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TWU and the Company reached a Tentative Agreement

No it's not me & in fact I don't agree with that statement I think that most of the Maintenance on the new planes will be done by the vendors when the planes actually get to the point of needing Maintenance, I doubt it will be done by AA Mechanics & that is why as we get new planes there are going to continue to be more layoffs, there is nothing the TWU or any Union can do to stop it, Maintenance is going to shrink over time so there is no point in trading pay & benefits for keeping jobs that still won't be kept.

This is the reason the industry average wage adjustment does not happen until DOS + 36 months. At that point there will be very few employs left and the cost of those raises will be minimal. Why not industry average now? might get a ratification if it was average at DOS
This is the reason the industry average wage adjustment does not happen until DOS + 36 months. At that point there will be very few employs left and the cost of those raises will be minimal. Why not industry average now? might get a ratification if it was average at DOS

To me, this isn't at all about money. It's about job security, in which there isn't any. Which is exactly

how the company wants to do business and this sham of a union lets them.
He has a lot to deal with, AMFA drive, getting over failed AMP drive (AMFA in drag), defending Owens, trying to shoot down the TA, attacking the Int'l reps, tracking all his distortings of the truth, trying to explain away how AMFA lost over 20,000 of their members jobs, blaming the AFL-CIO for everything, etc...

And somewhere in between he is fixing aircraft apparently.

Informer is doing his best to defrend our craft and I´m with him in his positions. I´m sure there are a lot more out there backing Informer.
No it's not me & in fact I don't agree with that statement I think that most of the Maintenance on the new planes will be done by the vendors when the planes actually get to the point of needing Maintenance, I doubt it will be done by AA Mechanics & that is why as we get new planes there are going to continue to be more layoffs, there is nothing the TWU or any Union can do to stop it, Maintenance is going to shrink over time so there is no point in trading pay & benefits for keeping jobs that still won't be kept.

I dont think after the first cut we will see many layoffs down the road as attrition will likely exceed any drop off in work. You have to remember that our compensation for at least three years will be at least 20% below United, and United is nearer to the bottom of the industry than the top. Even if the wage adjustment kicks in we would still be at the bottom due to Holidays, Vacation and Sick time. Outsourcing simply wont be cost effective. In fact my bet is that AA will continue to offer SIS and other Early Out incentives so they can lower costs even more by replacing topped out workers with new hires.
What does this LOM look like? Where can I read it?

7/10/2012 Term Sheet

New LOM for a one-time restructuring RIF
This is the reason the industry average wage adjustment does not happen until DOS + 36 months. At that point there will be very few employs left and the cost of those raises will be minimal. Why not industry average now? might get a ratification if it was average at DOS

I agree.
A very accurate quote in Tulsa World today.

"It's lipstick on a pig as far as we are concerned," said Gary Peterson, president of TWU Local 565 at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. "There's no new money involved in the discussion. There is no system protection or job guarantees or cap on the number of people they can lay off. They can lay off, by seniority, any amount they need to in any location they choose to."
BTW, the vote was rigged from the start. The International got two fleet service clerks who only ever show up when the International needs their Yes vote, to all of a sudden appear at Negotiations. Just to make certain the vote went their way they called for the Roll Call.

The Five Cornerstone cities and AFW all voted against this. Hopefully there will be enough guys in Tulsa who care about the profession for another rejection.

Bob, the word on the floor here at AFW is that Tulsa's local paid for the title 2 and the fleet service clerks to fly in for the negotiations, and picked up all their expenses and lost time, just to rig the vote. Can you give any insight on this without getting yourself in trouble?
I will perdict a higher percentage NO VOTE this time than last!
The International keeps trying to put the fix in and IT AIN"T WORKING !
AMTs regardless of OVH/LINE need to stick together on this!
So Bob you are saying jobs are going away if we get the 787 or the Airbus? So do we roll over? We have always worked on anything we fly. Why would we even think outside that. That should be a non starter. We need to make sure this current money grab by management results in the lowest possible return to them. A merger needs to happen forced by the creditors.
I think the TWU is doing as well as any union placed in these circumstances could do. I'm voting YES!
So Bob you are saying jobs are going away if we get the 787 or the Airbus? So do we roll over? We have always worked on anything we fly. Why would we even think outside that. That should be a non starter. We need to make sure this current money grab by management results in the lowest possible return to them. A merger needs to happen forced by the creditors.

Since Bob is pushing a NO vote it doesn't appear that he is for rolling over, many of us just don't believe you can successfully trade jobs for Pay & Benefits especially when it's just lip service & there's no guarantee that the company will honor the trade, I wouldn't trade even if there was a guarantee myself but the company isn't offering one so the point is moot.
I think fighting for jobs is something that should be done on a Local level from the Base Locals, there are ways that Local 514 & DFW can try to convince the company that doing the work in house it more practical & cost effective & either the company buys it or they don't, trading jobs for Pay & benefits just isn't the way to do it, with all the OSM that AA has working at much lower pay scales the bases are already fairly competitive.
With no job security in the contract, what happens to TAESL as the 757's and there RB's go away in the next few years. Also, the new 777-300's are getting GE engines. What are the odds that TAESL will remain open with no requirement by the contract for the little bit of Trent work that we have?