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Phl Damage Control

I am? Today is my day off, gee, you guys care so much about what I do, I am flattered.
Don't be, flattered that is....just worried, haven't heard any negativity from you today. Kind of nice!! Started to worry~~~~~~~When you going on vacation?????

Flufdriver said:
Their probably union.....your right, "Did they sit in their nice little breakroom and watch the fire"?? I'm sure 700 will have some sort of negative spin and blame management! He's great at that....

Classic Philly mentality........
...All this story needs is a super human pile-it jumping out of the cockpit [scarf blowing in the wind, of course] and having him blow out the fire with all the hot air that is abounding on these post's lately....[Here I Come to Save the Day....] :lol:
INSP89, that is great, you gave me a great laugh.
hearing words of the new utility on scene this weekend in PHL and when FA'S get on their flight next AM.......all booze gone...anyone experience this??? hearing the braniac who figured vendoring utility was the way to go assumed mechanics dumped lavs too..... ????? :shock:
reported also many new hire utes wearing ankle bracelets??? :blink:
drug free from the joint??

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