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TWU-IAM Finally Getting Ready for JCBA Negotiations

700UW said:
So go get AMFA, you havent been able too.
And this is a message board, its an exchange of information, facts, debates etc...
Is that too hard to understand?
And its all about class and craft, utility, cleaners, gse, plant etc....
It is about class and craft, of which you are none of them as a paid IAm tool boy.
Return to your handlers at the Local Lodge.
Soon I predict, the worthless IAm will not represent any AMTs after the Association fails.
That's not too hard to understand.
700UW said:
So go get AMFA, you havent been able too.
And this is a message board, its an exchange of information, facts, debates etc...
Is that too hard to understand?
And its all about class and craft, utility, cleaners, gse, plant etc....
Just wondering.
Since the IAM has paid organizers to do this work, are you paid or a scab doing unpaid union work... 😛
WeAAsles said:
Well Gene:

Thank you for your comment. Since this is an open Forum I thought I should let you know that I don't care what your opinions of my opinions are. Nope doesn't concern me in the slightest. I'm gonna put em out there whenever I feel like it and if that disturbs you well, Cest La Vie.

 Me 😀 😛 😉 😛h34r: You :angry2:
Well Weasle,
Your opinions are for the most part, at best, a mixture of cow excrement and cat piss. A foul stench, but of no consequence.
You should ply your TWu wares with the F/As again, they left the TWu in 1978, never to return.
I'm sure they would tell you the same as AMT's, TWu ramper opinions are not wanted, and you have nothing but hot air, and also not one vote in their craft and class. Zero...zilch...nada.
Donc fermer vous pie hole
Hackman said:
It is about class and craft, of which you are none of them as a paid IAm tool boy.
Return to your handlers at the Local Lodge.
Soon I predict, the worthless IAm will not represent any AMTs after the Association fails.
That's not too hard to understand.

Do you know something I dont?

You wont find my name on an LM-2 for the IAM.
And until 2008 Stores at US Airways was part of the Mechanic Class and Craft and they are still on the Mechanic and Related CBA.  And I was Utility also and they are part of the class and craft.
Glad to see you have to call names instead of debating the topic at hand.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
xUT said:
Just wondering.
Since the IAM has paid organizers to do this work, are you paid or a scab doing unpaid union work... 😛
I am not organizing anyone and yes I was paid from June of 2013 till September of 2013 when I worked the raid for the IAM when the ibt was raiding the IAM at US.
IS AMFA paying you to post here or are you a scab, sine you arent an AMFA member nor an IBT member?
And the IAM has ALWAYS used rank and file members, the Air Transport Department doesnt use paid organizers, they use the GCs, GLRs, Local Lodge officials and rank and file members.
MetalMover said:
400 people left in PIT?? What was the highest number at that base? And they are still in denial?
The highest number?  Put it this way.  A lot.
After the county and the company finished playing their political games, and the company closed the hub, and terminated the leases at the airport built for USAir, somewhere near 13,000 people lost their jobs in PIT.
It now just a worn out shell of its former self.
Is it possible that through the "Democratic Process" of the Labor Unions involved, though their constitutions and bylaws, that we as the membership have already granted this Association? 
700UW said:
I am not organizing anyone and yes I was paid from June of 2013 till September of 2013 when I worked the raid for the IAM when the ibt was raiding the IAM at US.
IS AMFA paying you to post here or are you a scab, sine you arent an AMFA member nor an IBT member?
And the IAM has ALWAYS used rank and file members, the Air Transport Department doesnt use paid organizers, they use the GCs, GLRs, Local Lodge officials and rank and file members.
Unlike industrial unions, AMFA doesn't have a paid staff of "professional" organizers such as yourself.
"Grass Roots" comes from the membership, not a team of professional 3rd party organizers.
Since they do have union paid organizers, aren't you scabbing their jobs?
Post on... 😛
The IAM doesnt use paid organizers for Air Transport, can you not comprehend what you read?
So I am not organizing anyone nor working for the IAM.
They use the GLRs, District Reps, local lodge officers and rank and file members, who get pulled out of work at the airline and work for the union instead.
Too hard to understand that?
When I was active I worked many campaigns as I was pulled out of work and worked for the IAM instead of US.
700UW said:
Do you know something I dont?
You wont find my name on an LM-2 for the IAM.
And until 2008 Stores at US Airways was part of the Mechanic Class and Craft and they are still on the Mechanic and Related CBA.  And I was Utility also and they are part of the class and craft.
Glad to see you have to call names instead of debating the topic at hand.
Dont let the facts get in your way.
Ah, the infamous "facts in the way" statement from the IAm tool boy. How typical.
Just because your not on an IAm LM-2, doesn't mean you not getting some form of compensation, such as cash, a car, or a few ladies of the night occasionaly. We are all well aware of how the IAm works here. (and how well it doesn't work for the AMTs)
One just has to glance over at the Delta forum and see that you have fully interjected yourself into the IAm campain for the Delta F/A's.  IAm flyers, IAm offical statements, IAm photos, and more IAm lovin posts than one can count. All for free?
Not to mention the vitriol and name calling between you and your buddies Josh and World Traveler. Don't throw stones here my friend.
Not getting IAm compensated? Just pushing the IAm because you love them completely? 
Your no longer a US Air employee, but you spend hours upon hours pushing the IAm on airline employees all for nothing.
All right, so you say, but no one here believes your story. 
As you stated over on Delta, "board cancer" is right.
Real tired said:
The highest number?  Put it this way.  A lot.
After the county and the company finished playing their political games, and the company closed the hub, and terminated the leases at the airport built for USAir, somewhere near 13,000 people lost their jobs in PIT.
It now just a worn out shell of its former self.
Wow..all under the IAM's watch too.....Trying to compete with the TWU, eh? But yet there are the IAM/TWU association cheerleaders who think it is a good thing for two loser unions to unite.
NYer said:
Unless I'm in a high cost city I wouldn't want GEO pay. I wouldn't want to lose pay in order to subsidize a raise for someone else. That is just a common sense approach.
The pay raises were in conjunction with the rest of the CBA, that is the only conclusion to make. We didn't see raises for a decade and when we did see it, it was tied to cost cuts elsewhere. All the other airlines that have more pay than we do also have less mechanics, it is a direct correlation. They pay out of one pocket with what they save from the other pocket. 
If you're in favor of keeping jobs then you have to also be aware that it will affect the pay rates and other benefits. Other airlines don't have high paying positions and a lot of those positions available. The higher the pay, the less jobs there are. You guys like to compare the pay rates, well if you're honest with yourselves then you will compare the entire picture, and not just what is convenient.
All other unions are fighting the same things, even AMFA, and it is something that needs to be acknowledged if we are to find alternatives to gain in pay and keep jobs. The biggest arguments to change the union is not that you'll get higher pay...is that you can fire the leadership is they don't do their job. Well, there will be a lot of firings because the reality of the situation is not being debated honestly. It is being done with misrepresentations, finger pointing and name calling.
You like to keep mentioning AA has more mechanics than any other airline...how about fleet service? Maybe we should outsource more fleet service....Maybe I'll bring it up at the next town hall meeting.. Would you like that? Maybe we can be more like Delta in that respect. less mechanics AND less fleet service....How about this ? Maybe if they give us UPS pay, we can reduce fleet service numbers by having mechanics load and unload aircraft, and do receive and dispatch? You know, not replace you all together, but help out....you know for more money?  Sound good?
You not only sound like a TWU mouthpiece, but now you are sounding like a company negotiator telling us if we want GEO pay, we are going to have to pay for it elsewhere....
Hackman said:
Ah, the infamous "facts in the way" statement from the IAm tool boy. How typical.
Just because your not on an IAm LM-2, doesn't mean you not getting some form of compensation, such as cash, a car, or a few ladies of the night occasionaly. We are all well aware of how the IAm works here. (and how well it doesn't work for the AMTs)
One just has to glance over at the Delta forum and see that you have fully interjected yourself into the IAm campain for the Delta F/A's.  IAm flyers, IAm offical statements, IAm photos, and more IAm lovin posts than one can count. All for free?
Not to mention the vitriol and name calling between you and your buddies Josh and World Traveler. Don't throw stones here my friend.
Not getting IAm compensated? Just pushing the IAm because you love them completely? 
Your no longer a US Air employee, but you spend hours upon hours pushing the IAm on airline employees all for nothing.
All right, so you say, but no one here believes your story. 
As you stated over on Delta, "board cancer" is right.
Glad to see your another mechanic that has to attack and make accusations, you do know slander and defimation of character has it's consequences if someone chooses to act.

I do not work nor receive anything from anyone or any union to post on the board. I am a trade unionist at heart, something that elitists like you will never understand and you and your type blame everyone else for your work issues than take personal responsibility for your group's failures.

So keep up the the lies and misinformation, as it's easier for you to attack people instead of debating the issues with facts and realities of what has happened in the industry over the past 20 years.
700UW said:
Glad to see your another mechanic that has to attack and make accusations, you do know slander and defimation of character has it's consequences if someone chooses to act.

I do not work nor receive anything from anyone or any union to post on the board. I am a trade unionist at heart, something that elitists like you will never understand and you and your type blame everyone else for your work issues than take personal responsibility for your group's failures.

So keep up the the lies and misinformation, as it's easier for you to attack people instead of debating the issues with facts and realities of what has happened in the industry over the past 20 years.
Still briging out that old chestnut - calling AMTs that want better representation "elitists".   It is not a matter of just blame, there are facts to support AMT claims of being under - represented by the likes of the TWU & IAM.  A quick look at a industry survey of AMT pay and benefits will reveal that AMTs at US AIR & AA have the lowest pay, and worst benefits of all airlines.  Meanwhile, baggage handlers, and other employee groups have remained at or near the top of the industry in pay and benefits.  The AMTs failures can be attributed to the "and relateds" unfairly lumped into our group.  Or what we refer to as the "yes" voters.  They are traditionally, easily scared into voting for the international's recommendations.  These same recommendations have been traditionally - very anti AMT.  Go ahead, and deny it, ignore it, or segue off topic - we are experiencing the results of your type of union leadership first hand.  It's been that way for my entire 29 years at AA, and it has sucked for AMTs the entire time.  Yet you advocate, we continue with this type of representation?

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