So now I call Bullcrap on you also, Weaasle. I questioned where you were going with this on the other thread and knowing some of you past agendas here to blow smoke, I now see your just contributing to the BS campaign to confuse folks. Do you not agree that the Alliance will most likely require a SEPARATE vote by us before the Unions go to the NMB? If the TWBoo/IAM were to require a 'no union' choice on this INTERNAL vote, we most certainly need to tar and feather all who would perpetuate such nonsense. Take the time to read my other post:
I NEVER said anything about a separate vote. I said if the alliance files for SCS and there are or were not enough cards for any other union to get on the ballot, then the vote will be alliance or no union.
There will NOT be any SEPARATE vote before SCS is filed.
I don't disagree. Yes, in the vote we would take for who we want for our representation, a vote run by the NMB of which I believe AMFA will prevail, there will be the choice to vote 'no union'. Only takers for that choice would be folks with their heads in the sand and I believe that is a minority. The topic we are discussing is what at this stage would be an INTERNAL separate vote by us to approve or disapprove the Alliance between TWU/IAM. This is the vote that the TWU, and it sounds like you included are trying to perpetuate that we could end up with no Union, no contract. I am calling bullcrap on that.....putz
Putz? Ok read what I wrote again there doofas. Anyway I don't care who the heck you vote for or write in as long as no knucklheads check the no union box. You can vote for the ALLIANCE, IBT, IBEW, UFCWU, AFCSME, AMFA, CWA, BCTGM, or you can even resuscitate the ILGWU for all I care as long as you vote UNION.