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I am going to kinda second what 700 said in an earlier post.
I support the IAM, not a band of thugs. You can be assured the IAM doesn't support this either & a full investigation is under way.
And I (USMC Vet) am upset that he would use an analogy that means, I don't judge em' I just shoot em all and when they are dead, God can pass judgement on the guilty and the innocent, well they are just as shot and or dead, so God can figure that out as well.

It means F em' all is what it means.

So the "give me a break" should apply accross the board, shouldn't it?

Thanks to all who serve.
i97, Thank you for your service also. I am the daughter of a Vietnam Vet who died from Agent Orange exposure and VERY grateful to all those that are serving or have served this great land. Again, Ill presume to speak for Bob. He didnt mean F em all, only the guilty. Maybe you are right though, in that "give me a break" should pertain to more comments across this board. Mama
this message board is a joke!!
The TWU has decided to put 8000 jobs at risk because they are in a no win scenario. They stand to lose nothing by forcing a vote that CAN NOT BE WON!! Decertification is the only result that can come out of this. Pat Rezler and his cronies have no clue of the RLA (railway labor act) and has lead his people and a small handful, and I repeat small handful, of IAM members down a path of destruction. Rezler has been quoted in the paper as stating they don't have the enough cards to file. If the TWU does file it will be with the minimum of signed cards...THAT IS SUICIDE!! Check the records Unions will not file with less than 60-75% or greater. Rezler and his crew cant even get the minimum 35%. It is real easy to sit behind a computer and act like you know what you are talking about but ignorance is bliss. These so called thugs in PHL have probably saved all your jobs. Don't think for one minute that the TWU is not using this and the threat of an election to jockey for better jobs and positions with the IAM . Grow up people this is a real fight in the real world and you better understand what is at stake here. 50% +1 of all eligible voters.......You message board regulars better do your homework and check out all the facts or you will be looking for work in the near future.
First how do you figure TWU's putting 8000 jobs at risk? I'm not seeing this. Look at all the employees that have lost their jobs due to IAM allowing outsourcing? What would make you think that IAM will not be the cause of many more employees losing their jobs that TWU is currently protecting? TWU's contract protects Fleet Service jobs from being outsourced. IAM does not. How many Fleet Service employees have you lost due to outsourcing? Worst case, even if we had no union, there would not be 8000 fleet service employees looking for new jobs. Your ignorance is blatant.

Second, what makes you so sure TWU would not win a vote? I think they will. I have heard that they DO have enough cards signed. YOUR IAM BROTHERS HAVE BEEN SIGNING UP A STORM! I look forward to a vote. If you are so proud of IAM get out and encourage your members to vote. Don't just "sit behind your computer and act like you know what you're talking about." I guess your ignorance is your bliss.

Third, Pat Rezler, is leading no one down a path of destruction. I believe that was IAM on Tuesday.

Fourth, the "thugs in PHL have probably saved all your jobs" is one of the most insane things I have ever heard. I don't even have to say anything more about this one! Your comment speaks for it's ignorant self.

Fifth, what the heck are you talking about when you say the TWU is using this and the threat of an election to jockey for better jobs and positions with the IAM? Does it even make sense? I can't figure it out. What are you really trying so ineptly to say? Are you trying to say that TWU members want to get the good jobs internally with the IAM? Well, I guess that if we do go with IAM then I'd have to agree with you, our guys from the TWU would run it much better.

Sixth, I think it's you who needs to do some homework and check out the airlines that IAM has represented and then get back to me on how it's worked out for the employees there. TWU has a solid, credible, nonviolent history. Ask Southwest how they like TWU.

You are putting 8000 jobs at risk if you force this vote. How many cards do you people have signed ? Surely you are not dumb enough to go in with the bare minium or are you ? I guess we will know soon!

Guilt by association?

Gimme a break, if everyone thought like that the ibt members would all be mafia members.

You cant blame 500,000 members for the actions of 25 ignorant people.
500,000! You must be including the legions of bartenders, deckhands, servants and "spa" workers from the IAM's Placid Harbor headquarters to get to that number.
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