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With all the noise on this site coming from the one to two dozen AMFA clones, and their AMP & Vote No (AMFA in Drag) supporters, you would think they would realize they sound like a broken record. I guess the theory is just keep repeating the AMFA mantra, over and over and over!
History of a Democratic Union:
AMFA's major campaign slogan was that they would never negotiate concessions. They claimed to always have rank and file observers at negotiations. They claimed to be the most democratic.
None of these claims have stood up; during NWA on concession bargaining for example, AMFA members were never given an opportunity to vote on the 'Final and Best Offer' by NWA before the strike was called in August 2005 and 'rank and file observers' were barred from the recent negotiations with NWA on the tentative agreement.
I guess Delle just forgot how Democratic AMFA was?
Look who the cat dragged in, the resident commie loser, mechanic wannabe: Reality Chump. AKA TWU international parasite.
Keep repeating the AMFA mantra and you'll become a believer. That's how cults do it you know.
Another Chapter From the AMFA History Book
The Aircraft Mechanic Fraternal Association (AMFA) and Northwest Airlines (NWA) reached a tentative agreement on October 9, 2006, that, if approved by the membership, ends the 14-month strike. The deal includes NWA withdrawing all protests against strikers receiving unemployment benefits; offering vacation accrual with a maximum 10 weeks severance pay for resignations or, as an alternative for those strikers who elect to remain with the company with 2- year recall rights, vacation accrual with up to 5 weeks severance.
Since NWA shut the doors of its Minneapolis maintenance facility and contracted out janitorial and cabin cleaning jobs, few expect many of the 4400 original strikers to be recalled. All 800 mechanics who crossed picket lines, mostly AMFA members, will remain working and cannot be displaced by strikers according to the tentative agreement. It is a tragic end to a dismal chapter of failed AMFA leadership and strategy.
Most unions considered the strike ill conceived from the very beginning. AMFA had no strike fund and, reflecting its separatist philosophy of mechanics acting alone, went on strike while the Pilots, Flight Attendants and Machinists' Union were still negotiating under pressures of bankruptcy court proceedings. AMFA bolted ahead of all the other unions, characteristic of their often-stated mantra that "strength in numbers doesn't necessarily mean strength. " This was the wisdom offered by AMFA Assistant National Director Steve MacFarlane on the eve of the August 2005 strike. He couldn't have been more wrong.[/background]