heeees baaack.....700UW said:
heeees baaack.....700UW said:
They actually attacked women? I thought they were professionals was it an isolated incident or widespread. I didn't think things were that honorific . Were they allowed back on the property I don't think I could ever honor a organization like tthat700UW said:
Oh you mean when there is a gate call with fuel coming out of the engine 10 minutes before departure, they are going to wait for a mechanic to come in from Mexico or Hong Kong?Worldport said:Yes you are skilled, the problem for you is that you can be replaced tomorrow by cheap foreign labor and the company would love to do it, just give them an excuse. At least your skills can be applied elsewhere most of us(F/S) would be up a creek
No Metal it proves what I have been saying all along all unions are the same. I've been in and around the industry a long time you can say 2 generations and heard horror stories about every unionMetalMover said:700 and Worldport need to remember one thing....United Airlines mechanics kicked out the IAM and got AMFA.. Then they kicked AMFA out and guess what? They went with the teamsters....What does that tell you about the iAM? They had enough of the IAM even as well as AMFA.
Here's the problem with the word "outsourcing.".....most airline people like us automatically assume only mx can be outsourced. Remember Cabin Service? Facilities Cleaners? Employee bus drivers?Worldport said:No Metal it proves what I have been saying all along all unions are the same. I've been in and around the industry a long time you can say 2 generations and horror stories about every union
They would hire a vendor for the line. I'm just breaking chops I know you are neededMetalMover said:Oh you mean when there is a gate call with fuel coming out of the engine 10 minutes before departure, they are going to wait for a mechanic to come in from Mexico or Hong Kong?
Guess what, they had the chance to increase outsourcing even more in bankruptcy? Why did they not?
NP I have thick skin. But yes they can hire a vendor. They would hope that those they lay off would go work for that vendor and guess what? No learning curve or inexperience factor. Some airlines even outsource deicing.Worldport said:They would hire a vendor for the line. I'm just breaking chops I know you are needed
If 700s letter is true and I believe it is you cans see why as a fleet agent I might not think to highly of AMFA. To be honest I would like to see you in another union I feel Fleet will settle first and we will have to wait for the AMTs to settle. I used to think being in the same union was good in case we had to strike the airline would have to shut down. In today's environment and our size the government would never allow a strike or we would be ordered back to work in a dayMetalMover said:Here's the problem with the word "outsourcing.".....most airline people like us automatically assume only mx can be outsourced. Remember Cabin Service? Facilities Cleaners? Employee bus drivers?
And yes you are correct about all unions being the same. Where I take issue with comments slandering AMFA is that at least they TRIED. When was the last time the TWU even brought us to the point of going on strike. Here's another piece of historical data....IAM members stuck United, Northwest, National, Trans World and Eastern in 1966. TWU represented AA and PanAm did not support them. What does that say about the TWU? Yet they will shut down the NYC transit city if they as so much as make them pay a penny more for medical.
Yes, YOU did......But it is not in the vocabulary of TWU ATD at AA.700UW said:We also struck US in October of 1992 for five days, mechanic and related that is ramp was non-union then.