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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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I really doubt the NMB has any intentions of certifying the IAM/TWU alliance at the new AA without a vote.
As the NMBs representation manual clearly spells out what happens in the event of a merger, if they didn't follow their own published procedures, it would open them up to all sorts of legal repercussions.
Now I am really worried! I think the TWU and IAM have something up there sleeve. They might have found a loophole to forgo a vote and not let AMFA file. I hope I am wrong!
Here is a link to the NMB website. The representation manual is the 6th bullet point down.
Refer to section 19 on mergers its fairly straight forward.
Again, I sincerely doubt the NMB will expose themselves to legal/political fallout that would ensue if they tried to certify the IAM/TWU alliance without a vote.
But, but 700 said we may be surprised, then "Bingo" to that scenario.... 🙄
blue collar said:
Why don't you elaborate? If it's an attempt to block another union filing- just say so. I am a die hard union supporter, but even I would be hesitant to choose being represented by the same union(s) that would try to suppress my right of choice.
May I ask why? Most of them are worthless these days. They could care less about supporting their members. All today's UNION does is funnel money into the Democratic Party and tell members how to vote. 
Suppress, what an interesting word. You are more right than you know. Today's UNION is a form of CONTROL, that is why they suppress your right of choice. UNION's are not there to SERVE you they are there to CONTROL you. 
As long as UNION's favor (Democratic) Party loyalty over membership loyalty you will always have a busted system.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
May I ask why? Most of them are worthless these days. They could care less about supporting their members. All today's UNION does is funnel money into the Democratic Party and tell members how to vote. 
Suppress, what an interesting word. You are more right than you know. Today's UNION is a form of CONTROL, that is why they suppress your right of choice. UNION's are not there to SERVE you they are there to CONTROL you. 
As long as UNION's favor (Democratic) Party loyalty over membership loyalty you will always have a busted system.
I'm not interested in your political rhetoric, so don't spew it to me. You have a slanted view of labor as a whole- and you are painting unions with a broad brush. Don't try to tell me that the people I have representing me are anything like what this 'alliance' is pushing - because they're not.

Edit- As far as them 'telling' you how to vote, they're not telling you how to vote any more than your church, your social organizations (NRA, AARP, etc), and such. Any one of those entities will try to get you to vote for whomever is more receptive to their cause. If you buy into the BS then it's on you. If you're too weak to think for yourself then you deserve the consequences.
This very well could be 700 trying to spin some shite at the last moment. However, I really hope this sparks and lights the fire under the asses of all the mechanics at both AA and US. Get involved, get informed, get all you can before this vote (if you have one) comes to a head.  I am very cautious about what I am reading, however, AMFA supporters need to get your as$es in gear and get the cards signed within the next couple of weeks.  There is a plan in the works to avoid another AMFA filing.  Remember the TWU and IAM will do anything--ANYTHING--to keep the dues coming in as well as keep AMFA out.  There is something in the works.  700 is lying, they are preparing in full speed, why else would he have posted that something is coming up that will surprise people.  I am truely hoping that it will go in my favor of thoughts, but I am not certain of such.  GET INVOLVED PEOPLE!
700UW said:
I believe in Democracy.
I'm glad. So would you agree with the NMB if they certified this 'alliance' union without a vote? Or do you think that the members should have a right to choose in this matter?
blue collar said:
I'm glad. So would you agree with the NMB if they certified this 'alliance' union without a vote? Or do you think that the members should have a right to choose in this matter?
He doesn't care as long as the IAM stays in control...
700UW said:
Go back to the US board, oh wait, you cant cause Timmy is gone now.
Last I checked you told him you were going to take him to a "higher authority" and that you hoped he had "deep pockets".  He probably just got tired of putting up with...... well you.
Everytime I read that I laugh so hard I almost fall out of my chair. You really are pathetic.
Tim Nelson said:
^^^^^^^^idiot alert^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

700 actually negotiated himself out of a job and didnt know it because he didnt read the contract he negotiated.

He finally had to pack it in and leave. There were other circumstances at the local...care to talk about that 700? The members want to know.

700UW said:
There goes your lies again.
I was a stock clerk when I left US, and we never reached a CBA in Chapter 11, guess you conveniently forgot those facts.
And this is the last time I am going to say this, you are lying about other circumstances.  So I have asked you at least 10 times provide your accusations and proof or face consequences.
I have all your stuff printed Timothy, time to admit your lying, or I will take matters to a higher authority.  Better read those posted rules of conduct about what your saying about your fellow coworkers Timothy.
I hope you have deep pockets.
700UW said:
Consider yourself on notice Tim.
And AP Tech knows my reasons and that is between him and I.
Get a lawyer.
700UW said:
I have to take choice three.
He is spreading lies about me once again, yet when called out on it, he continues to ignore it, just giving me more info to use against him, hope he has deep pockets.
And I would bet AH has him on speed dial and vice versa.
See since Glass took over negotiations, notice how Wiki and his information disappeared and what he posted before was quite inaccurate?
blue collar said:
I'm not interested in your political rhetoric, so don't spew it to me. You have a slanted view of labor as a whole- and you are painting unions with a broad brush. Don't try to tell me that the people I have representing me are anything like what this 'alliance' is pushing - because they're not.
I am interested to know what you think my view on labor as a whole is?
You say I paint UNIONS with a broad brush. If what I say is so untrue then why are UNIONS in such decline? Why have the American people turned their backs on UNIONS? 
If you find no value in what I say please feel free to put me on ignore. 
blue collar said:
Edit- As far as them 'telling' you how to vote, they're not telling you how to vote any more than your church, your social organizations (NRA, AARP, etc), and such. Any one of those entities will try to get you to vote for whomever is more receptive to their cause. If you buy into the BS then it's on you. If you're too weak to think for yourself then you deserve the consequences.
I am not stuck at church or social organizations for 8 hours of my life five days a week listening to propaganda. I am not required to pay the church or social organization for the privilege of working for someone else. 
People do not work for American Airlines because they want to join the TWU, they join the TWU because they want to work for American Airlines. 
If UNIONS today were worth a damn they would not fear Right To Work. If UNIONS had true worth people would WANT to join them, instead they HAVE to join them as a condition of employment (in a closed shop). UNIONS put no value on your UNION dues because they do not have to do anything to earn them. They have proven that time and time again.
UNIONS used to be good but, that was then and this is now.
Maybe you should read this.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You say I paint UNIONS with a broad brush. If what I say is so untrue then why are UNIONS in such decline?
Because we (Labor) have for whatever reason allowed the Right Wing Wrecking Crew to do it.

If UNIONS had true worth people would WANT to join them,
There are plenty of surveys out there showing that people would, in fact, like to be represented.
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