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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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700UW said:
I have been told by the man who wrote the Alliance, it will be vote for the alliance or non-union.

Glad to see you are worried about me and have to bring me into every post.
The guy who wrote the alliance, is he a officer of the nmb? The nmb has rules they have to follow for every election. The alliance can say or do whatever they want but once it gets into the hands of the nmb, the nmb decides what is legal or not. BTW, what is the guys name who wrote the alliance? We would like to know so we can ask him several questions.
1AA said:
The guy who wrote the alliance, is he a officer of the nmb? The nmb has rules they have to follow for every election. The alliance can say or do whatever they want but once it gets into the hands of the nmb, the nmb decides what is legal or not. BTW, what is the guys name who wrote the alliance? We would like to know so we can ask him several questions.
tuff break looks like they might vote themselves out of a job they barely do anyway.
WeAAsles said:
If the alliance files for SCS and no other organizations get their names on the ballot there will be only two voting choices.

TWU/IAM Association
No Union

So now I call Bullcrap on you also, Weaasle. I questioned where you were going with this on the other thread and knowing some of you past agendas here to blow smoke, I now see your just contributing to the BS campaign to confuse folks. Do you not agree that the Alliance will most likely require a SEPARATE vote by us before the Unions go to the NMB? If the TWBoo/IAM were to require a 'no union' choice on this INTERNAL vote, we most certainly need to tar and feather all who would perpetuate such nonsense. Take the time to read my other post:

I don't disagree. Yes, in the vote we would take for who we want for our representation, a vote run by the NMB of which I believe AMFA will prevail, there will be the choice to vote 'no union'. Only takers for that choice would be folks with their heads in the sand and I believe that is a minority. The topic we are discussing is what at this stage would be an INTERNAL separate vote by us to approve or disapprove the Alliance between TWU/IAM. This is the vote that the TWU, and it sounds like you included are trying to perpetuate that we could end up with no Union, no contract. I am calling bullcrap on that.....putz

JABORD said:
So now I call Bullcrap on you also, Weaasle. I questioned where you were going with this on the other thread and knowing some of you past agendas here to blow smoke, I now see your just contributing to the BS campaign to confuse folks. Do you not agree that the Alliance will most likely require a SEPARATE vote by us before the Unions go to the NMB? If the TWBoo/IAM were to require a 'no union' choice on this INTERNAL vote, we most certainly need to tar and feather all who would perpetuate such nonsense. Take the time to read my other post:

I NEVER said anything about a separate vote. I said if the alliance files for SCS and there are or were not enough cards for any other union to get on the ballot, then the vote will be alliance or no union.

There will NOT be any SEPARATE vote before SCS is filed.

I don't disagree. Yes, in the vote we would take for who we want for our representation, a vote run by the NMB of which I believe AMFA will prevail, there will be the choice to vote 'no union'. Only takers for that choice would be folks with their heads in the sand and I believe that is a minority. The topic we are discussing is what at this stage would be an INTERNAL separate vote by us to approve or disapprove the Alliance between TWU/IAM. This is the vote that the TWU, and it sounds like you included are trying to perpetuate that we could end up with no Union, no contract. I am calling bullcrap on that.....putz

Putz? Ok read what I wrote again there doofas. Anyway I don't care who the heck you vote for or write in as long as no knucklheads check the no union box. You can vote for the ALLIANCE, IBT, IBEW, UFCWU, AFCSME, AMFA, CWA, BCTGM, or you can even resuscitate the ILGWU for all I care as long as you vote UNION.


1AA said:
So who is the guy who wrote it? That was the question asked by at least three posters on this forum.
I believe on our end it was Bobby Gless mostly? Of course with assistance from TWU legal I'm sure. On the IAM side you would have to ask them?
WeAAsles said:
So now I call Bullcrap on you also, Weaasle. I questioned where you were going with this on the other thread and knowing some of you past agendas here to blow smoke, I now see your just contributing to the BS campaign to confuse folks. Do you not agree that the Alliance will most likely require a SEPARATE vote by us before the Unions go to the NMB? If the TWBoo/IAM were to require a 'no union' choice on this INTERNAL vote, we most certainly need to tar and feather all who would perpetuate such nonsense. Take the time to read my other post:

I NEVER said anything about a separate vote. I said if the alliance files for SCS and there are or were not enough cards for any other union to get on the ballot, then the vote will be alliance or no union.

There will NOT be any SEPARATE vote before SCS is filed.



So again, the link provides a presidence of an Alliance formed where members were provided an internal vote to allow/disallow the partnership to go forward. You stated that we will not be given a choice on the Alliance before they approach the NMB? This idea of the TWBoo to join forces with the IAM without member input is good with you? I hope your wrong....putz
WeAAsles said:
I believe on our end it was Bobby Gless mostly? Of course with assistance from TWU legal I'm sure. On the IAM side you would have to ask them?
Bobby Gless? Really that appointed GED loser?  Now I am laughing all the way to the floor as I fell out of my chair. Hard to believe you on that one but I will have to ask him next time I run into him whenever that will be. I would love to see the bottom line with his signature on it. Just hard to believe since the TWU threw him out on his butt.
JABORD said:
So again, the link provides a presidence of an Alliance formed where members were provided an internal vote to allow/disallow the partnership to go forward. You stated that we will not be given a choice on the Alliance before they approach the NMB? This idea of the TWBoo to join forces with the IAM without member input is good with you? I hope your wrong....putz
JABORD said:
So again, the link provides a presidence of an Alliance formed where members were provided an internal vote to allow/disallow the partnership to go forward. You stated that we will not be given a choice on the Alliance before they approach the NMB? This idea of the TWBoo to join forces with the IAM without member input is good with you? I hope your wrong....putz
Hey Doofas I never said that we shouldn't have had a chance or the ability to vote on this alliance. I actually wish they had put it together and sold it to us for our approval. Yes we should have been given the opportunity to vote for it. The how when's and why's don't matter though because this is what they said they're going to do and I WILL NEVER vote no union. NEVER!!!!!!!
1AA said:
Bobby Gless? Really that appointed GED loser?  Now I am laughing all the way to the floor as I fell out of my chair. Hard to believe you on that one but I will have to ask him next time I run into him whenever that will be. I would love to see the bottom line with his signature on it. Just hard to believe since the TWU threw him out on his butt.
Why did you ask me this stupid question? What are you Rip Van Winkle and just woke up?

You already know all of this. So what's your point?

Oh yea I know, wait a minute. VOTE AMFA. Right right right I hear ya AGAIN.
WeAAsles said:
Why did you ask me this stupid question? What are you Rip Van Winkle and just woke up?

You already know all of this. So what's your point?

Oh yea I know, wait a minute. VOTE AMFA. Right right right I hear ya AGAIN.
No, I did not know he wrote it, just surprised he had something to do with it. He is not the smartest individual to have walked across the hangar floor.
1AA said:
No, I did not know he wrote it, just surprised he had something to do with it. He is not the smartest individual to have walked across the hangar floor.
I don't know if he wrote or more than likely it was the Lawyers on both sides that had a hand in it's crafting? But your really telling me that you didn't know that Bobby was a part of it? Seriously, c'mon? Your not some new guy in these forums.
WeAAsles said:
I don't know if he wrote or more than likely it was the Lawyers on both sides that had a hand in it's crafting? But your really telling me that you didn't know that Bobby was a part of it? Seriously, c'mon? Your not some new guy in these forums.
No, seriously would have never figure him to have a part of it . He is a real dumb TWU stooge. The TWU appointed him because he would do anything they asked him. He burned bridges in his own back yard (JFK) and now he has to face the guys that he screwed over. I think they call that poetic justice if there is any justice.
1AA said:
No, seriously would have never figure him to have a part of it . He is a real dumb TWU stooge. The TWU appointed him because he would do anything they asked him. He burned bridges in his own back yard (JFK) and now he has to face the guys that he screwed over. I think they call that poetic justice if there is any justice.
Listen man I really could care less if you guys get your AMFA vote or not and I have said that many times. If that's what you guys want have at it. But give me a break on this stuff. You ain't going to say ANYTHING that either union does or has done TWU or IAM is any good because you got an agenda to sell.

Reading what you guys write is like watching Fox news. All BS all the time.

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