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Is the TWU really working out a deal with the IAM?

I would leave tomorrow if I could,I heard that cities in the west are hiring off the street, before they let anyone from the east come west. I've benn to a couple of cities out west,{sea,boi,phx,} and they are not happy campers out there! am I looking at least a years wait?

Be very careful in a rush move and be sure its to a station that will not be tagged as a class station that would be contracted out. This has happend before where someone transfers into a city and weeks later the hammer drops and your S.O.L

Good luck!
were the furloghee's offered jobs at HP, with keeping their recall rights to US
So much for a Union to look out for it's members best interest, like say.. FOOD and Shelter...
Sorry I thght that you were the one crying abut being short

Yes. I guess I was "crying" about being short. But we don't need you that bad. PHX ramp is not looking forward to getting any furloughed East rampers that were at PHX Terminal 2 and thinks everyone at Terminal 4 owes them something. We owe you nothing. We don't want your attitude. Find another job in PHX and get on with your life. Fly high, little bird. We don't need you.
Yes. I guess I was "crying" about being short. But we don't need you that bad. PHX ramp is not looking forward to getting any furloughed East rampers that were at PHX Terminal 2 and thinks everyone at Terminal 4 owes them something. We owe you nothing. We don't want your attitude. Find another job in PHX and get on with your life. Fly high, little bird. We don't need you.
I can undrstand why you have responded as you have,but it is not your needs that concern me. It is not your airline anymore then it is mine. Perhaps it is you that nn an attitude adjustment
April 20, 2006
Dear Brothers and Sisters:

It has come to our attention that rumors are being circulated that the TWU Local 580 has never talked to the TWU International about the TWU-IAM representational election and that we simply do not care. This is far from the truth.

For the past four months, we were told by Jim Little, President of TWU, that a marriage between the TWU and IAM would be imminent and to sit and wait. At one point, Jim Little said that a meeting was taking place with IAM, TWU, and John Sweeney who is the President of the AFL-CIO. Apparently President Sweeney was going to push the IAM to enter into a marriage with the TWU. That has not happened and now the TWU and IAM are talking about holding an internal vote that would avoid a possible decertification. During the same time frame, we have talked to Gary Shults our International Representative, over a dozen times and he has told me the same thing that I have been telling you and the membership, which is; I do not know what is going on. Any rumor that Local 580 has not talked or communicated to the International is completely false.

It is true that several members of our Executive Board are concerned about a representational election because of a possible decertification. Our own International is afraid of a decertification also. That is why they have been trying to enter into a marriage with the IAM and why they are pushing to have an internal vote. It is not just Local 580 that is concerned about a decertification but the TWU and IAM Internationals as well.

If an election occurs, Local 580 will do everything possible to make sure that all of our membership votes and we will campaign hard for a TWU victory.

In solidarity,

TWU Local 580 Officers and Executive Board.

April 20, 2006
Brothers and Sisters,

I was told by the TWU International late yesterday afternoon that they and the IAM International had agreed to meet with the NMB next week to pursue an internal election. I asked what that entailed and was told that both the TWU and IAM would conduct this election together instead of the NMB. By conducting the election this way, decertification would not be an issue. The Union that lost would then walk away and the Union that won would go back to the NMB to be certified as the representative of the Fleet Service Employees. The Local 580 Executive Board and Officers agree with an internal election unanimously.


Pat Rezler