Twu Sellout Force Majuere

Decision 2004 said:
Now don't go twisting facts and leaving part of the conversation out.

I said "AMFA is not the answer to your seniority issue", and you not only know this to be fact, you purposely attempt to deceive the readers.

Now we know your character better also

Dave, Correct me if I'm wrong? You said in Kansas City, while answering the question involving TWA senority, "AMFA is not the answer to the problems we face as AMT's?"

Pertainingto TWA senority, you stated that," when the time comes to start negotiations, the National will send surveys to poll each local as to what each local would hope to secure in negotiations, you said, KC might want to re establish their senority, as number 1, then you said, the national would ask, lets say Tulsa, and Tulsa might want to have more vacation time, You said Tulsa would win because there are more members at Tulsa.
Am I right Dave? If so Dave, Does this blow out the window where we are told that AMFA will listen to eadch member? to each local? This is nothingwe dont already have Dave, We report to our local and in turn they respond to the international, and try to negotiate for the members, where is AMFA different?
Dave, always trying to belittle ,
Decision 2004 said:
I did NOT state anything you claim.

The answer to your questions are NO!
Pertainingto TWA senority, you stated that," when the time comes to start negotiations, the National will send surveys to poll each local as to what each local would hope to secure in negotiations, you said, KC might want to re establish their senority, as number 1, then you said, the national would ask, lets say Tulsa, and Tulsa might want to have more vacation time, You said Tulsa would win because there are more members at Tulsa

Dave you deny saying any of this?
Name: Joey
Employer: Laid off from NWA
Location: St Paul, Minn
Email: To DD
Date: Monday, March 15, 2004
Time: 03:10 AM

I wish I had never heard of AMFA before. If you don't mind I'd like to #### for a few minutes. I'm so sick of Jim Atkinson and the AMFA Local 33 Executives telling me that I volunteered for layoff. They don't know what's going on in my life. I have to take care of an ill parent. I couldn't go chasing after this job to another city. Now I get punished for doing what's right and lose my job because my Union, AMFA, gave it away in negotiations. I wish, #### I cry about this every week. Fixing Airplanes was a dream of mine since I was a little kid. I wanted to fly them like everyone else, maybe even be a Fighter pilot, that was my childhood dream job. That wasn't going to happen and I just wanted to be a part of it, and being an Aircraft Mechanic was perfect for me. I am from St Paul and figured I'd work at NWA just like my Uncle did, as a Mechanic. He always told me what a great job it was and how proud he was to work there. I was also proud to have such a good job when I got hired in. I didn't even want to take my uniform off. Then the nightmare started. I remember it like yesterday. Kyle Webber and Dennis Barry were in my hanger, DC10's. Kyle gave me an AMFA card and asked me to consider the benefits of being separate. Then Bob Moss told me how over paid the Cleaners were and the Stock Clerks and the ESE's and said that if we had AMFA and bargained separate we'd get a bigger "Piece of the Pie". I am so pissed off at those liars. NWA took AMFA to the cleaners and me to the Soup Line. Now AMFA tells me it's my fault I lost my job. Not their fault for giving it away, but mine for not moving to Detroit. I call AMFA all the time and ask about my grievance for being laid off and they don't ever call back. My friend called and told me that my grievance was lost in arbitration but I haven't heard a word. I went from an educated Aircraft Mechanic in the IAM at NWA to a Laid Off AMFA Technician who's out of Unemployment, creditors crawling up my behind, two months behind on my mortgage, had to sell my car and buy a Junker and for everyone's information, there aren't any decent jobs out there. The only job skills needed today are being able to handle a spatula and a burger. Thanks for wrecking my life AMFA! Dell, I hope you rot in hell.
What? An unsatisfied AMFA don't expect us here at AA to believe that...Dave promised we would all be misty eyed at the moment...wuh happened?

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