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TWU-IAM Finally Getting Ready for JCBA Negotiations

ThirdSeatHero said:
Oh so you haven't already made up your mind?
Thanks for pointing that out.
No. I would have had to have been living there in the moment to have made my mind up what I would have done or what I thought we ALL should have done?

That fight wasn't in my house.
WeAAsles said:
No. I would have had to have been living there in the moment to have made my mind up what I would have done or what I thought we ALL should have done?

That fight wasn't in my house.
Oh I couldn't tell by your one-sided defense of the issue
ThirdSeatHero said:
Oh I couldn't tell by your one-sided defense of the issue
That's fair. I was one sided and since I didn't walk in any of those shoes I shouldn't be. My apologies for the automatic defense mechanism being up.
ThirdSeatHero said:
Sorry, Wrong again.
The IAM lost mechanic jobs at -
EAL - CAL - TWA - NWA - UAL - Alaska - Comair - WN 
Total AMT members and higher percentage of peak
Helloooooo.  What about Braniff. Braniff-2, under IAM folks...
WeAAsles said:
Who wants to make a bet here? I have 12 years left in my career. I'll bet before I retire that AMFA no longer exists. Hear me out. AMFA has 2 airlines left. The biggest one they have SWA they have been in negotiations for 2 years now. I've been reading the updates and things do not look promising at all that SWA management wants to give them a CBA. The reality is if they don't deliver a bigger Union will eventually replace them with a card drive, leaving nothing left but Alaska Airlines. Now I can't make a prediction about what's going to happen there but a lot of things can happen in 12 years?

I don't really believe that AMFA wants to be a part of UAL after they were chucked out and many of you have been saying that you're getting no assistance from AMFA National for help with AA either. Hell even some SWA mechanics have come on here hinting that they don't want you?

So my comment really isn't meant to be a hit but a prediction. I think by the end of my career AMFA will be defunct.
I'll take that bet.  How much???
WeAAsles said:
You can say what you want but it hasn't happened and some of you have been trying for many many years now.
The most complete answer is AMFA is fighting a 3 headed corrupt Goliath.  (Well, 2/1/2 heads, the TWu only counts for half a head)
1) The compAAny itself, who is supposed to remain neutral is anything but....with the company union assistance, submitting all and any types of non-class and craft eligibility lists to the NMB, dead people (a guy killed going to work on a motorcycle?), management, fuelers (outsourced) and even rampers and stock clerks not part of the AMT craft and class. Never in history has a airline protected its bought and paid for company union from being replaced like AA has. Why is that? Why? Easy....
2)Like a good company whore, the TWu sells out easy during contract "negotiations" (laugh) that's why. Company makes it's demands, and the unaccountable TWu international minions like Jimmy "DO" Little or Sunny Hall give in and sell the fear to the membership.  No worry about being ousted from office, not a care in the world. We don't live under the conditions we signed for, only the fools on the floor do.  "Your lucky to have a job brother", "This is the best we can do brothers and sisters", "We will get 'em next time", "We won the right not to have a vote"....I will not go further here.
3) Corrupt NMB who caters to the whims of the rich compAAny and it's pet compAAny union, the TWu. Eligibility list mostly a total fraud, but NMB accepted as fact and accurate.  All done to stop the representational vote. 
Too scared the TWu would lose to AMFA.
So there ya go Weasle Worm Ramper God of the TWu Wanna Be's....
WeAAsles said:
I've NEVER seen the letter. Only heard about it. But if I saw it and your group was advocating to take more away from me for your benefit. I'd knock you and your strike sign right on your ass as I head to work, put air in those tires and change the oil if they asked me to. 
Spoken like a true TWU cheer leader.
MetalMover said:
Spoken like a true TWU cheer leader.
So what does protecting what's mine have to do with the TWU? You're really grasping here.
What does it matter to you? Why does a MIA FSC give so much of a fork who represents M&R? Are you a TWU flunkie? TWU flunkie wannabe?
You whack a hornets nest with a stick and wonder why there is a swarm of 'em coming after you...
ThirdSeatHero said:
You don't have to take my word for anything, the former IAM airlines speak for themselves - you're the only one here I see denying it
Can't deny something that has not been proven. You "claim" they lost more than 85% of their Membership but you have no data to back that up.
JFK Fleet Service said:
What does it matter to you? Why does a MIA FSC give so much of a fork who represents M&R? Are you a TWU flunkie? TWU flunkie wannabe?
You whack a hornets nest with a stick and wonder why there is a swarm of 'em coming after you...
It doesn't matter to me. If they get it finally one day I'll give them a congratulations. I don't like them hijacking every single subject out there though just to propel their agenda. Unless I'm wrong and maybe it's an obsession? But since they also gravitate this over to the Fleet thread too I have no reason not to gravitate wherever I want as well. I guess being a FSC it doesn't bother you that they are all over your thread huh?

And I have no problem whacking hornets. I wear a very good bee suit.
toroshark said:
The Members of the IAM have much more to lose than the pilots and the flight attendants did.
The Members of the IAM have to consider their multi-employer medical and their multi-employer pension which is currently tied to their membership of the IAM. The medical piece is a huge difference in what they pay and what we pay, not to mention the quality of their coverage. The pension, even if you don't like it, is a system they have accrued over many, many years and they probably wouldn't want to just start another type of plan from scratch. Just those two issues would make it difficult to just walk away.
For us to say they should have just walked away is not really taking into consideration the situation they find themselves in, and is really a selfish thing to ask.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    So you have now resorted to calling anyone who disagrees with your agenda selfish. I don't find it any more selfish to want to stay away from the IAMPF than I find someone who wants to stay put in it. Your version of a legitimate vote for representation and our futures is akin to Matthew Hopkins the witchfinder general [ drown if your innocent, guilty you swim].
My agenda? Oh Brother. That is some leap you took, the selfish comment pertains to those that want the IAM to just walk away from their multi-employer benefits and pension simply because they'd rather have the TWU take over. If you don't consider the IAM Members and what they'd lose in a move such as that, then yes...you are being selfish.
That comment has nothing to do with a vote, as you tried to extrapolate.
NYer said:
Can't deny something that has not been proven. You "claim" they lost more than 85% of their Membership but you have no data to back that up.
You want to continue to flaunt your ignorance?
Okay, I'll help you out ....
You're willfully ignorant of what is obvious to even the most casual observer.
UAL:16,000  NWA:9,000  EAL:2,600  Alaska: 900   Using these lowball estimates WITHOUT adding in TWA, CAL etc - US 4,300 constitutes the same 85% number you keep trying to besmirch AMFA with, add in the rest of the IAM former carriers and what is clear to ALL but you is the IAM has lost more AMT members by count or percentage than AMFA.
Your Welcome
ThirdSeatHero said:
You want to continue to flaunt your ignorance?
Okay, I'll help you out ....
You're willfully ignorant of what is obvious to even the most casual observer.
UAL:16,000  NWA:9,000  EAL:2,600  Alaska: 900   Using these lowball estimates WITHOUT adding in TWA, CAL etc - US 4,300 constitutes the same 85% number you keep trying to besmirch AMFA with, add in the rest of the IAM former carriers and what is clear to ALL but you is the IAM has lost more AMT members by count or percentage than AMFA.
Your Welcome
 I don't agree with your numbers, but didn't AMFA take United and NWA from the IAM only to lose them too to non-union Delta and the IBT.
So the IAM is bad, but you champion AMFA who won those mechanics and then promptly lost them too.
Even if your numbers are correct (and I believe there were 13,000 mechanics at United), you're still arguing your choice is better than the IAM when they took those mechanics and promptly lost them.
If anything, maybe we should heed the actions of the United mechanics that quickly changed course with AMFA.
Wow. That's very telling.
"AMFA now represents more mechanics in the airline industry than any other union. Represented airlines include Northwest Airlines (lost them), Alaska Airlines and in January AMFA won certification at Southwest Airlines. With mechanics at United Airlines (lost them), AMFA represents over 20,000 (now, less than 3,000) active mechanics’ and related workers and is in the middle of volunteer organizing campaigns at American (lost), Delta (lost), US Airways (lost) and American West. (lost)"
NYer said:
My agenda? Oh Brother. That is some leap you took, the selfish comment pertains to those that want the IAM to just walk away from their multi-employer benefits and pension simply because they'd rather have the TWU take over. If you don't consider the IAM Members and what they'd lose in a move such as that, then yes...you are being selfish.
That comment has nothing to do with a vote, as you tried to extrapolate.
Selfish is YOU and your self-serving agenda buddies trying to sell out the current TWU membership by attempting to force them into the IAMPF. You can spin it anyway you want but the facts are that the plan is to have this Association and attempt to negotiate the 401k match away and replace it with the IAMPF. Whether the membership wants it or not. If the IAM chairs the association for the first 2 years then there is no way in hell we will ever get to vote on a JCBA that doesn't contain language to place us in the IAMPF. You are banking on manipulating information and taking advantage of a beat down membership to achieve this.What is your payout in the end for selling us all out?

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