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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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Funny how some of you are putting words into my posts that I have not said.
I stated and will restate I believe in democracy.
700UW said:
Funny how some of you are putting words into my posts that I have not said.
I stated and will restate I believe in democracy.
You forgot to add the word " SELECTIVE" between the words IN and DEMOCRACY.
Just don't let it happen again, We forgive you this time.
There you go again, its amazing how you cant debate with facts, and you cant handle someone who has a different opinion than you.
700, So what has actually changed?  Will I have to post an "I told you so" post?  Let me guess 700, it's not in the NMB's jurisdiction?  Is that it?  If it is you wouldn't admit that, at least not on here anyway.  Is it that it is an internal union issue?  You keep posting that you believe in democracy, great.  The TWU and IAM does not.  And it's really not that they believe in it, it's the fact that they are both scared to death of being replaced and or fired by their members, and you know this, which is partly why you are here trying to promote the IAM...
You just don't get it, thirdseat showed you that you are wrong as well as I did. The IAM nor the TWU have the authority to change the certification, who is the bargaining agent or the R#, that would be the,NMB.
Kev3188 said:
 Because we (Labor) have for whatever reason allowed the Right Wing Wrecking Crew to do it.
Do you think the Right Wing Wrecking Crew "did it" to TWU or was it your leadership selling you out for personal gain?
Think about that and get back with me.
Kev3188 said:
 There are plenty of surveys out there showing that people would, in fact, like to be represented.
Survey's are not worth the paper they are written on. I have shown this forum PROOF of that several times. They are too easy to manipulate. 
What I believe are real world results and in the real world UNIONS in the USA are in decline and have been for years.
blue collar said:
I'm not interested in your political rhetoric, so don't spew it to me. You have a slanted view of labor as a whole- and you are painting unions with a broad brush. Don't try to tell me that the people I have representing me are anything like what this 'alliance' is pushing - because they're not.

Edit- As far as them 'telling' you how to vote, they're not telling you how to vote any more than your church, your social organizations (NRA, AARP, etc), and such. Any one of those entities will try to get you to vote for whomever is more receptive to their cause. If you buy into the BS then it's on you. If you're too weak to think for yourself then you deserve the consequences.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Did you even bother going to the link?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Did you even bother going to the link?
I've read it before. I don't doubt that they have it set up to be 'either vote for the alliance, or you will be non union'. Don't look for me to defend the actions of the TWU and IAM with this alliance- I would be totally against it. It goes to show that they can't compete with other unions if they would choose to only have those two options- including competing against each other. But that doesn't speak to the labor movement as a whole, which is what you seem to equate it with.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Do you think the Right Wing Wrecking Crew "did it" to TWU or was it your leadership selling you out for personal gain?
Think about that and get back with me.
I thought about it before I posted.

We've all allowed it to happen.
What I believe are real world results and in the real world UNIONS in the USA are in decline and have been for years.
Union membership numbers and whether or not people would like to be represented are two different pieces to the discussion. You are conflating them.
700UW said:
You just don't get it, thirdseat showed you that you are wrong as well as I did. The IAM nor the TWU have the authority to change the certification, who is the bargaining agent or the R#, that would be the,NMB.
Once again you avoid the questions brought forth.  I don't get it?  Really?  Typical 700 response, speaks volumes.  BTW, you, sir didn't prove shite...
blue collar said:
I've read it before. I don't doubt that they have it set up to be 'either vote for the alliance, or you will be non union'. Don't look for me to defend the actions of the TWU and IAM with this alliance- I would be totally against it. It goes to show that they can't compete with other unions if they would choose to only have those two options- including competing against each other. But that doesn't speak to the labor movement as a whole, which is what you seem to equate it with.
Kev3188 said:
I thought about it before I posted.

We've all allowed it to happen.

Union membership numbers and whether or not people would like to be represented are two different pieces to the discussion. You are conflating them.
I respect your opinions but I do not agree with them. I believe that UNIONS have gotten too involved in politics, and that is what has become their downfall. The UNION leadership is no longer focused on representing the membership, they are only interested in enriching themselves and gaining political power. You think I am anti UNION. That is simply not true, I just think UNIONS have lost their way. As long as UNION leaders favor politics over memberships the problem will never be fixed.
I actually like and have respect for you guys. Even if you are libtards 🙂
The unions are afraid a vote may not go their way. Spoke to a few guys in DFW  and the Unions (TWU,IAM) are scrambling to try to figure out a way to push the alliance through without a vote. They are also looking at a way to divide the groups into different unions for representation outside of the NMB's jurisdiction. The alliance is something they want at all cost and no regards for the memberships opinion. I never trusted the TWU and now based on my opinion I feel they may get away with it in some shape or form. In the meantime we need to get as many cards signed from both companies as soon as possible. You can not shoot a gun without bullets. The cards represent the bullets. We need to have the cards ready to go. Lets not play the wait and see game again and then blame AMFA or the organizers for the failures. If we as a group do not succeed then we as a group are the failures.
The fact that neither UNION can stand on it's own two feet without rigging the game should tell people something.
Tim Nelson said:
^^^^^^^^idiot alert^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

700 actually negotiated himself out of a job and didnt know it because he didnt read the contract he negotiated. (Did he or did he cut a deal?)

He finally had to pack it in and leave. There were other circumstances at the local...care to talk about that 700? The members want to know.
700UW what has the IAM done for you to garner such loyalty?
I am starting to wonder.
If IAM is shown the door do you lose the benefit of your "deal"?
Just a theory of mine but I am curious.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
700UW what has the IAM done for you to garner such loyalty?
I am starting to wonder.
If IAM is shown the door do you lose the benefit of your "deal"?
Just a theory of mine but I am curious.
The topic is not about me, when are you going to be able to understand that?
And how many times are you going to post tim's lies?
You do know he is left the boards.
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