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IAM VS TUW ramp Vote

pay attention to BOB He seems to know what he writes about, unlike the two of you. If you look at your local's website they are only now telling your brothers and sisters that an election could be dangerous and will end in decertification. Understand the NMB has not yet ordered an election and the TWU CAN RETRACT THEIR PETITION send them an email and ask them why they would jeopardize your future as a union employee for their own self intrest. The bottom line is even after 3 restructurings and 2 bankruptcies the IAM contract is ions better. Are you aware of the $10,000.00 dollar difference in base pay for 10 yr. employees? Over all the 15 yr. top out costs each employee in excess of $40,000. The TWU has not outsourced smaller cities because they were never included in the original CBA. Take the time to learn about the things you CLAIM you know, you just look foolish and ignorant.
That is only your opinion and you know what the say about them.

Vote Teamsters / TWU get rid of the IAM at all cost
pay attention to BOB He seems to know what he writes about, unlike the two of you. If you look at your local's website they are only now telling your brothers and sisters that an election could be dangerous and will end in decertification. Understand the NMB has not yet ordered an election and the TWU CAN RETRACT THEIR PETITION send them an email and ask them why they would jeopardize your future as a union employee for their own self intrest. The bottom line is even after 3 restructurings and 2 bankruptcies the IAM contract is ions better. Are you aware of the $10,000.00 dollar difference in base pay for 10 yr. employees? Over all the 15 yr. top out costs each employee in excess of $40,000. The TWU has not outsourced smaller cities because they were never included in the original CBA. Take the time to learn about the things you CLAIM you know, you just look foolish and ignorant.
Standing behind a fellow employee or group of employees, while we are all spun around by this merger, is foolish and ignorant?? Think again.
Dear Executive board memeber , almost all of us here in PHX and the smaller cities understand this , i assume the workers up in LAS understand it as well . We know your hesitant to push for elections , but i feel the need to remind you that you represent all of us .... and as a whole this work group pushes for a GENERAL ELECTION.Please do not forget that fact .IAM has caused everyone enough trouble , let us be done with them .

Standing behind a fellow employee or group of employees, while we are all spun around by this merger, is foolish and ignorant?? Think again.
Thats alot to ask of some arrogant IAM brainwashed individual(s)!! 🙄 Yes,sev I am referring to you as well!
pay attention to BOB He seems to know what he writes about,

Ahhh.....I see Bob has a press agent. If you truly believed he knew what he was talking about then you would not have the need to TELL people to listen to him.

7 had a press agent at one time too.

Bob did you ask 4ALL to speak for you? 🙂
Ahhh.....I see Bob has a press agent. If you truly believed he knew what he was talking about then you would not have the need to TELL people to listen to him.

7 had a press agent at one time too.

Bob did you ask 4ALL to speak for you? 🙂

Nope. I've never seen comments that poster before but I'd like to thank whoever is 4all for the support.

Maybe if you, Gonzo, starting posting things worth supporting others may say similar things about you.

Now do you actually have a counterpoint to anything I've written? Would be nice to stick to issues instead of personalities.
Who's going to be the winner??? Decertification has the best chance. Inform yourself,
read the thread entitled; TWU-IAM Election (Tim Nelson), by Giant Robot! You better believe ONE thing; "The Company" is foaming at the mouth at the chance of an election!
You better believe ONE thing; "The Company" is foaming at the mouth at the chance of an election!

Foaming at the mouth? IMO they are disappointed that the mechanics (and related) won't transition smoothly into an IAM contract. In case you haven't listened carefully to statements made by company representatives from DP down, the whole theme of integration is that it needs to be as smooth and seamless as possible. This concept supports being profitable as soon as possible. I think they are very disappointed that mechanics (and related) integration is going to drag out. Just my opinion.

Apparently you have no idea about Hemenway.

The company would love to see a vote and a decertification.

Stick to things you know about. Unions and US Labor Relations is not one of them.
700 is right. At US Airways West side they already have started the process of informing the employees that they can vote for no union. They already sent a letter to TWU telling them that they are not allowed to campaign on the property. Once they hire a union busting firm plus the poor turn out in the election, bye bye TWU and IAM...hello Al Hemenway's will.
Jerry Glass and Ford and Harrison are all ready on the payroll.
700 is right. At US Airways West already have sent a letter to TWU telling them that they are not allowed to campaign on the property. Once they hire a union busting firm plus the poor turn out in the election, bye bye TWU and IAM...hello Al Hemenway's will.

I would like to see the letter please post a copy if not sounds like BS to me. Went thru an election many years ago and the IBT in the Orginal Fleet Service cities PHL PIT BOS BUF campaigned. Sounds like an interference charge against the company if they try that Sh-t!
It also states no literature will be allowed on the ramp and the unions are allowed to pass it out at the airports

The company cannot stop employees from reading union information on there breaks in the break rooms. If the company trys to prohibit this it will be a viloation of the RLA.