WeAAsles said:
You can say what you want but it hasn't happened and some of you have been trying for many many years now.
The most complete answer is AMFA is fighting a 3 headed corrupt Goliath. (Well, 2/1/2 heads, the TWu only counts for half a head)
1) The compAAny itself, who is supposed to remain neutral is
anything but....with the company union assistance, submitting all and any types of non-class and craft eligibility lists to the NMB, dead people (a guy killed going to work on a motorcycle?), management, fuelers (outsourced) and even rampers and stock clerks not part of the AMT craft and class. Never in history has a airline protected its bought and paid for company union from being replaced like AA has. Why is that? Why? Easy....
2)Like a good company whore, the TWu sells out easy during contract "negotiations" (laugh) that's why. Company makes it's demands, and the unaccountable TWu international minions like Jimmy "DO" Little or Sunny Hall give in and sell the fear to the membership. No worry about being ousted from office, not a care in the world. We don't live under the conditions we signed for, only the fools on the floor do. "Your lucky to have a job brother", "This is the best we can do brothers and sisters", "We will get 'em next time", "We won the right not to have a vote"....I will not go further here.
3) Corrupt NMB who caters to the whims of the rich compAAny and it's pet compAAny union, the TWu. Eligibility list mostly a total fraud, but NMB accepted as fact and accurate. All done to stop the representational vote.
Too scared the TWu would lose to AMFA.
So there ya go Weasle Worm Ramper God of the TWu Wanna Be's....