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TWU-IAM Finally Getting Ready for JCBA Negotiations

Vortilon said:
I never said everyone, just the D-Bags in the TWU International.  To a lesser extent, the less informed YES voters - that trusted the TWU.  We all know who is to blame - there is no argument. 
Oh. Well then. Everything is solved.
Vortilon said:
How can we forget about the past when the same people you want us to forget about, hung a boat anchor around the future AMT negotiators necks?  Truth is, Local 591 can't change much at all, and most of us AMTs realize that.  I have yet to meet an AMT at AA that supports the "association".  No AMT trusts the TWU International.  Point is, as long as we are stuck in the suck - we are going to make sure everybody feels it one way or another.   What do you expect Gary Peterson to do?  Should he be pumping sunshine up our behinds, telling us how things will get better, but maybe we should lower our expectations?  Maybe the TWU will release the rest of the equity money to us some day.  Maybe the company will give us the retiree medical match some day.  Sorry the company decided to give all the other AA employees a 4% raise outside of negotiations - except TWU represented.  Then justify it using a weak excuse.  That was almost as lame as the companys excuse to take away PV Days - "because no other airline offers pv days to their employees".  Well, we all know that was complete BS, they call them DAT days at other airlines. 
Point is, AMTs at AA have nothing to be encouraged about.  After watching the town hall meetings on Jetnet, I am more convinced than ever - that the AMTs at AA are screwed.  That leaves AAs AMTs having to rely on (God forbid) the association.  Considering that, how could Gary keep a staight face and try to sell that.  I can picture Gary speaking to the membership now (looking sorta like Pinocchio in the Geico ad) "with the full backing of the association, we will fight to get you everything you lost, Delta plus 7 or more, and profit sharing to boot." 
Do you really think that when most of us get those stupid updates telling us how our negotiators attended a six day seminar on how to negotiate are encouraging?  It's a joke, and you know it, and so does Gary & Bob.  They also are aware that the International owns the contract, and ultimately has the final say so.  Remind me how that has gone for AAs AMTs in the past.
Get the cards signed. It is ALL in your own hands. Change your destiny instead of just bitching about it day and night. You've had 7 MONTHS, and counting, to get cards signed for any other organization you want. If all the AMT's are against the Association, then you should be able to get that done in weeks, never mind 7 MONTHS.
Go get it done. Get them cards in. Get your choice on the ballot and control your own destiny. Run, brother, run....get them cards!
Other Title Groups did it. Go get 'em. No excuses, it's in your own hands.....
Vortilon said:
 Point is, as long as we are stuck in the suck - we are going to make sure everybody feels it one way or another.  B) 
Basically .. Vorts post lets the leadership off the hook to bring something back worth voting for..So.. there you have it. Over before its even started.. The excuse for failure is written and accepted.
NYer said:
Get the cards signed. It is ALL in your own hands. Change your destiny instead of just bitching about it day and night. You've had 7 MONTHS, and counting, to get cards signed for any other organization you want. If all the AMT's are against the Association, then you should be able to get that done in weeks, never mind 7 MONTHS.
Go get it done. Get them cards in. Get your choice on the ballot and control your own destiny. Run, brother, run....get them cards!
Other Title Groups did it. Go get 'em. No excuses, it's in your own hands.....
Good come back....not.
Get it done. he says.   You're a funny guy/gal whatever, you know damn well if it were just up to the AMTs at AA - the TWU would have been long gone.  It's the fear based votes from the "and related" voting block in the M&R group that dilute the AMT votes to go with the AMFA.  That is where the conspiracy theory starts.  Why in Gods name wouldn't the NMB grant AMTs their own classification?  Who is paying them off?  Politics & money.
DallasConehead said:
Basically .. Vorts post lets the leadership off the hook to bring something back worth voting for..So.. there you have it. Over before its even started.. The excuse for failure is written and accepted.
What leadership are you referring to Tony?  I don't see the company in any hurry to negotiate.  Where is the NMB with a decision on our representation one way or another?  I'm not letting anybody off the hook, just putting blame where it is due.  Look, if you support the association, good on ya.  I don't, and neither do the guys I work around, and evidently quite a few on this BB.  Failure to me, is anything short of getting the AMFA in. 
Vortilon said:
How can we forget about the past when the same people you want us to forget about, hung a boat anchor around the future AMT negotiators necks?  Truth is, Local 591 can't change much at all, and most of us AMTs realize that.  I have yet to meet an AMT at AA that supports the "association".  No AMT trusts the TWU International.  Point is, as long as we are stuck in the suck - we are going to make sure everybody feels it one way or another.   What do you expect Gary Peterson to do?  Should he be pumping sunshine up our behinds, telling us how things will get better, but maybe we should lower our expectations?  Maybe the TWU will release the rest of the equity money to us some day.  Maybe the company will give us the retiree medical match some day.  Sorry the company decided to give all the other AA employees a 4% raise outside of negotiations - except TWU represented.  Then justify it using a weak excuse.  That was almost as lame as the companys excuse to take away PV Days - "because no other airline offers pv days to their employees".  Well, we all know that was complete BS, they call them DAT days at other airlines. 
Point is, AMTs at AA have nothing to be encouraged about.  After watching the town hall meetings on Jetnet, I am more convinced than ever - that the AMTs at AA are screwed.  That leaves AAs AMTs having to rely on (God forbid) the association.  Considering that, how could Gary keep a staight face and try to sell that.  I can picture Gary speaking to the membership now (looking sorta like Pinocchio in the Geico ad) "with the full backing of the association, we will fight to get you everything you lost, Delta plus 7 or more, and profit sharing to boot." 
Do you really think that when most of us get those stupid updates telling us how our negotiators attended a six day seminar on how to negotiate are encouraging?  It's a joke, and you know it, and so does Gary & Bob.  They also are aware that the International owns the contract, and ultimately has the final say so.  Remind me how that has gone for AAs AMTs in the past.
GP is leading the lawsuit and letter writing attack against the Association
Vortilon said:
Good come back....not.
Get it done. he says.   You're a funny guy/gal whatever, you know damn well if it were just up to the AMTs at AA - the TWU would have been long gone.  It's the fear based votes from the "and related" voting block in the M&R group that dilute the AMT votes to go with the AMFA.  That is where the conspiracy theory starts.  Why in Gods name wouldn't the NMB grant AMTs their own classification?  Who is paying them off?  Politics & money.
Oh. So we add everyone in the "related" category which is preventing the AMT's from getting cards signed. Then it's also the NMB in this conspiracy because they won't separate the classification only to include AMT's.
The AMT's at AA, which are all on the same page according to you, can't make a move to progress because of the "related" folks, the NMB, the TWU International "D-bags." Is that the latest excuse to mask the reality  of the few loud complainers not being able to get enough to go to their side and sign cards despite the decades old anti-TWU propaganda.
You guys are creative, I'll give you that.
Rogallo said:
But your spin takes the cake!
Not only that the moron does not understand that fleet service way out numbers the AMT's.  He never comprehended the original post.  Typical TWU LUVer...
Overspeed said:
GP is leading the lawsuit and letter writing attack against the Association
Are you saying he is doing this on his own accord?  He represents the line AMTs.  He is only doing what the line AMTs want him to do, save for a few.  So what's your point?
NYer said:
Oh. So we add everyone in the "related" category which is preventing the AMT's from getting cards signed. Then it's also the NMB in this conspiracy because they won't separate the classification only to include AMT's.
The AMT's at AA, which are all on the same page according to you, can't make a move to progress because of the "related" folks, the NMB, the TWU International "D-bags." Is that the latest excuse to mask the reality  of the few loud complainers not being able to get enough to go to their side and sign cards despite the decades old anti-TWU propaganda.
You guys are creative, I'll give you that.
Nothing creative about it.  They are all facts.  After almost 30 years of trying to rid AAs AMTs of the TWU, you can't help but pick up on who and where the problems have been. 
Vortilon said:
Are you saying he is doing this on his own accord?  He represents the line AMTs.  He is only doing what the line AMTs want him to do, save for a few.  So what's your point?
I guess the Line AMT's took a vote, right? I imagine that lawsuit was not filed until after there was a vote by the Members to OK that move. Right?
Vortilon said:
Nothing creative about it.  They are all facts.  After almost 30 years of trying to rid AAs AMTs of the TWU, you can't help but pick up on who and where the problems have been. 
30 years of failure to get rid of what you believe to be the worst union in the history of spoken language. That's not a proud legacy. =/