Realityck said:
Sorry to disappoint you genius, but the Int'l has already filed a 29D on the issue.
That is a mute gesture by this lame union, if the TWU did something about all the things aa took from us over the yrs then we would not be in the position we are in, More people would not want the TWU gone. But that is not the case the TWU has failed the membership.
It's a gesture to some what curb the possibility of the Tulsa mechanics signing cards to shed the TWU. Since from what some have said here the is little to no CS's in T-Town.
The line stations have a great CS policy. So the need to buy flex is not that big of a deal for most, MHO.
If the company can take away CS's, Flight privileges, for punishment and the ability to use future vacation as a PV days, what's to keep them from changing the flex vacation ability?
The TWU has allowed the company to take so many things from us over the yrs, No Past practice was used to keep it or get it back.
The TWU didn't fight the contract changes which took Holidays, Vacation, 2.5 pay for holidays, sick time, doing away with retirement medical plan, pension. They let them give our Pre-fund money back and say we don't provide that any more. They don't wash our uniforms any more. You actually think letting you buy time off is some thing they can't do away with. What about early starts, or penalty hours, paid lunches.
All of you know what we have lost as TWU members, you can all add to the list of things we as a union did not fight for. Being able to buy flex is just one more thing the company is going to do away with. They take work to other countries and the TWU doesn't say we did that for yrs, its our work and fight it. Past practice rules. HA...