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TWU presidential endorsement "your thoughts"

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A real job? So the people working at the IAM have what? Phony baloney jobs?
Don't let 700 fool you. When I ran a trace on his whereabouts, I found him on the LM2's getting compensated. After he originally denied it, he finally admitted but then he disappeared from any LM2's that I know of. Doesn't mean he doesn't get paid. Much of this stuff of paying organizers and other covert agents will fall under and be buried under 'representational items' that are just general terms. For instance, Wes Fredrickson has been out organizing JetBlue for years but you can't find him under any LM2 because he isn't classified as an employee or officer. Locals tend to bury these cost under 'representational activities'. No big deal, but don't let 700 fool you. He is either getting paid to spend hours of his day on social media [FB, here, and other chat rooms he circuits] or he is a complete moron who waste all of his time on social media when he should be enjoying his life in other ways.
I will admit, I don't know which it is because if someone doesn't have a life, then 700 may be telling the truth that he enjoys spending 10-15 hours a day putting out flames and being the #1 Pollyanna for the I Am Management Labor Organization. But, my opinion is that he is still getting paid since I don't really know anyone that stupid to spend hours a day apologizing for such a worthless organization. Dunno.
Let me guess. I bet each one of you are White,Divorced, and don't have a penny to your name. But its ALL Obama fault. No wait Hilary Fault. No Wait my fault for be being a Black Male. Happily Married and a dual gross income of over 250,000. 
Thats it. I would also vote for Trump if I was in yours shoes. I take it all back. I Sorry your Life and World Sucks.
And I'm a stupid moron. Weez he's being rude and insensitive again. OK unions pension funds were never squandered.Don't let history get in your way. 700 do you get paid by the hour or by the word
700 was on another site saying that the whole pension looting was really no big deal and that Martinez didn't really mean to. He is an apologist for all the bad and the ugly of the I Am Management Labor Disaster organization.
Denied nothing.

Everyone knew I was working the raid in 2013.

Never denied it not hid the fact.

And you don't even think, the raid was the summer of 2013, the LM2 for that came out in 2014.

So keep up the lies, misinformation and slander.

You aren't even smart enough to remember that in that summer you posted a pic of my son and I at one of the locations we manned.

You will never learn.
The Truth Will Set U Free said:
Let me guess. I bet each one of you are White,Divorced, and don't have a penny to your name. But its ALL Obama fault. No wait Hilary Fault. No Wait my fault for be being a Black Male. Happily Married and a dual gross income of over 250,000. 
Thats it. I would also vote for Trump if I was in yours shoes. I take it all back. I Sorry your Life and World Sucks.
I doubt anything you say as it's highly likely you're BB troll.
700UW said:
Posting on an Internet message board isn't a real job.

Don't you have someone to racially attack?

And don't put worded into my posts.
Raciily attack? What the hell kind of crap is that? Where do you get off calling me a racist? I know its right out of the lefty playbook but its really low. Even for you. You truly are a sad sickening individual.
700UW said:
You support Trump, he is a racist, so you are one by default.
What a dopey statement. He is only labeled one by ignorant people. I love asking those who call him that why he is racist and they have nothing. I get "are you kidding me" and "well he just is". Ok 700 why is trump a racist? What has he said or done that's racist?
If you don't know the answer your truly blind.
700UW said:
If you don't know the answer your truly blind.
Thank you so much for that answer. It truly illustrates my point. No examples. No proof. You got nothing. Trump is no racist. And I got news for you in spite of the media and Democrats pushing that narrative the public isn't buying it. It's so refreshing to see that disgusting tactic doesn't work anymore.
700UW said:
Mexicans, Muslims, women and disabled people.
What about them? What has Trump done to them or said about any of them that's racist or out of line? And don't give me another one of your "are you kidding me" answers.
700UW said:
Mexicans, Muslims, women and disabled people.
You're vague, your answers sound like they come from a Magic 8 ball or something. I can't believe they are paying you, I'm seriously thinking of becoming a dues objector
TWU Committee On Political Action or cope is a voluntary contribution to build a fund to support so called " labor friendly politicians" through donations. As the Railway Labor Act got eroded and biased to the company's side the cope was not effective sleeping at the wheel. Pension reform TWU rallied to help get legislation passed so the company could defer pension payments cope was effective. Getting Jim Little appointed to that government scam in Washington when they sold the TWU headquarters in NYC and then moved to Washington cope was effective. Basically the way I see it cope is good for a few international officers to use the money for personal gain. For labor as a whole not so much. Now I know I will get blasted by some and they will declare what the unelected unaccountable international reps do is a direct result of me not stopping them which there is nothing anyone can do under the current structure, it is always the memberships fault on these occasions let it fly !
Worldport said:
You're vague, your answers sound like they come from a Magic 8 ball or something. I can't believe they are paying you, I'm seriously thinking of becoming a dues objector
He can't answer because there is no answer. Its all made up nonsense. He's got nothing to back up his (the) ridiculous claim that Trump is a racist. Used to be guys like him could just throw that crap at anyone who disagreed with his ideology and it would automatically stick. Not any more.
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