But the dear leader was talking about how easy this was all going to be. He was a deal maker...he was going to get things done. Seems like when the going gets tough, the tough go to Mar a Lago, Or just let things implode on their own. This guy talks tough. Real tough. Then...when faced when one of those 'big' issues changes his tune. Why...."who knew healthcare was so complicated?". Or who knew that North Korea was a little tougher to crack than this military prep school alumni thought it was.
But my favorite was and still is when the bloviator in Chief, who was telling his adoring masses during the campaign that we were going to build that wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. Now a wall along the border of your southern neighbor is a mighty big issue. Especially when they are expected to pay for it. And his supporters were eating this up...a wall....and THEY would pay for it!!! Gosh what a breath of fresh air. And then the dear leader finds himself sitting across the table from the President of Mexico and....not one single word about a wall. A bully and a coward was exposed at that moment. BUT...he wasn't Hillary and he wasn't Obama....so we really don't care.