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TWU and IAM representation alliance vote

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)

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700UW said:
Hey John John,
You are an agent at US and in the CWA, why did you vote in this poll?
And to Thirdseathero, you arent employed at AA or US, why did you vote in this poll?
Gee even you swamt voted in the poll, yet you are at WN?
All the no voters, gee non-AAers are voting, funny didnt see any of the AA mechanics who chasited the two yes votes, yet say nothing about non-aa and non-us people voting,
chellow, iluvaa, swamt, pdr, toroshark, Bob Owens, comatose, CactUS4Ever, BigMac, TopCat870, enough already, dfw gen, Vortilon, 1AA, Buster CRC, Duke787, paul1, OldBubba, richardhead, ThirdSeatHero, john john, bikeguy, Mr Red, 2ndGENAMT, scorpion 2, AA-MRO.COM, Ronin, chilokie1, 767 mechanic, Real tired, bigjets, 99Roadstar, MetalMover, CMH_GSE, Runwaysticker, OldGuy@AA, The Dissident, AP Tech
Why do you care?  Its not your poll, this is a forum where people share thoughts and ideas.
737823 said:
Why do you care?  Its not your poll, this is a forum where people share thoughts and ideas.
Ask yourself the same question.
And if you had brain power you would realize several AA mechanics called out people for voting yes when they were neither in the mechanic and related thread.
Now go back under your bridge.
The poll was AA specific, not for a UA, WN or a non-mechanic and related AA/US employee to vote in.
700UW said:
Ask yourself the same question.
And if you had brain power you would realize several AA mechanics called out people for voting yes when they were neither in the mechanic and related thread.
Now go back under your bridge.
The poll was AA specific, not for a UA, WN or a non-mechanic and related AA/US employee to vote in.
So funny you attack AMFA yet defend the IAM relentlessly and won't respect that AMTs don't want or need your involvement.  You were a stock clerk who has been separated from USAIR since 2005 yet you still post this BS about the IAM and insist you don't work for them yet "help" during the IBT raid and will be involved with the alliance vote.
737823 said:
So funny you attack AMFA yet defend the IAM relentlessly and won't respect that AMTs don't want or need your involvement.  You were a stock clerk who has been separated from USAIR since 2005 yet you still post this BS about the IAM and insist you don't work for them yet "help" during the IBT raid and will be involved with the alliance vote.
The topic is the poll and the alliance, not 700UW.
And you are just a passenger as you claim, but yet you stick your nose in every thread, you spew your hatred for US, the IAM and its employees.  You insult the US FAs with your comments.
And I see you have broken your word once again but posting in the Mechanic thread when you promised a certain AA mechanic that you wouldnt.
And a handful of mechanics that post here dont speak for the almost 17,000 Mechanic and Related at the New AA.
Go back to the US board, oh wait, you cant cause Timmy is gone now.
700UW said:
The topic is the poll and the alliance, not 700UW.
And you are just a passenger as you claim, but yet you stick your nose in every thread, you spew your hatred for US, the IAM and its employees.  You insult the US FAs with your comments.
And I see you have broken your word once again but posting in the Mechanic thread when you promised a certain AA mechanic that you wouldnt.
And a handful of mechanics that post here dont speak for the almost 17,000 Mechanic and Related at the New AA.
Go back to the US board, oh wait, you cant cause Timmy is gone now.
Funny how you just described yourself.
Experience, Education, Training, Knowledge and actually used it and lived it.
Its shows all about certain posters when they cant debate the issue with facts so instead they attack the poster, its typical of the boards.
700UW said:
Experience, Education, Training, Knowledge and actually used it and lived it.
Its shows all about certain posters when they cant debate the issue with facts so instead they attack the poster, its typical of the boards.
Again you just described yourself. Way to go, your 2 for 2. Care to try for the Trifecta?
700UW said:
The Poll:
I am an A/C maint.  If the poster wanted it carrier(s) only should have set a password.  In general it asked if any A/C maint tech would vote for the said alliance...

Will you vote in a TWU and IAM representation alliance? (A/C maint. only)
Was it posted on the WN board? Nope, are you going to have a vote in the alliance? Nope, it's on the AA forum, for PMAA and PMUS active M&R who will actually vote and be effected by it, not an A and P at WN.
700UW said:
Was it posted on the WN board? Nope, are you going to have a vote in the alliance? Nope, it's on the AA forum, for PMAA and PMUS active M&R who will actually vote and be effected by it, not an A and P at WN.
Too bad.  If the original poster wanted it restricted to the company then they should have made it so.  When it's posted as will you or would you then I must send in my response.  Why are you so worried about it 700?  Get over it and move on, don't worry about what everyone is doing.  Your not even in our field, get out before you drown...
700UW said:

Was it posted on the WN board? Nope, are you going to have a vote in the alliance? Nope, it's on the AA forum, for PMAA and PMUS active M&R who will actually vote and be effected by it, not an A and P at WN.
700, not sure what point you're trying to make.
I can tell you this, if there is a large ground swell of support for the alliance somewhere in the ranks of AA employees, I haven't found it.
On the contrary, I've found a lot of dislike for it and everyone , to a man, has said they would vote "no union" before they vote for the alliance.
I can't speak to US employees interest, if anybody has any insight into how the alliance is perceived by US employees, I'd be interested to hear it.

Much of the dislike might be a lack of communication as to how it will affect the employees.
When there is a lot gray area, we get nervous. This alliance is all kinds of shades of gray.

Some might say, well, no union is even more gray.
Maybe, but without the union dues.
Also, AA is largely tied to keeping compensation in line with its peers at United and Delta, just as Delta has done with its non union mechanics.

Also, don't discount that a large number of rank and file TWU members at AA are just entirely fed up with the double talk, broken promises and misdirection they've been fed and are ripe for something different.

We will see how it plays out, but if Vegas was giving odds on the alliance, it would show it behind right now, by a size able margin.
For the fleet I have spoken with in Dallas, no one wants this so called "Alliance". It has problems written all over it.
Having said that, I bet (on the fleet side) it passes with flying colors. Fleet has always had some tough talking militant types when it comes to conversations, but when the results are counted, something completely different is tallied. This won't be any different in my opinion.
Couple of questions for the AA and US mechanics and related.  When will the filing happen for the single carrier?  When is the alliance thing filing for representational vote with the NMB as we are being told?  
The way I have read, I believe the TWU/IAM will be nego as well as filing for the alliance within 30 days, am I reading this correctly?  If said alliance vote is filed and ran, how long will the members have to vote?  One day? One week? One month?   Good luck with all your up coming issues, I wish you all well...
The alliance must file within 30 days from last Friday, I believe everyone will hear something this week.
Also people might be surprised by how the NMB will rule.
Lots of high level discussions have been going on.
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