How many times does it have to be explained, if there is an election and the twu wins, you dont get the right to renegotiate the CBA, all the twu would do is adminster the IAM CBA and negotiate a transition agreement.
Well the TWU has to keep throwing this lie out, after all what else do they have to offer? Can they brag about the job they did at AA, a company with billions in the bank and the most concessionary contract out there?
Here is a partial list of what the TWU gave up at AA
without BK. In fact the cuts were so deep that the other carriers that were in BK had to run back to the Judge to try and match the TWU/AA concessions.
Straight time for all hours worked under 40.
When Crew Chiefs work OT they lose Crew Chief pay.
The contract only recognizes 5 holidays. If you are required to work eight hours on the holiday you will only recieve four hours extra pay.So you get 5 holidays but if you have to work you have to work for half pay.
The first two days you call in sick you only get half pay.
If you are required to work over 40 hours but the company labels it "training" you will only get straight time pay.
NO Doubletime, no matter how many hours are worked.
Eliminated shift differential. Well, 2 cents an hour a differential for working midnights, 1 cent an hour for afts.
For the first five years only one week of paid vacation.
This is the best that the TWU can do with the biggest, healthiest airline out there. What do you think they can do for you?