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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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Vortilon said:
So answer my question with another question?  Typical.  Most are ready for change!  Of course you already know this - as evidenced by the last AMFA drive missing by only 46 cards.  Need I remind you of the BS your boys at the International level pulled off by placing every person they could think of (dead or alive) in our (class and craft).  They solicited fleet service managers in DFW and MIA, and asked them how many cabin cleaners they have - that performed what could be technically enough to include them in the M&R group.  They tried to include management, people who fell off the recall list, retired people, it was pathetic. The TWU along with AA managements help got the stooges at the NMB to bite on including just enough of these types to dilute the vote in the TWUs & AAs favor!
Now try and deny that! 
10 years organizing and your guys can still be outplayed. Is that really the argument? If you had abundant interest then you could've had the necessary cards a long time ago. You have another chance now and can submit cards once the NMB announces the Single Transportation System for the application filed by the Association. Just get it done already...the majority doesn't need excuses, just do it.....Stop with the excuses and the whining, if the "grass roots" and the AMFA organization are as superior as shared then this should just be a formality. I mean look at all the ex-AMFA Members that were able to get cards for other unions and run away from them....It can be done, just do it already.....If you have the numbers.
scorpion 2 said:
I see. So forcing both sides into an alliance neither party wants will stop the card drives. Wow your a deep thinker.
To the contrary. If everyone is really as upset as you say it should make the card drives easier.....shouldn't it?
You guys are railing about the Association and screaming for AMFA, but there has still been no movement towards AMFA. On the other hand, if the majority of the Members decide they want AMFA, sign enough cards and actually vote them in...I'll just have to accpet it because it's what the majority wants. Unlike some of the AMFA crowd, I'd respect the choices of the majority.
whoop whoop said:
I can't believe you guys are giving these 2 so much attention with the craziness they are spewing. Let the 2 fools just talk away and don't pay any attention to the fear mongering trolls.
They hate when one of the sheep strays from the herd.
Got me, but 1.7% of the total 4.8% in Equity was due to the Me Too.
The me-too provision helped get the contract signed as the international knew it would but other than allocating 1.7% of the 4.8% me-too nothing happened. We got zilch out of our me-too provision. The 4.8% equity stake was just a convenient place to hoodwink the membership into believing they got me-tood.
NYer said:
To the contrary. If everyone is really as upset as you say it should make the card drives easier.....shouldn't it?
You guys are railing about the Association and screaming for AMFA, but there has still been no movement towards AMFA. On the other hand, if the majority of the Members decide they want AMFA, sign enough cards and actually vote them in...I'll just have to accpet it because it's what the majority wants. Unlike some of the AMFA crowd, I'd respect the choices of the majority.
TRAVIS said:
No new Info. The TWU 591 requires login and I can't get in, But some of the info can be seen on the login page by clicking on tabs. Maybe one of our LAA boys can get in as I'm LUS. http://www.local591.com/
As it is taking this long for a NMB designation, I think the Alliance is dead and it will come to a Vote and I'm all most certain the IAM will be over run by the TWU members by sure numbers.
BOB said it and I totally agree with him the IAM contract that they got for MX at US Airways was the killer, If the IAM had a chance it was then, But they as always covered their own butt's. So they sold us out again with a BK contract and told the members we will get them with the next contract while they put this BS alliance into play and now I think it BACKFIRED on them.
OR welcome to the TWU........
According to NYer you can opt out of the IAMNPF, is that true? Would you get the $2/hr to put in a 401K or IRA? 
700UW said:
AMFA doesnt elect their negotiators now do they?
And since you were APPOINTED to the Negotiating Committee why did you accept it if you werent elected to the Negotiating Committee?
You cant have it both ways there Bob.
The IAM District chooses the Negotiating Committee with input from the IAM Transportation Department.
All Local Presidents sit on the Negotiating Committee. I wasn't appointed, I was elected by the members. So the members pick, in the IAM the International gets to pick YES men. 
Rogallo said:
+1 only because I can't add more.
He claims he "respects the choices of the majority" while out of the other side of his mouth promotes denying them the ability to make that choice.
ThirdSeatHero said:
+1 only because I can't add more.
He claims he "respects the choices of the majority" while out of the other side of his mouth promotes denying them the ability to make that choice.
700UW said:
AMFA doesnt elect their negotiators now do they?
And since you were APPOINTED to the Negotiating Committee why did you accept it if you werent elected to the Negotiating Committee?
You cant have it both ways there Bob.
The IAM District chooses the Negotiating Committee with input from the IAM Transportation Department.
Gee why do you always have to be a tool.
Your question has been answered time and time again but you a$$ clowns continue your disinformation.
That's why you snake oil salesmen and a$$ clowns need to be replaced.
B) xUT
Bob Owens said:
All Local Presidents sit on the Negotiating Committee. I wasn't appointed, I was elected by the members. So the members pick, in the IAM the International gets to pick YES men. 
Correct Bob.  With AMFA we already know the entire job and what committees each officer will sit in on as well as who will be on the Nego cmte at contract talks.  All officers {including nego cmte} are all elected into their positions with AMFA, never are they appointed unless an opening becomes quickly vacant and then someone is usually appointed temporarily until new ballots can be rounded up and ballots sent out to the membership for a vote.  Don't listen to 700 he likes to spread misinformation.  After all he is in full support of this BS alliance and won't even affect him (so he says) at all...
Bob Owens said:
According to NYer you can opt out of the IAMNPF, is that true? Would you get the $2/hr to put in a 401K or IRA? 
Bob unless it's in fine print some were,( In other words hidden from the members) No.. But you can opt not to add too the fund with your own money to the IAMNPF, So No the money can not be put in a 401k or IRA that was meant for the PF. And we do not get company match on our 401k that was given up for this BS IAMNPF, We also gave up Profit Sharing. The rope just gets tighter around our necks as they use any means to keep us tied to the PF. They Will Not Even Get Us A Good Wage To Have The Money To Invest In Another Form Of Retirement As That Would Loosen Their Grip On Our Necks.
scorpion 2 said:
The me-too provision helped get the contract signed as the international knew it would but other than allocating 1.7% of the 4.8% me-too nothing happened. We got zilch out of our me-too provision. The 4.8% equity stake was just a convenient place to hoodwink the membership into believing they got me-tood.
The "Me Too" prevented a 20% cut and it was brought back to 17%. In dollars, that would be about $60M we were able to get back into our CBA's. However, I understand how facts are an inconvenient attribute agains the thick anti-TWU rhetoric.
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