😱ff: They don't and nothing.Just babbling.
Dude sorry to hear your pain. Welcome to the world of the IAM or should you say MIA. Bottom line is this
We knew what was coming. So drop it.
Welcome to the iam , just try to get use to it.Well, us on the west side have given quite a bit of time to the IAM to get us our new contract and weve seen nothing. All they keep talking about it their furloughs and the 22 idiots in PHL. The west is still making wages placed on them in 2000 and the IAM is sitting on the pot. Well get off of it and get us our money. Im here to say that if the west side is left out of the year end bonus based on profit there will be alot of people not working the few days following. The IAM needs to get us our contract and needs to get it soon. Especially the money they plastered everywhere that we would recieve if the IAM took over. They should also be doing something about how the PHX ramp is now starting off at $9 and hour and all the FS and LAS is still making $7.50. They need to do something and do it soon. maybe get with the pilots about this cost neutral ####. They told TWU cost neutral and they said F off. So Im asking the IAM when are you gonna do something for us but throw our grievances down the toilet, especially the ones that were set for arbitration before the IAM took over.
The IAM were in Philly several weeks ago and AGCs Shifano and Giamarco being there. Where Shifano stated that the Article 3 money ( snap back money) issue is in arbitration and will hopefully be heard in Feb. 2007 . But if we give the money up now , USAirways will bring people back to work. This was confirmed by the Local President in Pittsburgh, John Coveny. But guess what???? All of the IAM officals are denying this now for it was not to be leaked out yet. Why is the IAM so quiet now since they won repreasentation. The following is some of their statements: If we are the surviving Union you will see additional S checks with 500-800 employees coming back, you will be making more money with the snap back and profit sharing we will get you and with the transition agreement we will negotiated increase wages,better benefits and the IAM retirement package. Why all the promises and no results? Is there any HOPE to the future with USAirways as an employee with the IAM representing me. People just want the IAM to represent the Union member and not be the Company Union that so many members believe them to be. Please dispell what the IAM letters stand for - I'll Ask Management. The final question is : What were the true results of the International Officals election ; especially the AGCs who represent the rankin file on USAirways property ? For many have heard that they loss the vote on Usairways property but won it after the Continental and Southwest vote. Why did it take over 3 weeks to hear the results? Can anyone answer these questions? :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:
Why does anyone making less than $10 an hour need a union?
BUT...like Frank, John is a likable guy and that's all that matters, which of course we both know only propagates the inefficiencies of the union hence everyone suffers, many in this case to the point of jobs forever gone. Like when Seth was running the show and the airline was spiraling in a downward spin we had Warren Buffet patting Seth on the back saying how great a job he was doing, same with the IAM mentality, losers becoming leaders. BUT, they are nice guys, they genuinely are and how they attract votes. And again I can’t blame those guys as we all have self preservation which is a powerful motivator.John can not even balance his own check book. His personal finances are a mess and have been for years. Now he finally got what he always wanted and that is to be President of Pittsburgh. To bad it is just as PIT’s future looks like it will end up just being a line station with base maintenance work moving to other cities. Then we can get into the integrity issues…babble…babble…babble…
Just A NOTE: President BILL CLINTON Signed the NAFTA North American Free Trade Aggreement.In simple terms, you don't. Being a union member today is like wearing a fluorescent orange target on your back with industry taking aim. At one time unions were necessary but not today with millions willing to work for nothing no thanks to Bush and the open boarders, and the fact union members just don't stick together which is absolutely necessary for the concept to function. You say $10, I say $20 would be more realistic. But to each their own, it's their money, their life.
Yes you are correct, I remember it well as Gore pushed it thru with his vote.Just A NOTE: President BILL CLINTON Signed the NAFTA North American Free Trade Aggreement.
NOT President George BUSH.
if they keep talking about the furloughs, then it is very clear that they should do something to get the furloughs back. after all they are the ones that voted for it in the hubs and big cities. as for the 22 they can kiss it goodbye because they ruined their careers by way of violence. though I understand from the station manger at my city that tony is an IAM top officer but isnt allowed to negogiate anything on usair property. dont know if that is true or not i doubt it cause it came from a mgrWelcome to the iam , just try to get use to it.
as for" All they keep talking about it their furloughs and the 22 idiots in PHL", I find this interesting what are they saying in reference to this?
Yes Arizona,California,& Texas Have Been Telling the Other 47 States about the Problem's @ our Southern Border. Now that you other State's are Expierienceing what We Have seen for the Last Twenty Plus Year's It has Become a Problem. I am Sure this Will Not Be Solved OVER one Or Two Major Bill's.I remind you There are More than 500 Major Men that do Have the Power more than ONE PRESIDENT HAS,CONGRESS & THE SENATE.Yes you are correct, I remember it well as Gore pushed it thru with his vote.
But Bush sure let the flood gates open and is doing next to nothing to stop the flow of immigrants that are all illegal. I don't think Bush is wrong on every issue and in fact I voted for him because the other guy IMO was from Mars. But Bush is failing miserably his obligation of securing the boarders. Pretty soon our country will become and is becoming decimated by people who come here expecting every American right and at the same time demanding You speak read and write Their home land language and provide special laws to accommodate their cultures. This is Bush’s doing and Not Clinton because Clinton is long gone and with Bush our country will soon be gone too!
Corporate America loves the people willing to work for peanuts and don’t complain, that don’t unionize and become a pain in their behind. Who do you think owns Bush. Corporate slavery will be the next struggle. I am glad I am not young enough to worry about it, but it’s here already.
Pretty soon our country will become and is becoming decimated by people who come here expecting every American right and at the same time demanding You speak read and write Their home land language and provide special laws to accommodate their cultures.