Change is never easy when the TWU has been able to have TULE carry ANY vote THEIR way to the traditional size of their voting bloc. With regards to AMFA, they have managed to instill fear into mechanics at the base that AMFA would throw the base to the curb in exchange for a better contract. Add in TWU supporters at line stations and it never was easy. When we almost had it, the TWU and the company managed to have dead and retired and once-mechanic turned management people added to the list.
But the one point that you fail to understand is that we have wanted the TWU gone for 30 years.....Don't you think we would've given up, after, say 10 years? 15? 20, 25 years????? When we try to explain to you why we want them out, your typical response is we have been trying to for 30 years.....
Instead you and other TWU supporters should be asking WHY HAVE WE BEEN TRYING FOR 30 YEARS?
Oh, I forgot, you really don't care what us mechanics do.