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Mighty big brush you are painting with there. There's been quite a few facts reported by "fake news" agencies. You guys just don't like reading them. You say that we don't care that the media has "been caught lying time and time again", which means that we don't care about facts...just the narrative. Yet it's been pointed out by numerous sources that the dear leader has lied to you time and time again...but you don't care about facts...it's just the "fake news media" trying to make the dear leader look bad. As long as the dear leader says what you WANT to hear, you'll overlook any of his shortcomings.

You are the last person to blame anyone of using a broad brush. You do it all the time.
You are the last person to blame anyone of using a broad brush. You do it all the time.
Really? Care to cite some examples? I do say dear leader a lot. But if I paint with a broad brush, it's usually in response to someone painting "the lefty liberals (or tards if you prefer)" with a broad brush.
I just find it funny when discussing the dear leader and seeing your signature "
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell", especially when it comes to his propensity to "adjust" his previous statements.
My quote is in reference to the (ridiculous) mainstream medias coverage of Trumps campaign/Presidency.
Really? Care to cite some examples? I do say dear leader a lot. But if I paint with a broad brush, it's usually in response to someone painting "the lefty liberals (or tards if you prefer)" with a broad brush.
well Christians and Catholics for starters ,theres many examples I'm sure
Learning what? You and your fellow liberals are stuck in a perpetual vapor-lock feedback loop since Election Day.

People aren't haven't regrets and people know exactly what was at stake. According to that recent WAPO poll, people still would vote for Trump over any democrat.

So your myth that there is some "revelation" happening and people regret not voting for Hillary is all in that pea-sized brain of yours.

You know, it's only been 100 days. The dear leader told you that Obamacare was going to be replaced with something great and everybody would be covered. It didn't even get a vote on the floor, and already the dear leader has taken his ball and gone home...he will 'let Obamacare implode on it's own". You know...on the campaign trail he was talking about how expensive it was for the American people. He said it was going to be fixed. It would he one of his many jobs on "day one". And here he is...content to let it implode on it's own. Which could well take his entire term. Did you vote for a guy to give you status quo on health care for the next 4 years? Because since things didn't go according to his plans, he's walking away and will let it die on it's own. He told millions that he was going to lock Hillary up. Has he? He is going to cut taxes, but apparently that was dependent on the Obamacare repeal that didn't happen. Now what? It get's pretty complicated. Many people were upset about Obama's golf habits - the dear leader is golfing like a pro practicing for the US Open. Will that ever start to concern you at any point, or will he always "deserve a little time off"? You'll eventually learn that while some stuff was half truths (hello Fox News and Obama) or outright lies (hey there infowars), there were some nuggets of truth. But you are dismissing everything that comes from "the lefty media" to be fake news.
well Christians and Catholics for starters ,theres many examples I'm sure
Any specifics you can cite? I've been critical of the Catholic church and religion in general. But some citations of blanket representations would be nice.
You are wasting your time delldude. People like Glenn (and by that I mean leftist) don't care about the facts only the narrative. They don't care that the media has been caught lying time and time again. They don't care that the media omits information to sell half truths. As long as the media keeps pushing leftist ideals that is all that really matters to them.
Here is an example of liberal stupidity at it's finest.
We’re jailing way more people who’ve been convicted of exactly nothing

"If jails are for criminals, why are there still so many people behind bars after decades of declining crime? The answer is both surprising and disturbing."

"According to the most recent data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the number of U.S. jail inmates rose from 621,000 in 2000 to 744,600 in 2014. But as the lower part of each bar in the chart shows, this increase was not driven by the jailing of more convicted criminals. Instead, jails are now overflowing with people who are awaiting trial (upper part of each bar). These individuals, who may be innocent of the crime they're charged with, account for 95 percent of the growth in the jail population over the past 15 years."

"Adjusting for growth in the overall U.S. population, the incarceration rate per 100,000 for jailed convicts dropped 11 percent from 2000-2014, but the rate for those in jail who have not been convicted of a crime has risen 17 percent over the same period. That’s a formula that keeps jails crowded with inmates in an era of diminished crime."


and my response to it.
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You know, it's only been 100 days. The dear leader told you that Obamacare was going to be replaced with something great and everybody would be covered. It didn't even get a vote on the floor, and already the dear leader has taken his ball and gone home...he will 'let Obamacare implode on it's own". You know...on the campaign trail he was talking about how expensive it was for the American people. He said it was going to be fixed. It would he one of his many jobs on "day one". And here he is...content to let it implode on it's own. Which could well take his entire term. Did you vote for a guy to give you status quo on health care for the next 4 years? Because since things didn't go according to his plans, he's walking away and will let it die on it's own. He told millions that he was going to lock Hillary up. Has he? He is going to cut taxes, but apparently that was dependent on the Obamacare repeal that didn't happen. Now what? It get's pretty complicated. Many people were upset about Obama's golf habits - the dear leader is golfing like a pro practicing for the US Open. Will that ever start to concern you at any point, or will he always "deserve a little time off"? You'll eventually learn that while some stuff was half truths (hello Fox News and Obama) or outright lies (hey there infowars), there were some nuggets of truth. But you are dismissing everything that comes from "the lefty media" to be fake news.

Goes back to the fence surrounding the WH.

If you are right, you are not, locking people up isn't working.

First we had segregation, then we tried integration, maybe the time has come for disintegration?
Goes back to the fence surrounding the WH.
But the dear leader was talking about how easy this was all going to be. He was a deal maker...he was going to get things done. Seems like when the going gets tough, the tough go to Mar a Lago, Or just let things implode on their own. This guy talks tough. Real tough. Then...when faced when one of those 'big' issues changes his tune. Why...."who knew healthcare was so complicated?". Or who knew that North Korea was a little tougher to crack than this military prep school alumni thought it was.

But my favorite was and still is when the bloviator in Chief, who was telling his adoring masses during the campaign that we were going to build that wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. Now a wall along the border of your southern neighbor is a mighty big issue. Especially when they are expected to pay for it. And his supporters were eating this up...a wall....and THEY would pay for it!!! Gosh what a breath of fresh air. And then the dear leader finds himself sitting across the table from the President of Mexico and....not one single word about a wall. A bully and a coward was exposed at that moment. BUT...he wasn't Hillary and he wasn't Obama....so we really don't care.
But the dear leader was talking about how easy this was all going to be. He was a deal maker...he was going to get things done. Seems like when the going gets tough, the tough go to Mar a Lago, Or just let things implode on their own. This guy talks tough. Real tough. Then...when faced when one of those 'big' issues changes his tune. Why...."who knew healthcare was so complicated?". Or who knew that North Korea was a little tougher to crack than this military prep school alumni thought it was.

But my favorite was and still is when the bloviator in Chief, who was telling his adoring masses during the campaign that we were going to build that wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. Now a wall along the border of your southern neighbor is a mighty big issue. Especially when they are expected to pay for it. And his supporters were eating this up...a wall....and THEY would pay for it!!! Gosh what a breath of fresh air. And then the dear leader finds himself sitting across the table from the President of Mexico and....not one single word about a wall. A bully and a coward was exposed at that moment. BUT...he wasn't Hillary and he wasn't Obama....so we really don't care.


WASHINGTON — As a senator, Barack Obama once offered measured praise for the border control legislation that would become the basis for one of Donald Trump’s first acts as president.

“The bill before us will certainly do some good,” Obama said on the Senate floor in October 2006. He praised the legislation, saying it would provide “better fences and better security along our borders” and would “help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country.”

Obama was talking about the Secure Fence Act of 2006, legislation authorizing a barrier along the southern border passed into law with the support of 26 Democratic senators including party leaders like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer.


WASHINGTON — As a senator, Barack Obama once offered measured praise for the border control legislation that would become the basis for one of Donald Trump’s first acts as president.

“The bill before us will certainly do some good,” Obama said on the Senate floor in October 2006. He praised the legislation, saying it would provide “better fences and better security along our borders” and would “help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country.”

Obama was talking about the Secure Fence Act of 2006, legislation authorizing a barrier along the southern border passed into law with the support of 26 Democratic senators including party leaders like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Chuck Schumer.
Yep...we've tried the fence. It was just a fence, not a wall...it cost a lot of money...and it didn't work. Oh yeah....and Mexico wasn't paying for it - taxpayers were. There should be a new focus on it, but our coward in chief lacked the balls to even bring it up when talking to the president of Mexico.

Hypocrisy alert.

Let's here it from the crew about going around congress with EO's.

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