PineyBob said:
PITbull said:
Cause it is OUR company. NO ILLUSION OR DELUSION ABOUT IT. We, collectively can make or break this company if we will it. Management is only a small part of the whole, and they just visit. In a humble sense, we don't have to prove this to anyone. It just is.
Well PITbull,
Bottom line the company can either support the jobs they have at lower labor rates and different work rules or employ less people at the same of better wages and revised work rules. The choice isn't pretty. So don't shoot the messenger. Get smart and devise a strategy or just say NO to everything and let's close it up and have no employement ASAP, that way you can all puff your chest up and brag to each other that you "Showed Dave" as you wait for Government cheese, Unemployment, Food Stamps & Welfare.
Sounds like Cold Comfort to me.
One of the disappointments of being a union member is that many members just don't get it...if a business cannot compete, it will not survive. It is not rocket science.
As US Airways employees, we have everything to lose if that is the outcome. Management will go and manage somewhere else. We will never replace our positions in terms of seniority, years of service, etc.
It is so easy to deduct that you must remain in the game, to be here later to enjoy the upside. This is a cyclical business, and this trough has been quite deep, it is not the first, nor the last.
I can only hope that others have learned from the long list of extinct airlines, and realize there is nothing to be gained from joining that club, all chest pounding aside.
We should be discussing how we will help our airline to be more competitive, rather than playing the "blame-game." There is enough blame to go around, both from management actions, as well as union actions. This does not necessarily imply cuts, nor does it rule them out. This is about SURVIVAL. Something must change to lower costs here...that concept is a no brainer.
Focus on the future, the issues, and possible conclusions. We all have a stake in this.
US Airways has avoided this showdown for years, it is time to stand and compete. Can we do it? You bet, however, success will be greater with the majority pulling on the rope the same direction.
BTW, this group here on DOES NOT represent the employees of as a whole, and represent a small vocal that to say no one is angry, hurt, resentful, etc.? No...Sure, I fit that description above, however, that does not give me an excuse to take my eyes off the ball. I owe it to myself, and the other employees to act responsibly.
All one has to do is visit other airline forums to see that in the cyclical low points, airline workers are hurting, we are human, and at US Airways we are not alone. However, we continue to have great jobs, those who are lucky enough to remain.
If you don't believe it, instead of spending all day belly-aching here, take a LOA, get another job, and you will serve yourself up a dose of reality!
Good luck to all of us!