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Twu Sellout Force Majuere

Decision 2004 said:
If I am kicked off this board, then why are still talking to me? You should be prepared for the Force Majeure II Decision still waiting in the wings. More members than FM1, and by far the easier case to argue before an arbitrator. Yes I can count, and the difference between our paychecks and a Northwest Mechanic is staggering. His Holiday Time, Vacation Time, and Medical is better than mine. He still has tuition reimbursement for schooling. He has more time everyday with his family than I do. I can count, can you? When did the TWU agenda become sarifice wages and benefits for jobs Jake, because that is not listed in the "objectives" of the organization in the Constitution? When you log in to jetnet and view e-pays, are you looking ofr how many jobs you saved this payday, or how much you have to pay bills and buy food? Tell the truth Jake. There is no column for jobs saved on your paycheck is there?
Man, you're pathetic. You even are starting to sound like the hobbit.."Just wait 'till FM2!!!" Point is Dave, AMFA is as big a loser as you. And Bob, try putting your keyboard away from the table when ya type,should keep the food out of the keys and your mind on your type.
Johnny Lunchbox said:
Man, you're pathetic. You even are starting to sound like the hobbit.."Just wait 'till FM2!!!" Point is Dave, AMFA is as big a loser as you. And Bob, try putting your keyboard away from the table when ya type,should keep the food out of the keys and your mind on your type.
I personally think your inability to answer with any facts or substance speaks for itself.

Your name calling such as "loser", "hobbit", and attacking of individuals on a personal basis is not helping your cause.

We are trying to give you a fair chance by pointing this out, and you still continue the same pattern.

What part of we are adults and professionals seeking a debate on change of union representation don't you understand?

I was told by NWA, UAL, SWA, and Alaksa AMFA Mechanics that this is what we would be facing towards the end of the process, but I really thought AA Mechanics were above the rest and it would be different. You continuously and shamefully prove otherwise, and instead prove that industrial unionism is more than just a philosophy of representation, it is actaully a force that degrades the profession in more ways than just pay and benefit concessions. It is obvious that along with compromising our mission with the unskilled majority, industrial unioniam also leads to a degrading of our overall intelligence and the perception the public has of our group as a whole.

Why should we sit by and allow people like yourself decide our future? It is time for change. Sorry, we cannot sit on the sidelines and allow folks of your caliber to control our destiny any longer, we will take charge.
Decision 2004 said:
When did the TWU agenda become sarifice wages and benefits for jobs Jake, because that is not listed in the "objectives" of the organization in the Constitution?

ANSWER; When the company told the Presidents council NO to layoffs and if they didnt get everything they wanted ($660 million) they were going to yank the $3 million in "financial aid" that the company gives directly to union officials that does not get reported on the LM-2
Bob Owens said:
ANSWER; When the company told the Presidents council NO to layoffs and if they didnt get everything they wanted ($660 million) they were going to yank the $3 million in "financial aid" that the company gives directly to union officials that does not get reported on the LM-2
It's a damn shame that leaders of a union organization would place themselves in a position to be manipulated like that with cash payments that should be paid by union dues to begin with if it is legitmate officer expense. Or is this some kind of payoff above and beyond normal union expense?

If there is some documented evidence of this activity I have an idea?
Decision 2004 said:
Why should we sit by and allow people like yourself decide our future? It is time for change. Sorry, we cannot sit on the sidelines and allow folks of your caliber to control our destiny any longer, we will take charge.

Dave, You stated in Kansas City last saturday, that" AMFA is not the answer"
Dave, You stated in Kansas City last saturday, that" AMFA is not the answer"
Now don't go twisting facts and leaving part of the conversation out.

I said "AMFA is not the answer to your seniority issue", and you not only know this to be fact, you purposely attempt to deceive the readers.

Now we know your character better also.
Bob Owens said:
Decision 2004 said:
When did the TWU agenda become sarifice wages and benefits for jobs Jake, because that is not listed in the "objectives" of the organization in the Constitution?

ANSWER; When the company told the Presidents council NO to layoffs and if they didnt get everything they wanted ($660 million) they were going to yank the $3 million in "financial aid" that the company gives directly to union officials that does not get reported on the LM-2
I don't know where you are getting this number from Bob. ($3 mil) Do you have proof of this and if you do and if you are soooo upset about it why aren't you pursuing it further?? Aren't you the one who loves lawsuits??

I guess the company is doing something criminal and illegal and YOU are going to be the one who catches them??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Decision 2004 quote. . .
Once certified, I fully intend on running on for Office, winning that election also, and proving you are the liar.

Oh, now come on Dave. . .you ran for office with the TWU, on more than one occasion wasn't it???? They didn't want you in office then why would they vote you in now??? It will be the same group of folks. Unless you go down to AFW again where amfa numbers might be higher. Maybe you could try NY where Bob is. He'll probably share a ticket with you!!

I know, why don't you run for Delle's assistant??? If you grovel and beg enough maybe Delle would consider having you by his side ALL the time!!

But, we know that amfa won't win even if it does come to a vote. Just not enough support there anymore. I bet I have talked to at least a couple hundred folks over the past 2-3 months who had signed a card way back when but are now having second thoughts. They see amfa's "protection" just as we (on these boards) do. Or should I say lack of protection.

I am still waiting for the big news from amfa about what they have done to protect the profession. Not what they want to do but what they have done. All I get back are complaints about the TWU. Noone has any evidence that amfa is "protecting the profession". That's a bit fishy to me and to a lot of othere people whose lives you are putting at risk.

So, tell me, when amfa loses will they try again? Can we expect the same things from amfa for the next year or so or will Delle finally say enough is enough?
TWscrewer; Tell me how many IAM workers were added to TWscrews work force when we added the TWA people at AA. Now tell me the number that are still here. North west and united together dont compair in numbers. Now northwest and United are both recalling people.Tell me how many TWA or AA workers have gotten recalled. AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
You forget one thing TWscrewer: It will not be the same people voting for officers we won't have stores and F/S voting on our officers ever again. It looks like its time for you to dust Off your tools if you ever had tools.AMFW NOW !!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Name: Time t make a stand
Employer: nwa
Location: Det
Date: Sunday, March 14, 2004
Time: 03:53 AM

Here's a novel idea, perhaps AMFA could tell the AA people the truth about their agenda to bust up all the Union Maintenance shops in this country for the Companies Union the ATA. How much $$$ do the Seehams get for that? AA Mechs, you have to make the first stand against AMFA. Vote NO to AMFA and stay with the TWU. I'm telling you the rest of us are trying to organize to rid ourselves of AMFA but it's really hard. The Companies don't allow rival Unions the access they do for AMFA. That should be warning enough.
What to hell are you talking about james t dork. Get out your TWscrew/AA contract read your scope language.When you get past the part where AA can cross utilize with out respect to seniority,no paper work,no job classification limits remember this is 50 years of protective language evolution with TWscrew.Now go and read the first contract ever negotiated for our craft and class at NorthWest if you cant see the advantages of AMFA get your wife to read it and explaine it to you. If she cant under stand good luck with your WalMart career.
twuer said:
Decision 2004 quote. . .
Once certified, I fully intend on running on for Office, winning that election also, and proving you are the liar.

Oh, now come on Dave. . .you ran for office with the TWU, on more than one occasion wasn't it???? They didn't want you in office then why would they vote you in now??? It will be the same group of folks. Unless you go down to AFW again where amfa numbers might be higher. Maybe you could try NY where Bob is. He'll probably share a ticket with you!!

I know, why don't you run for Delle's assistant??? If you grovel and beg enough maybe Delle would consider having you by his side ALL the time!!

But, we know that amfa won't win even if it does come to a vote. Just not enough support there anymore. I bet I have talked to at least a couple hundred folks over the past 2-3 months who had signed a card way back when but are now having second thoughts. They see amfa's "protection" just as we (on these boards) do. Or should I say lack of protection.

I am still waiting for the big news from amfa about what they have done to protect the profession. Not what they want to do but what they have done. All I get back are complaints about the TWU. Noone has any evidence that amfa is "protecting the profession". That's a bit fishy to me and to a lot of othere people whose lives you are putting at risk.

So, tell me, when amfa loses will they try again? Can we expect the same things from amfa for the next year or so or will Delle finally say enough is enough?

You are the same guy who claimed about 150 members wanted to get into a physical confrontation at RATFEST "99.

You are the same guy who claimed you met with 60 members at your house twice to decide you should run for office.

You are the same guy running to management daily to protect you and your union from change.

You are the same guy who lost your position at the International due to immoral sexual activity.

Your crediblity is too low, and I don't trust anything you say.

Here you are on video:
twuer on video

You are simply a liar.

Try reading this for answers regarding AMFA and the Profession:

AMFA and the Profession

I believe the 60% Change Seekers will NOT stop until the TWU is gone. That is my opinion.

The BIG QUESTION is "what are you going to do when AMFA wins"?
Decision 2004 said:
twuer said:
Decision 2004 quote. . .
Once certified, I fully intend on running on for Office, winning that election also, and proving you are the liar.

Oh, now come on Dave. . .you ran for office with the TWU, on more than one occasion wasn't it???? They didn't want you in office then why would they vote you in now??? It will be the same group of folks. Unless you go down to AFW again where amfa numbers might be higher. Maybe you could try NY where Bob is. He'll probably share a ticket with you!!

I know, why don't you run for Delle's assistant??? If you grovel and beg enough maybe Delle would consider having you by his side ALL the time!!

But, we know that amfa won't win even if it does come to a vote. Just not enough support there anymore. I bet I have talked to at least a couple hundred folks over the past 2-3 months who had signed a card way back when but are now having second thoughts. They see amfa's "protection" just as we (on these boards) do. Or should I say lack of protection.

I am still waiting for the big news from amfa about what they have done to protect the profession. Not what they want to do but what they have done. All I get back are complaints about the TWU. Noone has any evidence that amfa is "protecting the profession". That's a bit fishy to me and to a lot of othere people whose lives you are putting at risk.

So, tell me, when amfa loses will they try again? Can we expect the same things from amfa for the next year or so or will Delle finally say enough is enough?

You are the same guy who claimed about 150 members wanted to get into a physical confrontation at RATFEST "99.

You are the same guy who claimed you met with 60 members at your house twice to decide you should run for office.

You are the same guy running to management daily to protect you and your union from change.

You are the same guy who lost your position at the International due to immoral sexual activity.

Your crediblity is too low, and I don't trust anything you say.

Here you are on video:
twuer on video

You are simply a liar.

Try reading this for answers regarding AMFA and the Profession:

AMFA and the Profession

I believe the 60% Change Seekers will NOT stop until the TWU is gone. That is my opinion.

The BIG QUESTION is "what are you going to do when AMFA wins"?
I told you you didn't have a clue!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

It is truly guys like you who give unions a bad name. What's wrong Dave, did I speak too much truth for you??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I see you didn't even want to touch this one. . .

I am still waiting for the big news from amfa about what they have done to protect the profession. Not what they want to do but what they have done. All I get back are complaints about the TWU. Noone has any evidence that amfa is "protecting the profession". That's a bit fishy to me and to a lot of othere people whose lives you are putting at risk.

You would think as much as you wannabes brag about amfa there would be volumes and volumes of stuff to brag on. We are waiting. . .still waiting!! :shock:
twuer said:
I see you didn't even want to touch this one. . .[/color]
I am still waiting for the big news from amfa about what they have done to protect the profession. Not what they want to do but what they have done. All I get back are complaints about the TWU. Noone has any evidence that amfa is "protecting the profession". That's a bit fishy to me and to a lot of othere people whose lives you are putting at risk.

You would think as much as you wannabes brag about amfa there would be volumes and volumes of stuff to brag on. We are waiting. . .still waiting!! :shock:
Read This

AMFA and the Profession

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