When is it going to be enough?
It's either the company or the TWU time after time, facts don't lie.
We always seem to be able to find some thing wrong as of late. Unless we are ready to just throw in the towel with aa and just walk away, we have only one other choice.
Replace the TWU.
Just how much more of the take away's and give back are you going to accept.
Are you all asleep? your careers, families future is at stake here.
It's time for all to take an active part in this endeavour of ours which is to bring in a New way of doing things. A culture change something we will have a say in, the way things are done. The Leaders at the Top have let things get to this point, its a shame don't you think?
Replacing the head on this snake of a union has done what for US?
Soon we will all be looking at a single carrier, one in which the USAirways guys will be a part of. They're going to want a voice as well, it's time for the AA mechanics to reach out to them since the same company Leader has done little for them.
The IAM is there and the TWU is what we have, you must of at one time in the last few months read something about what is going on at USAirways. You know what is happening here or you should. This IAM/TWU alliance is not in my opinion going to beneficial for any of US. The two unions just want to keep the dues flowing.
This was done on the recommendation of the AFL-CIO, because they want their cut of our money as well.
A re-alignment of bases for whatever O/H is going to left will be done.
The arriving and departure of flights at the line stations is going to happen in August.
Everything that happens is going to effect our lives, money, family.
Lets all get control of one thing, our UNION. We do have the power too do that.
Lets STOP the screwing and start fresh.
AMFA at the NEW AA 2014