thought is was to be 10-14 days after the request to have a comment period but have not heard any thing from either sideand not sure if the 10-14 days includes weekends or business days
thought is was to be 10-14 days after the request to have a comment period but have not heard any thing from either sideand not sure if the 10-14 days includes weekends or business days
I am willing to go all the way and have an arbitrator decide my fate because the company will just drag this out as long as possible.
You would actually let an arbitrator make that decision for you? An arbitrator who can be bought and paid for by, well, just about anyone? I wouldn't trust an arbitrator, I would want final say and vote on all issues and then if it fails, I have no one to blame but myself.
You would actually let an arbitrator make that decision for you? An arbitrator who can be bought and paid for by, well, just about anyone? I wouldn't trust an arbitrator, I would want final say and vote on all issues and then if it fails, I have no one to blame but myself.
The AArogant company has made it clear they want a ZERO cost contract. The insult of a lump sum is just a sand in the hourglass. They want to eliminate jobs altogether in certain classifications with workrule changes that would have made Frank Lorenzo proud and bring a tear to his eye.
... after all bribes from the company and union have been received and considered by the mediators and arbitrators ...does anybody know when we should hear anything ty
I believe it has been well documented by some on this board that the TWU has been more than willing to come down off of their Nov. 08 proposal. As far as the public, I'm not sure they really care about the issues of the AA unionized workforce as long as they can get that seat for next to nothing.I don't think the NMB has to reply within a specific timeframe, but I can't imagine them taking more than a few weeks to decide. I'm curious why the TWU and APFA haven't bothered to publish their negotiating stances like AA's management has. Are they afraid the public will see that they are being intransigent?
I don't think the NMB has to reply within a specific timeframe, but I can't imagine them taking more than a few weeks to decide. I'm curious why the TWU and APFA haven't bothered to publish their negotiating stances like AA's management has. Are they afraid the public will see that they are being intransigent?
Facts are meaningless to the office/pro-company types that only want cheap tickets at any cost. Word definitions for these people follow the logic of "I didn't have sex with that woman", and lying to their workers is what they do best.Intransigent? Intransigent? The TWU negotiating committee offered a greatly reduced proposal last summer. (I would have not voted for it) AA chose to reject it and stand pat with the concessionary proposals that have not really moved one iota towards any middle ground. Before someone wants to spout out the word INTRANSIGENT, they either need to know the meaning of the word, have the facts, or quit trying to spin lies.
I don't think the NMB has to reply within a specific timeframe, but I can't imagine them taking more than a few weeks to decide. I'm curious why the TWU and APFA haven't bothered to publish their negotiating stances like AA's management has. Are they afraid the public will see that they are being intransigent?
More lame excuses.I have spoken with my Base chair about getting something out to the membership, and there is a mailing on it's way, ApFA was waiting until the last talks and next course of action was discussed with the BOD. We only have so much money.