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Reading this transcript is like reading a translation of Trump during a R.E.M. sleep episode...except it is live.

Delldude: serious question here. Can you honestly say this guy is fit to have our military arsenal at his beck & call?

If you tell me that he is somehow playing everyone, I'm not buying it. Those days are over. He could get away with that when he didn't have the spotlight on him.

I really think he is ill. This may end badly.

I appreciate you and KC here. I have all the other trolls on ignore. The scab ('nuff said).

I am in some great forums with the aviation community. They actually have great convos, with limited troll action. We all get along, but have serious policy disagreements.

Kind of like we used to have here.

Take care man.
Glenn: Thanks for posting that. Wow. Words fail me.

If it is an act, he's far and away the best actor the world has ever seen. I'm not buyin it.
Trump budget chief Mick Mulvaney on Fox News Sunday: "We put up more executive orders than any previous administration in the last 50 yrs."

Reading this transcript is like reading a translation of Trump during a R.E.M. sleep episode...except it is live.

Delldude: serious question here. Can you honestly say this guy is fit to have our military arsenal at his beck & call?

If you tell me that he is somehow playing everyone, I'm not buying it. Those days are over. He could get away with that when he didn't have the spotlight on him.

I really think he is ill. This may end badly.

I appreciate you and KC here. I have all the other trolls on ignore. The scab ('nuff said).

I am in some great forums with the aviation community. They actually have great convos, with limited troll action. We all get along, but have serious policy disagreements.

Kind of like we used to have here.

Take care man.

To answer your question, reread his comments and concerns over the Tomahawk attack. Those comments go great lengths to where his head is at militarily. He is the first President in a long while to give his Generals free reign to do their jobs without incessant micromanaging from the oval office. I read recently, many of the sorties flown to interdict ISIS, something like 73%, came back with ordnance still on the rails. 73%......because it just wasn't right from the President or some deputy's perspective. Many missed opportunities while wringing hands. I trust Trump to listen to his Generals and take their advice. You know even the Generals have to weigh the consequences of their decisions and recommendations.

I know he said many things on the campaign trail....that's why I made the comment about "there is a fence around the White House"......you can says lots of things about this and that and what you are going to do, but once you get inside the fence, the reality sets in and its totally different from ones perception from the outside. Read the interview and he directly addresses that several times.

Did you hear his mention of several cost saving moves he's made and his comments where you won't read about that? Consider the fact that the same media that tirelessly tried to assassinate him through the primaries and failed are still doing the same on every issue? How many sensational headlines come out over something said or done, only to be found it was overhyped BS a couple days down the road. How many things have been blown out of proportion that end up being retracted? Once a misreported story is in the news cycle a couple days, it holds the weight of the truth by then....retracted or not.

I saw foaming at the mouth leftists swooning over the fact that Trump called Erdogan and congratulated him on his recent win. Duh.....Obama did the same thing...even when Erdogan was tossing people in jail. Point is before people on the left start pointing fingers at Trump, more often than not, a quick check will show Obama or some other did the same thing and it wasn't an issue at the time......so WTF?

I read most of the AP interview, found it interesting, revealing and informative. I don't know about some R.E.M. catatonic trance thing.I think you jump off the deep end too quickly regarding Trump, at times.

Guarantee you he is not a politician and not a member of the establishment crowd. That's why people elected him. He's learning just as almost every President before him has......are you aware every President before him has had bimbo gaffes with staff and the press the first year really not much different than Trump?

Take care and be objective....it's our only way out.

Trump budget chief Mick Mulvaney on Fox News Sunday: "We put up more executive orders than any previous administration in the last 50 yrs."

Before I'd go with this as some indication that he's a mad man drunk on power, I'd look into what the Eo's covered and the reasons they were cut.

Kinda like 700's Occupy Democrat memes......GOP VOTES AGAINST VA FUNDING BILL only to find the dems put in an amendment for free welfare for the entire country on the bill.
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You'd be wrong. I call him dear leader because his supporters remind me of North Koreans and their admiration for their infallible dear leader. If most of them were in an elevator and the dear leader farted, they would all be looking for the bouquet of roses. FWIW I'm a liberal LWNJ, registered as a republican. Because RUSSIANS! GAHHH!

Your joy reminds me of this

You'd be wrong. FWIW I'm a registered republican.

Double agent?

Double agent?


Nope. Circumstances of the state that I live in. Kansas will vote for a dead skunk, so long as it has a little elephant on the campaign sign and an R by it on the ballot. I mean, the state went for the dear leader by a wide margin. In local and state elections, the winner is determined in the republican primary. Our governor and state legislature has been made up of whacko far right republicans, and it would be more were it not were people who voted for the "moderate" candidate in the GOP primary. And by "moderate" I mean that they still hold more traditional conservative values, but are willing to admit that the experiment has failed and a change from the GOP "all taxes are bad" mantra is needed. Despite the win of the dear leader in Kansas, even many Kansas republicans have seen that the governor and legislature are leading Kansas down a road to economic ruin. Sam Brownback has a lower approval rating in Kansas than the dear leader has in the entire country.
Nope. Circumstances of the state that I live in. Kansas will vote for a dead skunk, so long as it has a little elephant on the campaign sign and an R by it on the ballot. I mean, the state went for the dear leader by a wide margin. In local and state elections, the winner is determined in the republican primary. Our governor and state legislature has been made up of whacko far right republicans, and it would be more were it not were people who voted for the "moderate" candidate in the GOP primary. And by "moderate" I mean that they still hold more traditional conservative values, but are willing to admit that the experiment has failed and a change from the GOP "all taxes are bad" mantra is needed. Despite the win of the dear leader in Kansas, even many Kansas republicans have seen that the governor and legislature are leading Kansas down a road to economic ruin. Sam Brownback has a lower approval rating in Kansas than the dear leader has in the entire country.

Reading this transcript is like reading a translation of Trump during a R.E.M. sleep episode...except it is live.

Delldude: serious question here. Can you honestly say this guy is fit to have our military arsenal at his beck & call?

If you tell me that he is somehow playing everyone, I'm not buying it. Those days are over. He could get away with that when he didn't have the spotlight on him.

I really think he is ill. This may end badly.

I appreciate you and KC here. I have all the other trolls on ignore. The scab ('nuff said).

I am in some great forums with the aviation community. They actually have great convos, with limited troll action. We all get along, but have serious policy disagreements.

Kind of like we used to have here.

Take care man.
Cut the crap Glenn.

You throw more mud around here than just about anyone.

Most of the asinine pointless comments on this forum can be attributed to you, Dog Wonder, WeAAsles and KCFlyer.

If those other forums are so great then by all means move along.
To answer your question, reread his comments and concerns over the Tomahawk attack. Those comments go great lengths to where his head is at militarily. He is the first President in a long while to give his Generals free reign to do their jobs without incessant micromanaging from the oval office. I read recently, many of the sorties flown to interdict ISIS, something like 73%, came back with ordnance still on the rails. 73%......because it just wasn't right from the President or some deputy's perspective. Many missed opportunities while wringing hands. I trust Trump to listen to his Generals and take their advice. You know even the Generals have to weigh the consequences of their decisions and recommendations.

I know he said many things on the campaign trail....that's why I made the comment about "there is a fence around the White House"......you can says lots of things about this and that and what you are going to do, but once you get inside the fence, the reality sets in and its totally different from ones perception from the outside. Read the interview and he directly addresses that several times.

Did you hear his mention of several cost saving moves he's made and his comments where you won't read about that? Consider the fact that the same media that tirelessly tried to assassinate him through the primaries and failed are still doing the same on every issue? How many sensational headlines come out over something said or done, only to be found it was overhyped BS a couple days down the road. How many things have been blown out of proportion that end up being retracted? Once a misreported story is in the news cycle a couple days, it holds the weight of the truth by then....retracted or not.

I saw foaming at the mouth leftists swooning over the fact that Trump called Erdogan and congratulated him on his recent win. Duh.....Obama did the same thing...even when Erdogan was tossing people in jail. Point is before people on the left start pointing fingers at Trump, more often than not, a quick check will show Obama or some other did the same thing and it wasn't an issue at the time......so WTF?

I read most of the AP interview, found it interesting, revealing and informative. I don't know about some R.E.M. catatonic trance thing.I think you jump off the deep end too quickly regarding Trump, at times.

Guarantee you he is not a politician and not a member of the establishment crowd. That's why people elected him. He's learning just as almost every President before him has......are you aware every President before him has had bimbo gaffes with staff and the press the first year really not much different than Trump?

Take care and be objective....it's our only way out.

Before I'd go with this as some indication that he's a mad man drunk on power, I'd look into what the Eo's covered and the reasons they were cut.

Kinda like 700's Occupy Democrat memes......GOP VOTES AGAINST VA FUNDING BILL only to find the dems put in an amendment for free welfare for the entire country on the bill.
You are wasting your time delldude. People like Glenn (and by that I mean leftist) don't care about the facts only the narrative. They don't care that the media has been caught lying time and time again. They don't care that the media omits information to sell half truths. As long as the media keeps pushing leftist ideals that is all that really matters to them.
You are wasting your time delldude. People like Glenn (and by that I mean leftist) don't care about the facts only the narrative. They don't care that the media has been caught lying time and time again. They don't care that the media omits information to sell half truths. As long as the media keeps pushing leftist ideals that is all that really matters to them.

Mighty big brush you are painting with there. There's been quite a few facts reported by "fake news" agencies. You guys just don't like reading them. You say that we don't care that the media has "been caught lying time and time again", which means that we don't care about facts...just the narrative. Yet it's been pointed out by numerous sources that the dear leader has lied to you time and time again...but you don't care about facts...it's just the "fake news media" trying to make the dear leader look bad. As long as the dear leader says what you WANT to hear, you'll overlook any of his shortcomings.
Cut the crap Glenn.

You throw more mud around here than just about anyone.

Most of the asinine pointless comments on this forum can be attributed to you, Dog Wonder, WeAAsles and KCFlyer.

If those other forums are so great then by all means move along.

I just find it funny when discussing the dear leader and seeing your signature "
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell", especially when it comes to his propensity to "adjust" his previous statements.
I understand the difficulty of having to fix the truth. But supporters of the dear leader are learning.

Learning what? You and your fellow liberals are stuck in a perpetual vapor-lock feedback loop since Election Day.

People aren't haven't regrets and people know exactly what was at stake. According to that recent WAPO poll, people still would vote for Trump over any democrat.

So your myth that there is some "revelation" happening and people regret not voting for Hillary is all in that pea-sized brain of yours.

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