twuer said:
Decision 2004 quote. . .
Once certified, I fully intend on running on for Office, winning that election also, and proving you are the liar.
Oh, now come on Dave. . .you ran for office with the TWU, on more than one occasion wasn't it???? They didn't want you in office then why would they vote you in now??? It will be the same group of folks. Unless you go down to AFW again where amfa numbers might be higher. Maybe you could try NY where Bob is. He'll probably share a ticket with you!!
I know, why don't you run for Delle's assistant??? If you grovel and beg enough maybe Delle would consider having you by his side ALL the time!!
But, we know that amfa won't win even if it does come to a vote. Just not enough support there anymore. I bet I have talked to at least a couple hundred folks over the past 2-3 months who had signed a card way back when but are now having second thoughts. They see amfa's "protection" just as we (on these boards) do. Or should I say lack of protection.
I am still waiting for the big news from amfa about what they have done to protect the profession. Not what they want to do but what they have done. All I get back are complaints about the TWU. Noone has any evidence that amfa is "protecting the profession". That's a bit fishy to me and to a lot of othere people whose lives you are putting at risk.
So, tell me, when amfa loses will they try again? Can we expect the same things from amfa for the next year or so or will Delle finally say enough is enough?
You are the same guy who claimed about 150 members wanted to get into a physical confrontation at RATFEST "99.
You are the same guy who claimed you met with 60 members at your house twice to decide you should run for office.
You are the same guy running to management daily to protect you and your union from change.
You are the same guy who lost your position at the International due to immoral sexual activity.
Your crediblity is too low, and I don't trust anything you say.
Here you are on video:
twuer on video
You are simply a liar.
Try reading this for answers regarding AMFA and the Profession:
AMFA and the Profession
I believe the 60% Change Seekers will NOT stop until the TWU is gone. That is my opinion.
The BIG QUESTION is "what are you going to do when AMFA wins"?