Its a simple question that isn't answered. The "Solution" you advocate will not come before there is a vote here. Given that we have to either chose the TA or Abrogation, what is the advantage to voting NO? Please, don't give me the political stuff about craft and our Union not being worthy. Those are items for another day. At the moment we have a decision that has two real and immediate consequence.
How are we going to recover from an abrogation and how long will that recovery take place? If I vote no, lose the pay raises and everything else associated with the Tentative Agreement, how and when can we expect to recover those losses? A year, two years, four years?
We've been told to Vote No for the last 4 or 5 years, but there has been no progress and there doesn't seem to be plan to gain that progress. Lots of words, lots of finger pointing, lots of testosterone, lots of ager...but few solutions.