- Aug 20, 2002
- 3,672
- 1,122
Not really the same thing, as they entered the counrtySame was said about the Irish, Italians, Poles, blah blah blah. Ain't true. Lot worse things could happen than an "invasion" of Mexicans. Mexicans are a blessing. Great people and hard workers.
"Legally", and even made it a priority to learn the English language. Back when the above mentioned people came to this country they were not looking for free handouts, nor did they plan to live off the system as is the case today. I don't recall my Grandparents getting any government issued papers with 2 languages on them so they could comprehend their native language. Can't say I rememeber them being able to "Push 2" for Itialian" on their phone either.. :down: