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TWU presidential endorsement "your thoughts"

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BigMac said:
I believe the first term Obama ran for office they kept changing their endorsement 3-4 times as they were knocked of the running. Then finally Obama was the last Democrat left..so they endorsed him. Just curious what he has done for airlines?
Directly? Good question. Indirectly, the economy has been on a nice climb during his terms; that can only have helped each carrier's bottom line...
700UW said:
Not pouting, it's called enjoying a much needed day off.
Did you just out yourself? Day off? Tim and the Coneheads were right, you are paid to post here.
How anyone can vote for that phony crook Hillary Clinton is beyond me. Also if the media, sickening Hollywood celebrities and the Democratic party (and the Republican party too for that matter) hate Trump this much you KNOW he's doing something right!
"Trump is an idiot" But you're going to vote for him anyway?

Not exactly what I would consider to be a glowing endorsement.

Vote for the idiot. An idiot is a sure fire guarantee to long term prosperity in your lives. You can never go wrong with having an idiot in your house.
You got any better ideas? I know you are too smart to vote for Hillbilly. BTW, I want Trump to win, at this time, but I am not voting for him or Hillbilly. I like most of what Trump says when he is on the extreme left, but I have no trust in him as he seems to revert to clear and sincere Barbie tantrums anytime someone disagrees with him. He is basically killing his whole campaign and misreading his support. People like Trump due to his stances on certain things that he is right about, but he thinks people are voting because of him. He will get literally pounded unless he stops his ridiculousness and absurd Barbie trantrum side bars. The dude spent one whole week blasting some senator from Virginia then another whole week blasting a Judge on his Trump U case. Myself nor anyone really gives a S about his personal cases or some senator that we can't even vote for. Yet, Trump makes it all personal and drags that crap into this Presidential vote. It suggest that he is either very very stupid, or that he really doesn't have any backbone policy and just wants to be a sorta Celebrity virtual President. If Hillary simply does nothing, then she should win, even though she is horrible for this country and working peeps. No good choices. And the third candidate from the Liberation party must not have much support if he can't stir any national attention at a time when nobody wants to really vote for the other two morons.
Sad to see your union dues going for this kind of endorsements.  Can anyone find out how much $$$ this ass. has sent to the clinton camp?  I would be willing to bet there was some back door deals done...
I can't vote for Trump
Also find it rather hard to vote for Hillary
So if Hillary takes Elizabeth Warren as her running mate, I will vote for Hillary and hope she gets indicted on the email scam in the first couple months in office. Then President Warren takes over and I can live with that. 😀
Worldport said:
Did you just out yourself? Day off? Tim and the Coneheads were right, you are paid to post here.
Go ask Tim to find me on an LM2 past the financial year 2013.

You won't find me on one.

I don't work for the IAM nor do I get paid from them.

I work a real job.

And you can't use dues money for political candidates.
700UW said:
Go ask Tim to find me on an LM2 past the financial year 2013.

I don't work for the IAM nor do I get paid from them.

I work a real job.
A real job? So the people working at the IAM have what? Phony baloney jobs?
700UW said:
Go ask Tim to find me on an LM2 past the financial year 2013.

You won't find me on one.

I don't work for the IAM nor do I get paid from them.

I work a real job.

And you can't use dues money for political candidates.
How do unions make contributions?Educate me
Worldport said:
How do unions make contributions?Educate me
They don't.

Dues money cannot be used for hard political money, they can use dues money for political education and GOTV campaigns, which is soft money.

That is why the IAM has MNPL and the TWU has COPE.

Voluntary money given by members to their respective PACs.
700UW said:
They don't.

Dues money cannot be used for hard political money, they can use dues money for political education and GOTV campaigns, which is soft money.

That is why the IAM has MNPL and the TWU has COPE.

Voluntary money given by members to their respective PACs.
Got it they can't contribute union dues they can however squander pension funds
Worldport said:
Got it they can't contribute union dues they can however squander pension funds
Clueless as usual.
700UW said:
Clueless as usual.
And I'm a stupid moron. Weez he's being rude and insensitive again. OK unions pension funds were never squandered.Don't let history get in your way. 700 do you get paid by the hour or by the word
ASSociation Clown said:
I can't vote for Trump
Also find it rather hard to vote for Hillary
So if Hillary takes Elizabeth Warren as her running mate, I will vote for Hillary and hope she gets indicted on the email scam in the first couple months in office. Then President Warren takes over and I can live with that. 😀
I like the way you think, but I don't see HRC tapping Warren for Veep. She (and Sanders) are too big on their own, and may better serve elsewhere? My money's on someone like Sherrod Brown getting the nod...
Castro HUD Secretary, Mayor of San Antonio or LT Govenor of CA, is the scuttle butt. Bill was here yesterday in Charlotte and HRC is making her return to Charlotte again.
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