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Considering the situation I don't believe that this kind of response is appropriate. 🙂
ITS BEER TIME! I Think He Meant it this way???
We tease, insult, attack, annoy, laugh and fight with each other, but no true harm is meant by it, we are all just trying to show why and how we support our own unions.
This Hurts LOLOLOLOL :up:
Guess none of you have a sense of humor around here this morning.

Is it that bad to agree on something awatech? lol
Now that is the funniest thing I have read all day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess none of you have a sense of humor around here this morning.

You don't have a sense of humor 7. What you say is taken as what you mean, with no humor. Why are you starting with a sense of humor now? You will need to let people know that you are joking. People don't expect it from you.


awausairtech >
< gonzo
hell...you can train an monkey to throw bags.... :lol:

barbietantrums hard at work?? :shock:

tag team@1:33est
Approximately how many cards does the TWU have?

delldude, the comment to barbietantrums about made me fall out of my chair from laughing so hard... thanks for the chuckle...
Bob, you are totally in the dark.

There are over 500,000 IAM members, 24 individuals acted upon their own with no direction from the International or District.

But you would rather distort the facts since you don't know exactly what happened and make them worse since you hate unions especially the IAM.
Bob, you are totally in the dark.

...But you would rather distort the facts since you don't know exactly what happened and make them worse since you hate unions especially the IAM.

.......quote PineyBob made on another thread....
PineyBob Feb 9 2006, 10:18 PM Post #91

...This stuff sets the American Labor movement back 50 years. Yes Philly is doing better for the most part and they are to be commended. But man you just wipe out all of the good with one dumb assed action.

I'm gonna have to defend PB. This reply does not look as if he hates all union. He may hate IAM....I don't really know. But I know someone who does :up: :shock: :up:
Bob, you are totally in the dark.

There are over 500,000 IAM members, 24 individuals acted upon their own with no direction from the International or District.

But you would rather distort the facts since you don't know exactly what happened and make them worse since you hate unions especially the IAM.
The FACTS are not public knowledge yet. Are they??

700, you constantly post things as fact. Have you spoken to these individuals personally?? Did those higher ups you called take your advice?? Who are you really that you can pick up the phone and tell the higher ups what YOU want done??

I will believe the legal documents and statement that was filed to the NMB last week and NOTHING that you claim as fact unless you can prove it and this board is NOT the place to provide that proof.

Your blind trust, faith and support for the IAM is getting the best of you on this board. Others are posting their opinions and feelings. Come out in the real world for a while. NO ONE individual is perfect and NO ONE group is perfect. Support and defend when it's right. Admit when it's wrong. I know you have stated that it was wrong of those individuals to do what they allegedly did. But it's wrong of you to continue to say/believe that you are the only one to have any facts.....and just because you post it, doesn't make it a fact.

I personally am appalled at the recent actions. Never having been a member of the IAM, this incident sure doesn't and wouldn't drive me to becoming a member. And again, all unions have a past and none of them are squeeky clean. But I am living in the present and looking to my future. And it is NOT with the IAM.

The facts, the true and legally determined facts, will come out. Soon, hopefully.
Found this from a PHL US employee on another message board.

Starting quote:

Some of the buzz in PHL:

Parker was in town to take part in the announcement of the new international routes out of PHL when this occurred, and quite rightly, is adamant that all who entered that hotel, whether they took part in the attack or not, will be fired.

The FBI is involved and the word racketeering" is being thrown around.

Today a number of union "officials" and shop stewards were escorted from the premises. Management says they are suspended pending the investigation. I don't know how many but I do personally know of 5 who were escorted out today. There will be more to come...

We are hearing that "Arms", while he is still technically a US employee but holds his position (and paycheck) with the IAM, has had his flight privelages, and any other US benefits he may have been receiving, revoked. (don't know the truth of this)

Lastly, please know that there are MANY very good employees in PHL who have been held hostage to this pack of animals for many years. The mood in PHL is somber on the surface, but there are many, many fleet service employees who are truly hoping to never see those involved back on the premises. This was a deplorable act and we can only pray that those who were injured will recover without permanent damage, as there is word of the possibility that two of the AmWest employees may lose sight in one eye due to the damage inflicted.

:cop: :cop: :cop:
We are hearing that "Arms", while he is still technically a US employee but holds his position (and paycheck) with the IAM, has had his flight privelages, and any other US benefits he may have been receiving, revoked. (don't know the truth of this)

This may be to keep him from flying to Sicily and waiting until things blow over. Just like Michael Corleone in "The Godfather".

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