would, out of the goodness of their heart, throw labor a bone once in a while. In the 1950's when the AFL and the CIO merged, the sell out was completed. Now the unions pledged not to raid each others members effectively deminishing the chance that if a union was not doing it's job, another would be out there looking to take it's place. I'm not saying that some good didn't come out of all this but it came at the cost of having a neutered labor movement.
Today, the model for labor set up by Gompers remains. It's no wonder the American labor movement is viewed as a joke by the rest of the world.
If you fellas want to go ahead and beg go right ahead. I'd rather fight.
It's time to flush the TWU down the toilet where it belongs!

MCI Transplant if you think that Mr. Arpey cares about what we think then I have no problem with people asking him to not shut the base down but I think you will have better luck at giving him good reasons why it should not be shut down instead of just telling him you would not like to see the base shut down as I have said he does know that NO Mechanics want to see any bases shut down, what he wants to know is what is in it for AA, give him that and you might have a chance.
As for the line stations being against overhaul and vise versa I do not feel that way and I hope that no one else does either, we are all in this together for stations to be against each other is rediculous. lets all work together to make AMFA a new start for all of us, hey the least we can do is give it a chance the majority has allready spoken with their cards they want an election and Democracy demands that we give them what they want. the majority as allways will prevail and hopefully the winner will do a better job at representing us. :up:

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