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TWU presidential endorsement "your thoughts"

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Zom JFK said:
He can't answer because there is no answer. Its all made up nonsense. He's got nothing to back up his (the) ridiculous claim that Trump is a racist. Used to be guys like him could just throw that crap at anyone who disagreed with his ideology and it would automatically stick. Not any more.
meanwhile the candidate he backs takes millions in foundation donations from countries that practically enslave women, but hey trump treats them bad...lmao
The Truth Will Set U Free said:
Anyone that supports Trump is also a Racist. To THIS day. He has not denounced the KKK. So if you are ok with that FACT, YOU ARE ALSO A RACIST. 
I dare anyone to try to explain how this F$$king Idiot can be good for this country. Don't get me wrong Hilary is no saint. But at least she don't  promote hate like this AZZHOLE does. 
Go ahead and keep supporting him. But at least have the BALLS to say you like him cause he is ALSO a racist just like YOU. 
Are you voting for Hillary? 700 you voting for Hillary too? Who else is a Clinton supporter?
700UW said:
Mexicans, Muslims, women and disabled people.
you have no room to talk. Your rude, condescending,hateful. When people do not believe you are agree with you. You call them all kind of names. And you can not take it you get your feelings hurt. You name call instead of trying to prove your point. Plus so what if your not on the LM2 there's other ways you can get paid. I'm sure you will cry about this post make fun of my spelling gramer what ever. But I treat and respect other people's opinions even if I do not agree. But have a civil conversations with them but with you and others are so rude I talk rude back . So before you start talking about Trump maybe you should look in the mirror and read some of your post.
The KKK came out and said that they support Trump. 
   What did Trump do. NOTHING. Because He wants and needs the KKK support.
                                              Ok if you stupid fu%King idiots are still able to follow me. Therefor Trump and anyone else that
                                              supports him is a  RACIST ALSO.
Now you can avoid proving me wrong by attacking my spelling or the way I put together a sentence. But the one thing to azzholes won't be able to do is Prove me WRONG.       So grow some Balls and just say you support him because He Hates the same people that you Hate. Because if your parents were not Brother and Sister. You would be smart enough to Follow me.
As far as do I support Hilary I will again say NO. But I have to say that she did a damn Good Job the Last time she was running the White House. SMILE
democrats endorse isis and claim our second ammendment is the enemy. Sorry but i support my rights over a recommendation from some union pimp.
The Truth Will Set U Free said:
The KKK came out and said that they support Trump. 
   What did Trump do. NOTHING. Because He wants and needs the KKK support.
                                              Ok if you stupid fu%King idiots are still able to follow me. Therefor Trump and anyone else that
                                              supports him is a  RACIST ALSO.
Now you can avoid proving me wrong by attacking my spelling or the way I put together a sentence. But the one thing to azzholes won't be able to do is Prove me WRONG.       So grow some Balls and just say you support him because He Hates the same people that you Hate. Because if your parents were not Brother and Sister. You would be smart enough to Follow me.
As far as do I support Hilary I will again say NO. But I have to say that she did a damn Good Job the Last time she was running the White House. SMILE
Ok. So going by you're "if you support X candidate" logic...You, and everyone else, that supports Clinton are homophobic, racist, sexist, misogynistic dirt bags. And here is why champ...

1) Homophobic...Clinton has freely taken TONS of money from Muslim countries that condemn homosexuality and throw gays off of buildings or beheads them. Want to see the pictures? When has Trump or one of his businesses done this? That's right..never

2) Racist...Super predator Black people according to Hillary. Remember Bill said some really racist things about Obama in the 08 election. Or that they use Black people as shields when called on it. Oh and to date Trump has NEVER snapped a picture with a known openly KKK member. Can you say the same about the Clintons. I can post that pic too of her KISSING Robert Byrd if you want. Robert Byrd who was a card carrying grand crap head dragon.

3-4) Sexist-Misogynistic...Hillary trashed those woman that Bill raped and had consensual sex with. What she, the dems, and most of the country did to all those woman was pure victim blaming when those poor woman came forward. So excuse me when I don't get all teary eyed when she says " I'm for ALL woman". What is Bill's the assault on women's count at now 20 something?? Yeah I really want to put that leech around a bunch of young women interns. Guy was worst then Bill Cosby.

So going by the "logic" of some on this board...Yeah you are a homophobic, racist, sexist, misogynistic $#it bag if you support Shillary.
The Truth Will Set U Free said:
Worldport and Chilokie1
I guess the truth hurt both of your RACIST Feelings. Attack my spelling. Ouch that hurt me soooooo bad. Thanks for not calling me the word we all know you want to call me. 
The fact that you think using the word ( Racist) is like a car alarm. Your Dumb ### just proved my point. 
Attack? You are the only angry one attacking, I was joking about your use of hate language that is
edited for use on this site while you were bragging about your wonderful life. I actually feel sorry for
you, it is obvious (if you are who you say you are) that you are a miserable person who believes his
misery is directly caused by a misguided notion that "whitey" is to blame. I will not vote for Hillary
because she is a socialist/progressive, Trump just happens to be the last Republican standing (not
by my choice).  
OgieJFK and Chilokie1
Me angry. That is Funny. I work 2 days a week and give away the rest. Because I was smart enough to Marry a intelligent  women that makes very good money. If you want to check that out. Ask anyone in Miami. My Name is Larry Davis. I have 30 years with American Airlines.
Again I will repeat myself. I am not a Hilary Fan. I am a registered Independent.
As for me blaming whitey. Ask anybody in Miami. Black or White if I blame or have any problems with anybody. I am semi-retired and Very happy. I have put 2 Son through College and 1 is a Electric Engineer and the other is a Aerospace Engineer. 
Again my Name is Larry Davis. Find 1 person out of over 600 mechanics in Miami to say if I am a liar about who I am.
Now I will call both of you out. 
What is your Names and where do you work. Are you divorced and broke.       
I will be waiting for your answer. No Balls having Cowards if you don't.
The Truth Will Set U Free said:
OgieJFK and Chilokie1
Me angry. That is Funny. I work 2 days a week and give away the rest. Because I was smart enough to Marry a intelligent  women that makes very good money. If you want to check that out. Ask anyone in Miami. My Name is Larry Davis. I have 30 years with American Airlines.
Again I will repeat myself. I am not a Hilary Fan. I am a registered Independent.
As for me blaming whitey. Ask anybody in Miami. Black or White if I blame or have any problems with anybody. I am semi-retired and Very happy. I have put 2 Son through College and 1 is a Electric Engineer and the other is a Aerospace Engineer. 
Again my Name is Larry Davis. Find 1 person out of over 600 mechanics in Miami to say if I am a liar about who I am.
Now I will call both of you out. 
What is your Names and where do you work. Are you divorced and broke.       
I will be waiting for your answer. No Balls having Cowards if you don't.
But you are voting for Hillary right? Which once again going by you're "logic" makes you a homophobic, racist, sexist, misogynistic dirt bag. You're last post proved it except the homophobic part. That you were LUCKY, not smart, enough to marry a successful woman that would have you speaks volumes about that angel. That she put two kids thru collage as you sat home five days a week speaks volumes about you're character.

I could give a rat "ash" on you're name and how long you've worked at AA. Both are meaningless to me. But to humor you..My handle was my nickname and station. I no longer work for AA and haven't for awhile. I'm not divorced, broke, or mooching off the government. I hardly come to this board anymore but do once in awhile to see what is going on.
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